Abbott Nutrition

When our Customer Service Organization was outsourced it was the most telling sign for me. We have lost customers, we are inefficient and the cutting continues. IT,Finance, personnel at the plants. I believe the first 2 quarters will be very telling for the future of Nutrition, could see the sale of our Zone and EAS brands.

What this mgt group doesn't understand is that morale is horrible right now. Reps are confused and angry as what they are supposed to be doing. It has become an administrative micro-managed job. Boring, no incentive to sell anything. Wake up mgt team. It's is slipping away from you very fast.

As soon as we get a decent offer both EAS and Zone will be gone. This turned out to be a disappointing acquisition.

Surely the new laid back, high rent space downtown and the innovative, customer focused CURATE line will save the brand. O wait, the Abbott name is not on the new bar brand, interesting.

There is no incentive for upper management to change. We deliver regardless of their incompetence. There are districts (including their managers) that collectively have about 12 months or less of experience. Keep up that trend across the country and the fall will be swift and predictable.

Larry Carbone wouldn't come back if they begged him. Besides, these morons don't know a good manager if they saw one.

Carbone unanimously was named "Salesperson of the Century" for selling the company on establishing a new salesforce which had negligible responsibility and contributed nothing to the bottom line. When useful reps were being laid off Carbone doubled down and got his group expanded. They are still around and doing a part time job that used to be done more effectively by the standard reps.

Let me bring you down memory lane....Enjoy !

Dear Colleagues:

Today we’re taking a difficult but necessary step in our ongoing strategic transformation. Our industry is evolving. You’re living the reality every day, whether you’re in the field or home office. Health care reform, the regulatory landscape, physician access, shifting stakeholder influence...this is fundamental, irreversible change, and there will be no return to the “business as usual” we once knew
Over the past year, our transformation has been gaining momentum. We now have to accelerate our progress.
We’re now beginning a major realignment that affects, directly or indirectly, every part of the business. Our leadership team has spent months out in the field and in the home office taking a hard look at where we are and where we need to be. We then essentially redesigned PPD from the ground up -- from promotional mix and call planning to value-added services. Speed and efficiency are no longer nice to have; they’re at the core of how we must do business.The success of our new model and our ability to sustain the business depends on a parallel realignment of roles, structure and promotional investment. This includes a role reduction to take place this week in both the home office and field. The notification process will unfold as follows

Today (Wednesday) we will notify affected Sales Directors, Regional Managers, District Managers and in-house employees.

Tomorrow (Thursday) we will inform affected sales representatives.

The coming days won’t be easy, but I can assure you that every effort is being made to manage through this process as quickly as possible. We’re committed to treating all affected employees with the utmost respect and ensuring everyone is given the information they need regarding the transition process.
I can also assure you that these changes are essential to PPD’s future. They’re about investing in new ways to maximize our market impact. Our current business model was not conceived with today’s health care market in mind. The only way we can maintain our history of success is by following through on these transformational changes, which will allow us to serve all our stakeholders more effectively and in line with their changing needs.
You’ll soon be hearing more from your leadership teams. What we ask of you right now is to stay focused on the work at hand, avoid the rumor mill and, most importantly, please respect the privacy of colleagues who are experiencing change.

Thank you for your patience and commitment as this process continues.


Isn't Don still with Abbott. Seems like a new VP is brought in to clean house, but we haven't had any large layoffs in Nutrition since Heather came on board.


When the division was created it made no sense and today it still doesn't make any sense. Guess what genius approved this division. You guessed it, Don Patton.

True, but DP has been gone for years and the division lives on. There is more to that in the master hospitals, no nursing homes, no institutional sales. Just physician offices, retail and media.

Carbone unanimously was named "Salesperson of the Century" for selling the company on establishing a new salesforce which had negligible responsibility and contributed nothing to the bottom line. When useful reps were being laid off Carbone doubled down and got his group expanded. They are still around and doing a part time job that used to be done more effectively by the standard reps.

Hey Sour Puss Troll: Carbone did a great job for us! Go stick your head in the toilet!!

Hey Sour Puss Troll: Carbone did a great job for us! Go stick your head in the toilet!!

Really? How did his critical care team do? How much did it add to the bottom line. Oh yeah, nothing and was disbanded. How's that Ped GI team working out? Pediasure, Elecare, P-Pep? Hmm, not so good. Years ago we had a good franchise with oncologists gaining acceptance for supplementation, providing samples and coupons, and booklets, pamphlets, etc.. We did it without protocols or written commitments. Not the BS the reps now are required to do. Great idea giving huge bonuses for making calls without accountability. No animosity from the AC and LTC reps who actually had to produce.

What about all if us required to take an office day on the 11th to learn about the new vision.

What if we all took off next Thursday and Friday in protest of the way we are being squeezed to do more with less, asked to deliver against near impossible time lines with less head count. I have never seen something like this mentioned on this site so I thought I would check for interest, so many things are chattered about, how about some action.