Abbott Diabetes Care falling apart at the seams and Mgt. is looking the other way


Corruption at it's finest

You are one sick puppy. Go find a job that fits your skill set, whatever that may be, Lord only knows.
It always amazes me as how some people get hired here, despite all the help from recruiters and HR and all... what was the DM thinking? Actually, let me rephrase that: It doesn't ALWAYS amaze me, only sometimes. Mostly, we hire some pretty sharp folks. They "have respect for the integrity of the work day" is how it is looked upon here in the AP.
That's important.

Management is not looking the other way. Whatever they are doing, they not only know it, but so does the highest levels of the organization. This place has been stinking and festering for years. Look at senior management: they comprise the lowest, most disgraceful, incompetent boobs Abbott has not been able, for one reason or another, fire. When they flush the toilet at the Park, the pipe runs straight to Alameda.

ADC execs are idiots. Bastards
I bet their bonuses are huge at DSS's expense. They blame reps for everything. They think we don't have a brain. Making a big deal of the disgraceful percent of InsuLinx market share. Laughable, you would think the trend shows it goes up 10% vs a hundredth of a percent. First Navigator and FSINSULINX and FSP, will Karma bite their arrogant asses.

ADC execs are idiots. Bastards
I bet their bonuses are huge at DSS's expense. They blame reps for everything. They think we don't have a brain. Making a big deal of the disgraceful percent of InsuLinx market share. Laughable, you would think the trend shows it goes up 10% vs a hundredth of a percent. First Navigator and FSINSULINX and FSP, will Karma bite their arrogant asses.

Hey hunny. Calm down there sugum. The reps aren't even on the radar. It's all about return and profits. All at the expense of the customer and employees.

ADC is done

ADC is def in trouble as are all BG companies courtesy of the CMS COmp Bid pricing of 10.42 per 50 ct of strips - the domino effect has begun - the end result will be all manged care, starting with Medicare Advantage Plans - reopening contracts and requesting huge cuts in reimbersements - the the tradtional commercial players will follow. No one is going to survive at that amount - ADC is in worse shape becuase they have no other ore to put into the water - no pump affiliation - nothing! As bad as ADC leadership is and it is BAD - this is something that will overcome the BG catagory - period, end of statment.

The ADC turn out the lights party coming your way! Management is discussing a plan as we speak to reduce overhead. ADC will not be profitabile after July. Get out while you can!!

Management is NOT looking the other way!

We are looking ahead.

You, unfortunately, are looking either down, or backwards. Either way, it's the wrong direction to be looking.

Several of us read these posts every week, and the one issues that is behind almost every post is the inability of most employees to get an idea of what the larger issues really look like. You are looking at them from the 5 foot level. We are like drones above with the ability to see from 10,000 feet. (OK, I admit, I don't think drones really go that high, but my point is still the same). If we have submitted a budget for $50 million dollars for a project, any project, we have to compete with every other division in the company. Hey, India wants a new 250,000 square foot plant to make the entire product line of Xylotroner that can be shipped all over Asia. Reduce shipping costs for this remarkable product line, gives us an opportunity to get into the Tibetan market for the first time, faster, newer line means increased productivity, and it's away from the shoreline so we don't have to rebuild the old plant after the next monsoon season.
So we, as a division, have to compete against that. With the regulatory issues that are going on here in the US and the uncertainty in the health care market, the Executive Board has to weigh these options. And if that means India looks more profitable, with a better future, then ADC will not get the funding they want. There is only so much money to go around, and we are all fighting for it.
Period. End of story.
Good luck to all. Abt is a great company to work for. Benefits are among the best of any industry in the world. But nothing remains the same forever, and Abt has to change in order to survive the next 125 years....

Management is NOT looking the other way!

We are looking ahead.

You, unfortunately, are looking either down, or backwards. Either way, it's the wrong direction to be looking.

Several of us read these posts every week, and the one issues that is behind almost every post is the inability of most employees to get an idea of what the larger issues really look like. You are looking at them from the 5 foot level. We are like drones above with the ability to see from 10,000 feet. (OK, I admit, I don't think drones really go that high, but my point is still the same). If we have submitted a budget for $50 million dollars for a project, any project, we have to compete with every other division in the company. Hey, India wants a new 250,000 square foot plant to make the entire product line of Xylotroner that can be shipped all over Asia. Reduce shipping costs for this remarkable product line, gives us an opportunity to get into the Tibetan market for the first time, faster, newer line means increased productivity, and it's away from the shoreline so we don't have to rebuild the old plant after the next monsoon season.
So we, as a division, have to compete against that. With the regulatory issues that are going on here in the US and the uncertainty in the health care market, the Executive Board has to weigh these options. And if that means India looks more profitable, with a better future, then ADC will not get the funding they want. There is only so much money to go around, and we are all fighting for it.
Period. End of story.
Good luck to all. Abt is a great company to work for. Benefits are among the best of any industry in the world. But nothing remains the same forever, and Abt has to change in order to survive the next 125 years....

So, if so many of you read these posts, why don't you do something about these issues? Stop all of the BS stroking and just be open and honest...if those words are even in your vocabulary!

Management is NOT looking the other way!

We are looking ahead.

You, unfortunately, are looking either down, or backwards. Either way, it's the wrong direction to be looking.

Several of us read these posts every week, and the one issues that is behind almost every post is the inability of most employees to get an idea of what the larger issues really look like. You are looking at them from the 5 foot level. We are like drones above with the ability to see from 10,000 feet. (OK, I admit, I don't think drones really go that high, but my point is still the same). If we have submitted a budget for $50 million dollars for a project, any project, we have to compete with every other division in the company. Hey, India wants a new 250,000 square foot plant to make the entire product line of Xylotroner that can be shipped all over Asia. Reduce shipping costs for this remarkable product line, gives us an opportunity to get into the Tibetan market for the first time, faster, newer line means increased productivity, and it's away from the shoreline so we don't have to rebuild the old plant after the next monsoon season.
So we, as a division, have to compete against that. With the regulatory issues that are going on here in the US and the uncertainty in the health care market, the Executive Board has to weigh these options. And if that means India looks more profitable, with a better future, then ADC will not get the funding they want. There is only so much money to go around, and we are all fighting for it.
Period. End of story.
Good luck to all. Abt is a great company to work for. Benefits are among the best of any industry in the world. But nothing remains the same forever, and Abt has to change in order to survive the next 125 years....

Who's "us"? And do you mean "drone" like a male bee?

None of "Us" is allowed to read, let alone post, on Cafe Pharma. I can only think of two people who might be so naive as to consider themselves "us's", and believe they are monitoring Cafe Pharma. Neither are really "us's", but rather court jesters. And one of them is stupid enough to f up a commonly used business analogy that involves altitude.

Guess who?

Management is NOT looking the other way!

We are looking ahead.

You, unfortunately, are looking either down, or backwards. Either way, it's the wrong direction to be looking.

Several of us read these posts every week, and the one issues that is behind almost every post is the inability of most employees to get an idea of what the larger issues really look like. You are looking at them from the 5 foot level. We are like drones above with the ability to see from 10,000 feet. (OK, I admit, I don't think drones really go that high, but my point is still the same). If we have submitted a budget for $50 million dollars for a project, any project, we have to compete with every other division in the company. Hey, India wants a new 250,000 square foot plant to make the entire product line of Xylotroner that can be shipped all over Asia. Reduce shipping costs for this remarkable product line, gives us an opportunity to get into the Tibetan market for the first time, faster, newer line means increased productivity, and it's away from the shoreline so we don't have to rebuild the old plant after the next monsoon season.
So we, as a division, have to compete against that. With the regulatory issues that are going on here in the US and the uncertainty in the health care market, the Executive Board has to weigh these options. And if that means India looks more profitable, with a better future, then ADC will not get the funding they want. There is only so much money to go around, and we are all fighting for it.
Period. End of story.
Good luck to all. Abt is a great company to work for. Benefits are among the best of any industry in the world. But nothing remains the same forever, and Abt has to change in order to survive the next 125 years....[/QU

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