Abbott Nutrition

Patton was the beginning, the guys in charge now are bean counters with little ability to understand the business. Virant fell out of favor and got shuffled off, the VP of sales now has no clue, and the RM's follow in lock step. The DM's are the real joke and responsible for running off good reps. So glad to be gone after 3 decades in the sales force!

30 years, WOW. Peds or MedNut?

Are you talking about Don Patton.....This loser almost single handid took down a once great franchise. Does anyone remember his claim to fame? It was a plastic container that he called a great innovation that would revolutionize our sales........not

Patton helped Abbott destroyed enbrel we owned GI and then took over rheum . Don was a shing star compared to cheryl. Where do the uniformed trolls like you come from on here ?

i had the displeasure of working with this lunatic when he first came to Ross. He first order was to change our well respected name. He told a group he did this to break the spirit of the old regime. He then proceeded to tell everyone that he wanted to reduce the sales force by 50%. He hated salespeople and treated then badly when ever there was an interaction.

Can't talk now, I have Pediasure and Go and Grow to sell. So funny, I made more money selling Pediasure than most hospital reps made selling Similac. What a great company.

I currently work for competitor and have third interview with Abbott for RM position.I Successfully manage an existing territory with 45% growth for the past 6 years in the healthcare industry I have vast Experience in physician and hospital sales. I have 10+ years experience in the areas of clinical and community nutrition including 5 years in sales and marketing. My Specialitys are Nutrition, Nutrition support, hospital and primary care physician sales, specialty sales, customer loyalty. The offer by Abbott would be for significantly more than Iam making now ,which is around 130K base and 30-40K bonus plus options.Whats the culture like and is don patton still here ? The only drawback is I saw you folks were -3.7% for Q416 Why ?

Yes Don Patton is still our leader. For your final interview you will have to climb Mt. Everest tethered to him. If you are lucky you will both fall off and die a horrible death. Please don't be sad, this will be the best thing for you. Good luck and Happy Climbing!

No, I'll be climbing on your weak back if you're in my region tough guy. I will weed out folks like you quick and yank your lazy ass out by the roots. Look forward to working with you soon.

Joe carried about people. The nuts in charge at AN now only care about climbing the old corporate ladder and seeing how many they can push off the ladder on their way up. My advice to anyone is to find a company with someone like Joe in charge who will help you reach your goals. The guys at Ross Park currently are not the folks you want to work with. Be warned!