abbott diabetics

28k at plan but IC was is a disaster. Only 4 hit goal and over half of the salesforce got a zero dollar payout in T3. I'd look elsewhere.

That’s what I’m talking about. ADC leadership has been trying to talk technology for years going back to coulemetric days. It’s scam tactics. I don’t care how good they claim the technology is...... bottom line is ADC reps make peanuts for IC. It’s been that way for years and will never change. It’s pathetic and below standards.

That’s what I’m talking about. ADC leadership has been trying to talk technology for years going back to coulemetric days. It’s scam tactics. I don’t care how good they claim the technology is...... bottom line is ADC reps make peanuts for IC. It’s been that way for years and will never change. It’s pathetic and below standards.

Do you think it is because it is primarily women sales reps? How does it compare to other devices within Abbott?

Scott is a compnay man and will never upset the status quo - he forced aggressive timelines to ramp up FSL2 production in Donegal (and sacrificed product quality to achieve those), got promoted, and collected big $$$. ADC is now left to clean up the mounting problems in Donegal ... ouch!
Seriously, you know that quality issues is not protected on an anonymous forum. If this is accurate you need to report it. Expect the fda file a disclosure summons for the above IP address to quantify these claims. It would be their due diligence. If your a a Dexcom rep or an ex employee you should expect them to come knocking too. Your claims will be investigated and possible libel charges. If they would see this post they would have to investigate a safety issue dumb a$$$.

Do you think it is because it is primarily women sales reps? How does it compare to other devices within Abbott?

Hell put your spritzer down son. IC is sales bonus which has nothing to do with gender. ADC sets the structure of their sales IC plan and they have been below industry average for many years. Targets bonus is low and average annual bonus payout is user 20k which is pathetic. Drink another spritzer son but don’t let them get to you drunk. Haha

Hell put your spritzer down son. IC is sales bonus which has nothing to do with gender. ADC sets the structure of their sales IC plan and they have been below industry average for many years. Targets bonus is low and average annual bonus payout is user 20k which is pathetic. Drink another spritzer son but don’t let them get to you drunk. Haha
Yes, agreed, but as a whole this division has a higher percentage of women vs other pharma and device so the question is-is this division suppressed due to gender?

Dunky would give the female reps some extra performance incentives out on the dance floor at the NSM. Rico Suave had his immatation Italia wardrobe throwing down his old school moves.

Seriously, you know that quality issues is not protected on an anonymous forum. If this is accurate you need to report it. Expect the fda file a disclosure summons for the above IP address to quantify these claims. It would be their due diligence. If your a a Dexcom rep or an ex employee you should expect them to come knocking too. Your claims will be investigated and possible libel charges. If they would see this post they would have to investigate a safety issue dumb a$$$.

Not surprised to see posts on quality issues at Donegal (and there are several at Witney too); FDA and MHRA are aware and investigating. There was a 483 issued a couple years back (available via FOIA) .


A) an extremely screwed-up launch of FSL2....
B) lack of equal reimbursement for FSL2...
C) Market Access f*ck-ups...
D) Dexcom eating your lunch....

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....don’t care if you rebate 85%....FSL2 was a loser from day one.

True, we could have done better with FSL2 launch, and certainly significantly better with our market-access technologies; however, its not as bad as the OP states - the idea is to get to a low-touch sales force, ramp up digital marketing campaigns, and expect the product to 'sell itself'.

Seriously, you know that quality issues is not protected on an anonymous forum. If this is accurate you need to report it. Expect the fda file a disclosure summons for the above IP address to quantify these claims. It would be their due diligence. If your a a Dexcom rep or an ex employee you should expect them to come knocking too. Your claims will be investigated and possible libel charges. If they would see this post they would have to investigate a safety issue dumb a$$$.

FDA's offices are literally across the street from ADC's offices in Alameda; FDA does not trust Abbott's quality program (since the days of the ADD conent decree in '99, $100MM fine, mass firings of Quality 'Leaders' like Marcia T, etc); Jared already exited Kelly D (the previous ADC QA VP on whose watch we got an FDA 483 and had 80+ late MDR filings) . FDA is well aware of the numerous quality and regulatory compliance issues with Abbott.

Seriously, you know that quality issues is not protected on an anonymous forum. If this is accurate you need to report it. Expect the fda file a disclosure summons for the above IP address to quantify these claims. It would be their due diligence. If your a a Dexcom rep or an ex employee you should expect them to come knocking too. Your claims will be investigated and possible libel charges. If they would see this post they would have to investigate a safety issue dumb a$$$.

Word on the street is FDA and MHRA are already investigating suppression of hundreds of Libre complaints by Abbott - this suppression is being done with collaboration between Quality, Customer Service, and IT. Within ADC there is an entrenched culture of management terrorizing any conscientious employee who dares to raise quality / regulatory concerns in good faith. Such emplyees are threatened, harassed, and forced out by HR (with a visit from the dreaded HR DVP Michael J).

Seriously, you know that quality issues is not protected on an anonymous forum. If this is accurate you need to report it. Expect the fda file a disclosure summons for the above IP address to quantify these claims. It would be their due diligence. If your a a Dexcom rep or an ex employee you should expect them to come knocking too. Your claims will be investigated and possible libel charges. If they would see this post they would have to investigate a safety issue dumb a$$$.

Forgive my candor, but your post is rather irresponsible: FDA encourages any and all good faith quality concerns to be raised openly (confidentially if you prefer) without fear of retaliation - this is also our long-standing corporate policy at Abbott. If you suspect quality shenanigans, report them and be assured that they will be addressed. Have a nice day.

Forgive my candor, but your post is rather irresponsible: FDA encourages any and all good faith quality concerns to be raised openly (confidentially if you prefer) without fear of retaliation - this is also our long-standing corporate policy at Abbott. If you suspect quality shenanigans, report them and be assured that they will be addressed. Have a nice day.

Yes. I think that was what was said in the post. “Report it”. But the point is, if you are just trashing the company or device without merit it can be a legal issue. Quality issues is serious and should be reported and in fact it is required. Too many disgruntled employees and competitors use this forum inappropriately and should know there could be consequences to false statements. Good faith complaints -report.

Yes. I think that was what was said in the post. “Report it”. But the point is, if you are just trashing the company or device without merit it can be a legal issue. Quality issues is serious and should be reported and in fact it is required. Too many disgruntled employees and competitors use this forum inappropriately and should know there could be consequences to false statements. Good faith complaints -report.

Given your tone, I doubt you are an Abbott employee. Your post can be interpreted as suppressing quality issues and even intimidating; you would be well-advised to better calibrate the tone of your posts. As a tenured Abbott Labs professional, I take great pride in our culture of integrity. Yes, we have quality issues, but we will get them addressed.

Given your tone, I doubt you are an Abbott employee. Your post can be interpreted as suppressing quality issues and even intimidating; you would be well-advised to better calibrate the tone of your posts. As a tenured Abbott Labs professional, I take great pride in our culture of integrity. Yes, we have quality issues, but we will get them addressed.

Keep smokin’ that good sh*t brother!

Given your tone, I doubt you are an Abbott employee. Your post can be interpreted as suppressing quality issues and even intimidating; you would be well-advised to better calibrate the tone of your posts. As a tenured Abbott Labs professional, I take great pride in our culture of integrity. Yes, we have quality issues, but we will get them addressed.

I agree. I worked there for 12 years and sometimes the emphasis on quality made work tough. The QA Nazis ruled...lots of paper work documenting how it was done and how it was tested. Tracking everything. I have worked in other medical device companies (and non-medical) and ADC was very anal about this stuff. I do not believe that if an issue was seen that anyone at ADC would just gloss over it.

Applied for the entry-level position. Out of work, experienced pharma rep. Do I have a chance or is it strictly new to pharma candidates? What’s entry level salary these days? Getting desperate. Severance almost gone.

Applied for the entry-level position. Out of work, experienced pharma rep. Do I have a chance or is it strictly new to pharma candidates? What’s entry level salary these days? Getting desperate. Severance almost gone.

Meters are easy sell. It’s mostly pharma reps doing it. Doctors don’t really care which meter as any of them can do the trick. CGM’s are latest bells and whistles but again docs don’t care. Feeding the nurses and retailers are your best bet to influence business. It’s a job but typically base and bonus not as lucrative as a specialty pharma job. Meters pay more like PCP pharma Jobs. Good luck.

Meters are easy sell. It’s mostly pharma reps doing it. Doctors don’t really care which meter as any of them can do the trick. CGM’s are latest bells and whistles but again docs don’t care. Feeding the nurses and retailers are your best bet to influence business. It’s a job but typically base and bonus not as lucrative as a specialty pharma job. Meters pay more like PCP pharma Jobs. Good luck.

What is the quality of life like with ADC and target bonus? I am interviewing with Abbott and Dexcom next week. Looks like pros and cons to both companies. Really appreciate any insights.

Applied for the entry-level position. Out of work, experienced pharma rep. Do I have a chance or is it strictly new to pharma candidates? What’s entry level salary these days? Getting desperate. Severance almost gone.

85k salary 20k bonus

Abbott wants young reps that they can mold. Experience is a plus but Abbott would rather have dumb newbies who they can mold. ADC sucks and is mismanaged!