Abbott Diabetes Care falling apart at the seams and Mgt. is looking the other way

Really??? Who would get your products stocked, on planogram, manage returns?? Not sure its RAMs may be DSS in high volume Medicare areas. Stop trying to cause panic and worry about your own job.

Really??? Who would get your products stocked, on planogram, manage returns?? Not sure its RAMs may be DSS in high volume Medicare areas. Stop trying to cause panic and worry about your own job.

No planogram needed for mail order or private label meters. Pull head out of ass. I repeat. Pull head out of ass. Over.

ADC is favorable with state medicaid? Funny I cant think of one state where they are dominant. Give heather a chance? Are you kidding me? Navigator, pxtra, promise and insulinx. Need I say more? You must be one of those people who sit home and do nothing.

Ohio - ADC is the sole meter on the largest MEdicaid MCO in the state - CareSource, this MCO has 80% of medicaid enrollees coverd in that state. Caresource is in many states and ADC could be a player in all of them - and Medicaid is a huge and growing patient population. Again not sure how this will effect sales reps - I mean when you are sole provider on a formulary do you really need field sales reps? I am thinking NO.

The above poster is correct in saying RAM's should be the first to go. Product stocked and planograms? You call that a job? RAM's to be let go ASAP! You ALL should've been let go the first time around.

Ohio - ADC is the sole meter on the largest MEdicaid MCO in the state - CareSource, this MCO has 80% of medicaid enrollees coverd in that state. Caresource is in many states and ADC could be a player in all of them - and Medicaid is a huge and growing patient population. Again not sure how this will effect sales reps - I mean when you are sole provider on a formulary do you really need field sales reps? I am thinking NO.

I am thinking you are a asswipe and dont know what you are talking about. One state with Medicaid coverage is nothing to talk about. Go yet your head out of your ass.

What's up with everyone ragging on the trade RAM's? My RAM orders strips and planograms. I should also mention that Hellen Keller could do their jobs. "No pun intended" I would imagine that Ram's would be the first to go. The business is changing and we don't need retail anymore. Pharmacists are no longer longing (want) Freestyle, only fret about cost.The initiative is Promise through ACS. Our organization cannot keep quantifying for lack of return on investment with the RAM's. ANYONE who is optomistic that any job is safe is kidding themselves. Ram's cannot sell or convince pharmacies to use freestyle, being that lite and especially Insulinx are too expensive. A lot, to their defense, is out of their control. With that said, put them out of their misery, save the division some money and lay them off with dignity like Bayer& Lifescan did. Quick and fast like road kill.

Best of luck!


Well look, I already told you! I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don't have to! I have people skills! I am good at dealing with people! Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?

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