You knuckleheads need to give ABBV and Rick some Props.
IF you're employed here consider yourself damn lucky to be working for a premier TRUE Pharma company, that stuck with this oversized/staffed sales force, There are some who do little (MET) and others who are driven hard by management (HCV) Lootz/Haas. Y'all Solvay chumps are dogging is as are you Lazy spoiled Humira legacy reps who drug sells itself. Abbvies pipeline data read-outs and updates are a contributing factor driving stock.ABBV valuation won't go any lower and earnings are rising. These two will keep stock in low to mid $70 range. Rick and ALL corporations/shareholders needs Tax reform and then bring offshore money stateside. Also positive top-line results from on (ABT-494) for RAas and phase II study for Crohn's disease. StocK has an impressive valuation with a favorable P/E F12M (12 month), which stands at 11.84 and trades at a discount to large cap pharmaceuticals industry's P/E F12M of 15.91.Expect earnings to increase 14.62% in 2017 and 18.59% in 2018. The numbers indicate that the stock could see $80-85 range in next 24 months. BULLISH !! Be glad you don't work for Gilead which is tanking BIG LEAGUE !
"GIT" to work and make me MORE $$

AbbVie trades at discount because it has underperformed the industry and the market. Humoron humira reps are both dumb and lazy as fuck.

Trust that!


The Man, The Myth, The Legend....Rocking The Pharma World Without Any College Degree.
It's a bird...It's a plane....Its SUPERMAN ....The Son Of Miles Pulling in $16M/year

This stock will continue to surge until it settles in around $92 a share. While the latest increase might seem extreme, it really isn't. Abbvie has been undervalued for about 2 years based on Humira concerns. Now that these fears are put to bed it can grow from 12-15% for years to come. Hold on, it's going to be a wild ride.

This week Merck announced they were dropping out of the Hep C market. This will increase shares by another 2-$3. My source tells me the stock should be $102 a share by January. 4th quarter numbers will be huge and we will see the next spike then. I told you 6 months ago the stock would be $90 and you all laughed. Hold on......this is going to be fun.

Abbvie should have a nice 3-5 year run. Sales are expected to grow 15% a year. Dividend will increase soon and I heard there will be a 2:1 stock split by January.

This is exciting news., it puts an even thicker icing on my retirement cake. I knew when I left, the pipeline was strong and management in decision making positions were all top notch. The payoff is NOW! Looks like nothing but blues skies ahead in the foreseeable future. Abbvie rocks!!!