Abbott Nutrition

It was the ROSS folks that build this Division NOT the ex-pharma Abbott turds!!

When it was Ross, this company from sales and customer point of view, was the best. Our marketing was terrible and no vision in leadership. That part still sucks but now, so does our relationships with our customers, thanks to the new management who don't understand this division and want it to be run with a pharma model! Idiots. No trust by anyone for anyone including our customers.

If the model was do successful I would imagine they would still be using it.

And you would be wrong. Starting with Patton, and continuing onward, the Ross model, culture, and philosophy was converted to the Abbott pharma way. If their goal is to dismantle the sales force and rely on advertising (TV & print) to sell product they are on their way to success. It appears they are abandoning all institutional sales and the sales force that comes with it.

i would love to spill the beans on something I just heard about a rep that was with this company for many years and why he "retired". More like canned for being a dumbass!!! Google some names.....

So, all you have to do is google some names and it will tell you which long time rep got canned for being a dumbass. Hey dumbass, if you have something to "reveal" it can be done without names. Try some territory, initials, something other than your baseless innuendo.