Abbott Nutrition Upstate NY DM trying to escape her job

could be worse - could be part of the Long Island group...what a bunch of shit shows..for one ..that old guy needs to move on...he has as much personality as a goldfish...we thank them for making us look good

140K ?! - that's depressing - Seriously - you've worked at a company for over 20 years and you only make 140K? That's pathetic. But thanks for the laugh - needed that!
See you at the next product launch - I bet your face will be on the bottle!

LT was forced to hire CK, and she has been sipping the COOL-Aid since the day they hired her, her real problem is that her whole life someone has been telling her that she is special and all the rest, she is a nasty spoiled brat and evil human being, lacking a soul, she would like everyone to treat her with respect but she does not recipricate, which is why her share is such a mess, she treats customers and her own reps terrible, she has been removed from hospital by security because she is so demanding( too much COOL -AID) and the wants the rep to fix her blunders. She ought to invest in some selling and customer service courses. You can tell that she is a great success by the size of her bonus or lack there of.

