A total Recall Company - FMS is done

I bet I do more business in your contracted accounts than you do,so it feels pretty good.How good does S&N make you feel? You are smart,rich and fun with an amazing wife.You make tons of money and everything you touch turns to gold.Give yourself a pat on the back sir.... You have reached your destination....welcome to Mensa .

Sole source Smith & nephew ?? Next time you post please tell the truth.Everybody knows this is nowhere.

And how do YOU know what the rest of the country is using? Just because they may not use another pump in your region doesn't make that true everywhere else....you're just a naive Mitek rep...I bet I'd eat your lunch...

Actually I'm not and no you wouldn't eat my lunch.We don't dine at the same places.I hope you have a great day.How can you not? You have it made with that HPG contract and your high IQ.

Did you guys hear that the company that is selling tubes in Europe for the FMS pumps just got FDA approval. We received an email from them yesterday www.oxomedical.com. I am getting all my accounts to order from them, then I am going to take back my business later, stupid fucks do they think they can beat MItek?

And now all of a sudden, there's a new pump available jan 1st.....how long till those check valves go bad? I can't even get a positive that I can get the pump in January?! WTF?

Why don't you stop complaining about something that isn't here yet and sell something you have.No one is happy about this.You are not a sales professional,you are a victim to a world that you expect to carry you.Print this and save it so that you will always have these words to fall back on.......it will always ring true for you no matter who you work for.Stay classy my friend.

Why don't you stop complaining about something that isn't here yet and sell something you have.No one is happy about this.You are not a sales professional,you are a victim to a world that you expect to carry you.Print this and save it so that you will always have these words to fall back on.......it will always ring true for you no matter who you work for.Stay classy my friend.

Listen bud, I make a killing on all our anchors, ACL's and all the requisite disposables...but when my pump business falls out of my rear end, I scramble even faster to grow new business. I put in a minimum of 70-80 hours a week to grow. But when my company can't even keep a piece of silicone tube on the market....it hurts me. And now I'm told this new tubing will retrofit to the old FMS pump...customers don't trust me. So go jump off a cliff...please.

First off,I'm not your Bud.Did you just say that you spend 70-80 hours a week trying to grow?
I call bullshit on that.You can lie on all the boards you want but the real issue you need to address to grow is that you need to stop telling lies to yourself.Based on case coverage demands,inventory,emails and transporting instruments ... No way BUD.

My accounts are rolling with the disposable.You mentioned that your customers don't trust you,maybe that's the issue.Maybe it's time for you to STFU and go to another company,you are so good that every company wants you.Good luck Bud.All you have to do is tell the truth.

So how's your pretty little new tubing rolling out now? Every doc in my area is asking why the new check valve is better than the old....they're not getting any answers...loves and kisses, Arthrex

While the recall was a complete fuck up, Mitek made the reps whole by paying commissions on their run rate while tubing was recalled. Plus, this years quota is based off when it was recalled. I didn't lose one surgeon or account. They all came back to FMS. The duo is simply the best pump on the market.

While the recall was a complete fuck up, Mitek made the reps whole by paying commissions on their run rate while tubing was recalled. Plus, this years quota is based off when it was recalled. I didn't lose one surgeon or account. They all came back to FMS. The duo is simply the best pump on the market.

Agreed. The tubing thing was a major fiasco but I've got to give Mitek credit for doing the right thing with commissions and sales objectives. Just about all of my FMS customers came back. It's simply a great pump.