abbott diabetics

Why is Abbott so cheap with total comp and benefits with the DSA roles? Sure they will get some young blood but if they have half a brain they will leave as soon as they get experience. Why not pay for experience for reps that just want stability? And the vacation time is the worst I've heard of in the industry 12 years before your extra week.

What are you smokin! DSS during the last expansion came in at $85K. The PC reps being hired are entry level positions with salary's starting 50-70K...but they will get excited, hungry, and young folks. At least that has been what I've seen so far.

Why is Abbott so cheap with total comp and benefits with the DSA roles? Sure they will get some young blood but if they have half a brain they will leave as soon as they get experience. Why not pay for experience for reps that just want stability? And the vacation time is the worst I've heard of in the industry 12 years before your extra week.

Because these are entry level, 1st time pharma positions dummy. Abbott is too cheap to pay their sales force a fair and honest bonus for the work they delivered. Why would they pay green blood the $$$'s their worth out of the gate. WTF up dummy.

What are you smokin! DSS during the last expansion came in at $85K. The PC reps being hired are entry level positions with salary's starting 50-70K...but they will get excited, hungry, and young folks. At least that has been what I've seen so far.

I talked with a DM yesterday, he said he could go low 80's for my diabetes experience. Still way too low with bonus and crapy benefits package. Great guy though. The recruiter told me it was for a DSS role, and it was actually a DSA role available.

ADC base pay in 80s is an insult. If I’m going to run around delivering lunches and Starbucks all day long to retailers and nurses, they need to open up there wallet and show me some money. I won’t touch it for a base under 125k.

What is Dexcom?

Dexcom is the company loosing to Libre. Libre 3 will be in the EU and the world soon and will trash the G6 and the non-existent G7 CGMs. At present ADC ships about $2.8B in Libre where the Dexcom is maybe $2B for the G6. Also ADC sells about $650M in strips and meters. In fact Consumer Reports rates the ADC meters at the top (they do cost more).

Bye bye Dexie, crash time coming soon. Teaming up with Google did not do you much good.

Come to Dexcom. We pay 90 base with 60 bonus. And nice car!

The meter maid job always has and always will be a joke. So every several years a new bell or whistle is added to a meter. Bottom line, there are no clinical differences in glucose readings and the docs know that. Furthermore, thats exactly why the pay is so drastically low in meters compared to device, biotech and yes even pharma.

Why are they so cheap though? Screwing folks out of COE trip

This is part of the ADC business model. They’ve been practicing it for years. Reel reps in by making them think it’s device sales but it’s not remotely close. If you take all levels of sales.... device, disposables, pharma, biotech or anything else...... ADC comp plan is the worst of any.

Why are they so cheap though? Screwing folks out of COE trip

Have you heard of a thing called COVID-19 you Republican Trump sheep with a lack of any scientific understanding ! Probably the kind of troll that doesn't believe in masks and you probably won't even get a vaccine. ...and they did get an extra cash payment compared to the rest of the sales force. Wake up you maggot!

Have you heard of a thing called COVID-19 you Republican Trump sheep with a lack of any scientific understanding ! Probably the kind of troll that doesn't believe in masks and you probably won't even get a vaccine. ...and they did get an extra cash payment compared to the rest of the sales force. Wake up you maggot!

Are you really a moron or do you just like to play one on here? ADC was a cheap scale company years before anybody ever heard of covid. To attempt to play the covid card on this one makes you look like the worlds biggest moron.

Yes. I think that was what was said in the post. “Report it”. But the point is, if you are just trashing the company or device without merit it can be a legal issue. Quality issues is serious and should be reported and in fact it is required. Too many disgruntled employees and competitors use this forum inappropriately and should know there could be consequences to false statements. Good faith complaints -report.

WE can find out who posted!! And see who it is