What's up?
It's all about getting all the business..or your out or they put you on a PLAN.
What should we do?
This management team has no idea how the business was built so how can you expect them to protect it let alone grow it. The only thing the Pediatric management team knows about breast feeding is that if you put them into a bucket full of tits, they would come out sucking thier thumbs. The Adult management team never experienced or understood BALOLFALOD.
your best guess is probably way better than what to expect. no chance of really making a bonus based on your hard work..just whether a jobless mom has nothing better to do than fill out a 5 page survey, with no specific hospital referenced (so no way to tell if it is yours)and actually mails it in. only zipcode of pediatrician listed on survey-which pediatricians are in 3rd place of our targets.
I have the opportunity to interview for an Adult Nutrition sales job. How is it to work in that division? What is the bonus etc.
Zip/pants/skirts down, bend over for your boss, take whatever they give you
If I have to fill out one more report, one more growth plan, or have to learn one more new system I am going to scream. You want us to increase numbers? How about giving us, I don't know, a MONTH without having to fill out a new report, learn a new reporting system, or "sell-in" a new discharge kit and MAYBE we can get something accomplished out here! Just leave things alone for a few weeks!
Have you heard the latest cheer from one of the former A-Gamers now RM? It goes like this:
Ra ra ree kick Mead in the knee.
Ra ra rass I got all my DMs heads stuck in my ass!
Where do you work? It is not that bad.
LOL!!!! And "...at the end of the day,...."