A total Recall Company - FMS is done

Heard Mitek is now having issues with their new Irrigation tube 284504... the chamber fills up causing the pump to spin like crazy... another recall on the horizon maybe ??? ;)

One of my docs just tried the new mitek pump called fms vue. He really didn't like it. Hated their new pressure reading. 4 years to come out with a dressed up DUO... LOL

Your docs? Don't kid yourself kid.Will he still be considered YOUR doc when he converts to that pump?Hit me with the qualifiers,what makes him yours? Volume? What happens when your replacement gets hired?Will they be HIS doc?You do not own him...hell you don't even own your car!

When I say "one of my docs" I don't imply I own him. He is a close friend and godfather to one of my children. I doubt you have any relationship with any of your docs. Anyway I wasn't trying to take ownership of this surgeon but discussing the new FMS pump. So instead of wasting my time and everybody else's time on stupid comments GO SELL...so that YOU can one day own your Ford ESCORT.... LOSER!

Wow!! I guess he told you! Can somebody tell me how to post pics here? I have 4 competitive company pumps ,I'd like to give them back..... 30 days on eBay at 200.00 each and no takers,even with tubing!! Also have Linvatek gravity tubing- 2 boxes 150 each.

When you represent a company that has zero integrity - Arthrex - recalls tend not be something you worry about. J&J earned the public's trust decades ago and cemented it with the way they handled the Tylenol scandal. The J&J Tylenol case is a staple in every business ethics, PR course in every school of business in America. For you Arthrex reps, school of business is one of those university things..don't worry about it. Therefor, J&J will always err on the side of caution and be quicker on the trigger than most companies.

Was in a surgery center last week,the new mitek pump was working well.I was there for a surgical table trial.Mitek rep,good guy,was opening up new anchors for the shoulder .

Mitek is back indeed with tubing with check valve ...
Still few issue with patient set (softness of the tube = kinking ...etc)
But day set looks like where the next recall might come from ...

Indeed fmsvue not working properly,
Fmsvue tubing is kinking as well, fmsvue microtornado shavers (same as Nextra) still have the exact same problems than 3 years ago ...