Abbott Diabetes Care falling apart at the seams and Mgt. is looking the other way

Management is NOT looking the other way!

We are looking ahead.

You, unfortunately, are looking either down, or backwards. Either way, it's the wrong direction to be looking.

Several of us read these posts every week, and the one issues that is behind almost every post is the inability of most employees to get an idea of what the larger issues really look like. You are looking at them from the 5 foot level. We are like drones above with the ability to see from 10,000 feet. (OK, I admit, I don't think drones really go that high, but my point is still the same). If we have submitted a budget for $50 million dollars for a project, any project, we have to compete with every other division in the company. Hey, India wants a new 250,000 square foot plant to make the entire product line of Xylotroner that can be shipped all over Asia. Reduce shipping costs for this remarkable product line, gives us an opportunity to get into the Tibetan market for the first time, faster, newer line means increased productivity, and it's away from the shoreline so we don't have to rebuild the old plant after the next monsoon season.
So we, as a division, have to compete against that. With the regulatory issues that are going on here in the US and the uncertainty in the health care market, the Executive Board has to weigh these options. And if that means India looks more profitable, with a better future, then ADC will not get the funding they want. There is only so much money to go around, and we are all fighting for it.
Period. End of story.
Good luck to all. Abt is a great company to work for. Benefits are among the best of any industry in the world. But nothing remains the same forever, and Abt has to change in order to survive the next 125 years....

How did you get funding for the Promise 2.0 ACS program?

ADC is def in trouble as are all BG companies courtesy of the CMS COmp Bid pricing of 10.42 per 50 ct of strips - the domino effect has begun - the end result will be all manged care, starting with Medicare Advantage Plans - reopening contracts and requesting huge cuts in reimbersements - the the tradtional commercial players will follow. No one is going to survive at that amount - ADC is in worse shape becuase they have no other ore to put into the water - no pump affiliation - nothing! As bad as ADC leadership is and it is BAD - this is something that will overcome the BG catagory - period, end of statment.

Yuo got it right. First Medicare at $10.41 then commercial plans, Medicaid plans and how can we compete? We can't. Close the shutters. It is over.

Yuo got it right. First Medicare at $10.41 then commercial plans, Medicaid plans and how can we compete? We can't. Close the shutters. It is over.

Yep, time for you to fold up your tent and move back home to your folks basement and live there with your family. You are hopeless.

Look you moron: Somebody is going to get the business out there. if it's not you, then someone else will. Simple as that. And it doesn't sound as if you are going to be able to cut it here.

Yep, time for you to fold up your tent and move back home to your folks basement and live there with your family. You are hopeless.

Look you moron: Somebody is going to get the business out there. if it's not you, then someone else will. Simple as that. And it doesn't sound as if you are going to be able to cut it here.

Yes, someone will get the business. That "someone" will not have doctor detailing, lunches, meter samples, promotions, advertising, Promise type programs. No people with company cars, Marketing degrees, sales meetings, DM's, RM's. Just a handful of sales people to manage bids, and a small support staff.

This will be a private label business: a meter is a meter. CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, big PBM's will have their own meters and strips. Doc writes an Rx for "BGM", and you get whatever meter the pharmacy carries (theirs) where you go to fill your script.

Yes, someone will get the business. That "someone" will not have doctor detailing, lunches, meter samples, promotions, advertising, Promise type programs. No people with company cars, Marketing degrees, sales meetings, DM's, RM's. Just a handful of sales people to manage bids, and a small support staff.

This will be a private label business: a meter is a meter. CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, big PBM's will have their own meters and strips. Doc writes an Rx for "BGM", and you get whatever meter the pharmacy carries (theirs) where you go to fill your script.


Yes, someone will get the business. That "someone" will not have doctor detailing, lunches, meter samples, promotions, advertising, Promise type programs. No people with company cars, Marketing degrees, sales meetings, DM's, RM's. Just a handful of sales people to manage bids, and a small support staff.

This will be a private label business: a meter is a meter. CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, big PBM's will have their own meters and strips. Doc writes an Rx for "BGM", and you get whatever meter the pharmacy carries (theirs) where you go to fill your script.

Bayer DC just eliminated a large portion of their meter sales force this past week and those jobs are not coming back. Generic meters are the future courtesy of the CMS bid - and the "winners" WalMart, CVS, Walgreens and CCS for mailorder - this is the furture of the BG business - if you can not see this then you are too dumb to get your ass of the "railroad tracks" and will be run over - you can not fight CMS, the stage is set now the dismanteling of the BG biz as we know it has begun.

Bayer DC just eliminated a large portion of their meter sales force this past week and those jobs are not coming back. Generic meters are the future courtesy of the CMS bid - and the "winners" WalMart, CVS, Walgreens and CCS for mailorder - this is the furture of the BG business - if you can not see this then you are too dumb to get your ass of the "railroad tracks" and will be run over - you can not fight CMS, the stage is set now the dismanteling of the BG biz as we know it has begun.

Quit posting the same shit over and over again. You talk like someone ran you over. Asswipe.

Bayer DC just eliminated a large portion of their meter sales force this past week and those jobs are not coming back. Generic meters are the future courtesy of the CMS bid - and the "winners" WalMart, CVS, Walgreens and CCS for mailorder - this is the furture of the BG business - if you can not see this then you are too dumb to get your ass of the "railroad tracks" and will be run over - you can not fight CMS, the stage is set now the dismanteling of the BG biz as we know it has begun.

Real irony is so many of you that voted for BHO and Obamacare. So a lot of people in Ohio and Penn voted twice ... what difference does it make??

What we're seeing in BGM is only the beginning: it's the future of pharma. Be careful what you wish for: there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Viva Santa Obama!

Real irony is so many of you that voted for BHO and Obamacare. So a lot of people in Ohio and Penn voted twice ... what difference does it make??

What we're seeing in BGM is only the beginning: it's the future of pharma. Be careful what you wish for: there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Viva Santa Obama!

You're a tard.

You're a tard.

I believe our "CNN reporter" has found another thread ... and become offended.

I understand how you feel: you all worked so hard to get The One anointed for a second term (and that wasn't easy, given all the reality that needed to be ignored or spun). And here we are being ungrateful. We just don't understand that this is really good for us, and the people.

I mean, big phama shouldn't be making all that money. Sure, getting ride of all those sales and marketing expenses (and jobs) will be painful.

But it's necessary, and the government will be much more efficient managing healthcare, determining what drugs are developed, and who can get those drugs, or procedures. Everyone will be covered, legal resident or not. "To each, according to their needs", right?

Tell me, since the US Constitution is just a dusty old set of antiquated ideals written by a bunch of old prejudiced white guys, just some thing we need to just "find ways around" (quote by BHO), shouldn't we just ignore it and vote Barry in for a 3rd term? Or maybe President for Life?

"ADC is def in trouble as are all BG companies courtesy of the CMS COmp Bid pricing of 10.42 per 50 ct of strips - the domino effect has begun - the end result will be all manged care, starting with Medicare Advantage Plans - reopening contracts and requesting huge cuts in reimbersements - the the tradtional commercial players will follow. No one is going to survive at that amount - ADC is in worse shape becuase they have no other ore to put into the water - no pump affiliation - nothing! As bad as ADC leadership is and it is BAD - this is something that will overcome the BG catagory - period, end of statment."

I am no longer at ADC but whoever wrote this has accurate information in my view. The dubious quality of ADC management is actually of marginal importance. No organisation, no matter how well run, can survive without drastic cuts to its workforce if the price of the product it sells keeps falling like a stone.

Remember what happened to the Personal Computer industry. A PC cost $10,000 at today's prices in 1982. Now its $500 for a laptop that is ten times more powerful than a 1982 Cray supercomputer. Only Apple Computer survived the shakeout of that industry.

Already fell apart. Now we are waiting for resignation papers. Its a waiting game. Pharmacy account managers will be axed soon. Marketing will be axed due to tv and computer ads and meter maids will be cut down to 60 reps. Dm's will be cut in thirds. Dunky will either keep collecting or retire with his fat pention. The division will be over as we know it. Bayer, lifescan, liberty, roche, and next adc. Hope
You all Find other jobs within next weeks to few months.

Management is NOT looking the other way!

We are looking ahead.

You, unfortunately, are looking either down, or backwards. Either way, it's the wrong direction to be looking.

Several of us read these posts every week, and the one issues that is behind almost every post is the inability of most employees to get an idea of what the larger issues really look like. You are looking at them from the 5 foot level. We are like drones above with the ability to see from 10,000 feet. (OK, I admit, I don't think drones really go that high, but my point is still the same). If we have submitted a budget for $50 million dollars for a project, any project, we have to compete with every other division in the company. Hey, India wants a new 250,000 square foot plant to make the entire product line of Xylotroner that can be shipped all over Asia. Reduce shipping costs for this remarkable product line, gives us an opportunity to get into the Tibetan market for the first time, faster, newer line means increased productivity, and it's away from the shoreline so we don't have to rebuild the old plant after the next monsoon season.
So we, as a division, have to compete against that. With the regulatory issues that are going on here in the US and the uncertainty in the health care market, the Executive Board has to weigh these options. And if that means India looks more profitable, with a better future, then ADC will not get the funding they want. There is only so much money to go around, and we are all fighting for it.
Period. End of story.
Good luck to all. Abt is a great company to work for. Benefits are among the best of any industry in the world. But nothing remains the same forever, and Abt has to change in order to survive the next 125 years....[/QU

Interesting. ADC has a trained sales force, with established relationships in the diabetes market that are getting harder and harder to come by. There are other products that ADC can hand over to this sales force so it does not require that the strip business be the only source of revenue. Any chance that will happen?

Every product that ADC has or partners with requires a strip. (Freestyle, pxtra, navigator(gone), omnipod etc) unless ADC comes up with an implantable device requiring no strip within the next few weeks we will ALL be out of a job. The bid was the stake in the vampires heart. Good luck in your new career.

although ADC has lousy commercial formulary coverage - one area they are winning in is State Medicaid contracting - now this may put ADC in a better position to negotiate for CompBId product coverage as well. Question of course is what impact will it have on the sale force if ADC becomes a Government Contract supplier (Medicaid CMS) ?

Interesting. ADC has a trained sales force, with established relationships in the diabetes market that are getting harder and harder to come by. There are other products that ADC can hand over to this sales force so it does not require that the strip business be the only source of revenue. Any chance that will happen?

What are these products and who is paying for them?

ADC is favorable with state medicaid? Funny I cant think of one state where they are dominant. Give heather a chance? Are you kidding me? Navigator, pxtra, promise and insulinx. Need I say more? You must be one of those people who sit home and do nothing.

Medicare is one of Bayer's biggest books of business. Competitive bidding and recent decisions made under the fiscal cliff agreement are impacting reimbursement at retail across the nation and is the culprit to the upcoming ADC layoffs.

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