Abbott gets 6 Month Lupron Approval

Lunches do not qualify for the gravy train. This is, once again, why we can't and won't ever make our numbers. Look at the back pocket of those docs you are feeding gourmet food too. Is it your money that is lining their pockets?

Lunches do not qualify for the gravy train. This is, once again, why we can't and won't ever make our numbers. Look at the back pocket of those docs you are feeding gourmet food too. Is it your money that is lining their pockets?

WTF you think the company is our money or the abbott reps money going to the doctors? wake up offices are not making any $ with lupron, just dont piss them off which it sounds like you have

The 6 Month dosage of Lupron will KILL patients. That's the real story here. Then finally the FDA will wake up and take Lupron off the market. It's being illegally marketed AGAIN for IVF, and Abbott made the Wall Street Journal three times in one week (December 2010) for illegal marketing of stents and drugs. When will the corruption finally end? It's widely acknowledged that Lupron isn't a cure for anything, and does more harm than good.

It is my opinion as an end user of Lupron Depot, this drug should be reviewed by the FDA immediately for all the thousand's of compliants filed directly to the FDA and Abbott Laboratories "Post Marketing Group". It's going on six months after receiving only two injections, that I'm suffering from severe chronic side effects, that both the company and your doctor tell you will be reversible within a month after the last injection....FALSE. I tried to contact the company and obtain information on medical treatment to reverse my symptoms, but they told me they have none. Just imagine all the woman and young girls who have suffered at the approval of Abbott's CEO, Division President and VP of Sales/Marketing for Global Pharmaceutical Division (who mfg the drug), failed to acknowledge the numerous customer complaints in order to continue profit and ensure bonus' are made. Bottom line $$$$ is more important than the health and well being of Abbott's customers. Take a look on the FDA webpage and research on your own how many recalls for other products this company has had and the FDA has yet to pull half of their items off of market...kick backs anyone? Pass it onto your loved ones (woman and children) not to take Lupron and caution on other products - nutritional etc they mfg. P.S. did you know they are using Lupron for Pedophilia castration and children with autism?

Well, sorry, we don't take reps with CC diplomas or Phoenix 'degrees'. Best of luck!

Hey pompous ass....I worked for Abbott for over 25 years in multiple arena's and now retired. I'm sorry to burst your ego but 1/2 of the Bloody fools like you, including the CEO believe they are too great to fall. They could not even retain Berkley they saw how screwed up management and HR was and wanted to work for a company that had some moral/ethical standards. Even your third party sales tracking system does not comply with regulatory requirments and falsified drug sale numbers are produced....I hope the DOJ/DEA etc takes you down at the knee caps.....Good Luck Charlie. Anyone interested in going to Abbott...think twice, you are better off with a company that understands R&D.

Thanks God I'm outta of there.......

my doctors are not getting any of that abbott money they have really tightened up all they do now are pizza lunches

Hey you....even lunches are a violation of Abbott's Office of Ethics and Compliance...hmmmm, I hope the FDA and DOJ find that after the 875 million dollar lawsuit, where you sale rep's claim to not have exchanged or wine/dined your doctors catch onto this chat room.....

Gee. You sound EXACTLY like the Watson Loser with the Turd in His Back Pocket! Are you his twin? Or does Abbott also hire from Community Colleges where they forget basic English and write sentences like...
'So. good luck...'??

I think Abbott has higher standards, Loser/Turd.

Ahh, Grasshoppa! You have learned well! I am the originator of the Turd In His Back Pocket, and you have delivered it rightfully so. Go in Peace, and call these Turds as you see them! But be sure to wipe your shoes when you are done!
Master Po

Hey everyone....the only reason why Abbott got this approval is because they pay the FDA off and the FDA doesn't know how to effectively review compliants. If you really cared about the patients your selling this drug to and look into the volumes of scientific literature published by English/Canadian/French/US researchers, all of them are fighting to get this murder drug off of the market. I know you make a great amount $ to push "false B.S" as that's what sales is all about. Some day you will have relative who dies or get's severe side effects and "OH NO" the R&D/customer compliants folks have no clue..."Not our problem", the same words the FDA said. I hope the activist groups continue in pushing this drug off the market before another one bites the dust. P.S. my sister died from Abbott's crap and that worthless company had "no comment". Maybe we should sue the sales rep's too.

Amen, Anonymous.

I too was badly injured by Lupron the first time I took it, and my life will never be the same. I am one of many victims trying to get this drug off the market. Maybe in 2014 when all the patents expire? My doctor lied and stated the side effects were reversible - in writing! My injury was not on the warning label. The FDA doesn't listen and doesn't care. Neither does Abbott. I don't know how these people sleep at night. They are all well aware the drug is dangerous and ineffective. These people make Bernie Madoff look like a saint. He only took your money, not your health.

Amen, Anonymous.

I too was badly injured by Lupron the first time I took it, and my life will never be the same. I am one of many victims trying to get this drug off the market. Maybe in 2014 when all the patents expire? My doctor lied and stated the side effects were reversible - in writing! My injury was not on the warning label. The FDA doesn't listen and doesn't care. Neither does Abbott. I don't know how these people sleep at night. They are all well aware the drug is dangerous and ineffective. These people make Bernie Madoff look like a saint. He only took your money, not your health.

Seriously, you are a patient that found a post from April 15 on cafepharma and decided to validate it. LMAO!!!!!!! Knocking it out of the park with Trelstar?

If Trelstar sells leuprolide acetate, they're guilty too. Yes, I'm a Lupron victim. There are thousands. I make it my goal to post everywhere as a warning to others. Just Google Lupron and all the horror stories come up. I don't want any more patients victimized. I cannot get the FDA to do anything about Lupron. But there ARE patients on message boards that have decided not to take Lupron because of the grassroots effort to get Lupron off the market. I myself came SO close to not taking Lupron because of what I read from other victims. I informed my doctor in writing that I did not want to take it. She wrote back that the bone loss was reversible. She wrote that it would be safer if I took it with progesterone. UNTRUE. I almost saved myself but I reluctantly agreed to take Lupron once, just to appease her. She wanted me to take it for two months. I said no. She said my surgery would go better and I did not want to cross someone who would be operating on me. I should have run like hell to another doctor. Lupron isn't a drug you can try. You live with your one mistake FOREVER. Abbott can kiss goodbye the $600 they made off me. Oh, I will cost them far far more in the long run.

Amen, Anonymous.

I too was badly injured by Lupron the first time I took it, and my life will never be the same. I am one of many victims trying to get this drug off the market. Maybe in 2014 when all the patents expire? My doctor lied and stated the side effects were reversible - in writing! My injury was not on the warning label. The FDA doesn't listen and doesn't care. Neither does Abbott. I don't know how these people sleep at night. They are all well aware the drug is dangerous and ineffective. These people make Bernie Madoff look like a saint. He only took your money, not your health.

It has been 12 years since I took it and it ruined my life. I still suffer the bad side effects.

It has been 12 years since I took it and it ruined my life. I still suffer the bad side effects.

High integrity and morality would be needed for the FDA, Abbott, or Watson to take these products off the market. The money is the only consideration, so this is the perfect product for Watson Pharma to sell. Principles, integrity and morality are not considerations at Watson Pharma. They probably would work against any action being taken by Watson.

i have pseudotumore cerebri as a result of the poison lupron depot. it ruined my life. i already had 2 brain surgeries to insert a shunt in my brain and will need a new surgery w/in every 10 yrs for the rest of my life. im only 24..... i had to drop out of college b/c my vision is so bad from the fluid in my brain that it was literally making me go blind. i cant drive, and im a single mom. lupron depot is poison. DO NOT TAKE IT!!

The side effects of this drug has changed my life forever...negatively. Please spread the word to everyone you know!! I've been searching for an attorney to take on a Lupron case for me and have had no success as of yet. Has anyone else out there or someone you know suffered from diabetes, endocrin issues, eye problems, heart problems...(the list goes on)since taking lupron??? Just looking for other victims to share stories with.

The side effects of this drug has changed my life forever...negatively. Please spread the word to everyone you know!! I've been searching for an attorney to take on a Lupron case for me and have had no success as of yet. Has anyone else out there or someone you know suffered from diabetes, endocrin issues, eye problems, heart problems...(the list goes on)since taking lupron??? Just looking for other victims to share stories with.

Sorry for your issues that you believe Lupron has caused specifically. Unfortunately all drugs taken have consequences regardless of their therapeutic class. Millions of doses of Lupron have been injected since

it first came to market way back when. The statistic probability of this palliative agent having a direct impact on major health side effects like yours are slim to none. When 1 in 100,000 or more are adversely impacted it is only an issue for the poor patient like yourself. The pharmaceutical and medical community at large are nothing more than GREEDY charlatans who only care about MONEY and not the patient's well being. I am truly sorry for your plight but EVERY drug will have a statistical consequence when given in millions of doses over time. All pharmaceutical agents are poison to the body and like life it is all one large crap shoot. Trelstar is a me too LHRH at best and will also cause the same problems if given to enough patients. I do wish you the best of luck and hope what ever time you have left you are not suffering immensely.

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