Abbott Nutrition Upstate NY DM trying to escape her job

When you stop and think about just how many bad DM's, RM's (RSD's), and VPs of sales have come and gone, its truly amazing how well some districts and regions continue to do.

Perhaps because there really are some good RSDs and DMs

Unfortunately there are very few good ones here. The best ones are the ones that leave their people alone and don't micro manage. Very few grasp what's going on and think its Pharma. Reps are what have made this company successful and some pretty poor competition hasn't hurt.
Every time you lose a senior rep you lose years of relationship building that took place. This business is still all about that. The best managers stay in the background and offer support when needed.

not amazing at all. these accounts were saved by many a good representative that has developed and cultivated these accounts over time. Simply put we are very close to totally losing this type of standard. Despite the wasted $$$ on crap marketing programs and gimmick products, we hold our positions as market leaders.

LT the Upstate NY, DM is losing all the business and is frantically trying to get promoted. She has made a mess of things there and now wants to leave the damage for someone else. This is Abbott nutrition 2012. Screw up and get promoted. Morale has crashed!

I met that pig 3 years ago with the Albany rep. I felt so sorry for him. She was so clueless on the whole pharma business and how relationships mean everything. I just heard they fired her after ruining the whole district she was trying to run. I also herd that doctors were asking she never return with her reps. Pitiful that it took a company the size of Abbott to figure out how bad she was. My condolences to all those poor people who had to report to her. By the way could you found an uglier women to represent your company? Glad to hear she is history.

LT the Upstate NY, DM is losing all the business and is frantically trying to get promoted. She has made a mess of things there and now wants to leave the damage for someone else. This is Abbott nutrition 2012. Screw up and get promoted. Morale has crashed!

I met that pig 3 years ago with the Albany rep. I felt so sorry for him. She was so clueless on the whole pharma business and how relationships mean everything. I just heard they fired her after ruining the whole district she was trying to run. I also herd that doctors were asking she never return with her reps. Pitiful that it took a company the size of Abbott to figure out how bad she was. My condolences to all those poor people who had to report to her. By the way could you have found an uglier women to represent your company? Glad to hear she is history. Seems like the mangers at Abbott need a wake up call on how to treat there senior people.

Managers are told to be mean and accusatory to their reps, good or bad. They have become facilitators of what marketing and upper management wants. That's why so many senior reps left and good ones are leaving.

That's no excuse to treat people in that manner. They make believe that they forgot everything they did as a rep. Fact is they became a manager because they were probably a horrible rep. Stupid is as stupid does. I don't feel bad for her. She made her bed.

Problem is, even if DMs wanted to protect their reps, they couldn't. The current RSD is a "yes" man, only looking to protect himself and his retirement. Nothing to do with actual business. Be an administrative star and you will find yourself on your way to smooth sailing and TPC.

Starting tomorrow, this is whats going to happen. No more fighting this terrible system. I'm beaten down mentally and physically, can't take it anymore. I will do whatever my manager says. I will agree with everything he says. I will never again have an opinion of my own. I will forget everything I have learned and what has made me successful during the past 20 years. I will forget the business that I know so well. I will put my calls in every day. I will make sure my admin is perfect. I will become an Administration Star. This will be the focus of my day. I will become a robot. There is no turning back. I have thought long and hard about this one. This was a difficult decision for me.