A total Recall Company - FMS is done


Every new product or any product is recalled. As a JNJ company with the latest FMS recall we are now without tubing until the end of the year. This is total BS, someone needs to be fired. I hope my competition takes all of my business. Thanks Mitek, its been real.

Never ever forget how much you suck.Never forget that you didn't TAKE anything,we gave it to you and every other competitor.What will you do when the accounts start complaining about your pumps?Sad day when the best pump isn't available.Wait till you go up against our new one
You'll remover how bad you suck then.Is your tubing packaged like your anchors?

Moral of the story here is it doesn't matter if you have the "best" of anything if you can't sell it...sucks to be you, I'll pick up the scraps wether it's for three months or three years its all new biz for me..jokes on u loser

Nothing is more comforting than a conference call when fifteen minutes is taken so corporate can pat each other on the back as to how dam good they feel they have become at dealing with recalls and back orders. After all we need to be good at something… Never hits their pocket. These are real problems that cannot be solved over a two hour pick up soccer game at lunch at Raynham “High”. We the sales force are accountable to things both in and out of our control. It is time for that to carry over to the “pretty people” who are preoccupied windexing the fingerprints off their diplomas in the palace. It seems to me that some of our fearless leaders are in way over their heads. Medical equipment is a little different than selling Toyotas door to door in Japan. No No I’ve got it we just need a Pepper scenario on angry customers calling on our newest recall of the day. Why the hell is Pepper never on backorder? How about an early morning meeting of grab ass at a batting cage when we can shave each other’s chest.

Are you ok? Calm down and go work for a different company,there are many to choose from.While I agree with many of the things you mention,I'm not so sure that posting your frustrations on a public forum will get you the desired outcome.How much of your comp comes from business that you attained?Demo to trial to close- through relationship building and retention?If you can put a check to each of those then be pissed,if not then it wasn't really yours was it? You can always leave your anger and work somewhere that you feel is better.im with you on much of your post but let it go or just go.

We have heard that S&n pump is horrible and that Syk pump is also.Arthrex? They are too busy dividing their comp among all their sub reps and covering back charges to even notice.BTW we are all hearing this from materials mgrs that can't wait for the new pump from us.We won't take anything back from you.Your accounts will give it to us.Any gloating on your part will be fleeting.I compete with a lot of good reps that have pumps,they have some great stuff but pumps?nah.Be honest about your pumps,at least to yourselves ...save the dishonesty bullshit for your customers they are used to it.

We have heard that S&n pump is horrible and that Syk pump is also.Arthrex? They are too busy dividing their comp among all their sub reps and covering back charges to even notice.BTW we are all hearing this from materials mgrs that can't wait for the new pump from us.We won't take anything back from you.Your accounts will give it to us.Any gloating on your part will be fleeting.I compete with a lot of good reps that have pumps,they have some great stuff but pumps?nah.Be honest about your pumps,at least to yourselves ...save the dishonesty bullshit for your customers they are used to it.

You seem pretty confident, maybe too confident but that's ok. If you are naive enough to think you'll get all your biz back after this you're an idiot and sadly mistaken. Competitors are offering cheaper solutions, some are forcing facilities into multi year agreements (because they have leverage w FMS being done) etc, etc...keep thinking everyone's just going to hand you back the pump biz.... Oh, and do you really think that Mitek is the only company coming out w new pumps?

As I just watched a 2 year agreement signed for sole source provider with S&N...they called the mitek and Arthrex reps, and told them to come pick up their product. The MM officer asked me to stay in the room whilst he made the calls....kind of uncomfortable....I know those guys...

As I just watched a 2 year agreement signed for sole source provider with S&N...they called the mitek and Arthrex reps, and told them to come pick up their product. The MM officer asked me to stay in the room whilst he made the calls....kind of uncomfortable....I know those guys...

WOW! You just witnessed the Only S&N Sole source deal in the country! Congtrats! those are as rare as the Western Jackalope these days!