80% of sigs from top 20 docs?

Just trace the A targets sigs from a cassata and it will improve your percentage. Lots of reps do this from their couches or pools all day long. Good raises based on A sample percentage. Yes, u can have them sign 2x and just tell them one is for a voucher even if u don't have any to give them. They don't have a clue

Troll here, have the day off. Just for your guys info...the entire industry is shifting away from signatures as a form of eval. My company has it's faults but we now work on an account system. One visit to an office is a call whether you see a doc, sample, speak to staff etc... The ONLY thing that counts is sales. It is the only system that actually moves business. Sounds likes Forest didn't get the memo.

FRX didn't send the memo troll..you created it.

Let's see if I drive by and wave at the office and they wave back that "is sales".

Just trace the A targets sigs from a cassata and it will improve your percentage. Lots of reps do this from their couches or pools all day long. Good raises based on A sample percentage. Yes, u can have them sign 2x and just tell them one is for a voucher even if u don't have any to give them. They don't have a clue

didn't get the options on the new software? That game is over..

Question here.... How do you get a B target to sign & not record the call? I'm getting banged on for my A target % getting out of balance with my B target %. So if you can explain exactly what to do, it sounds like it might solve my problem. (Btw, I'm ranked in the top 10% and very tenured. Yes, I have a young manager and this is what it has come too). I just recently figured out the double signature for samples & vouchers by an A target but haven't had enough time to see if it works.

Anyway, please explain the B target sig but how do I not record it as a call & still get credit?

You are very tenured and don't know how to do this? When you get a sig for a B target, save it , then when it asks if you would like to record a call, simply say No. Then go to an A target that won't sign, say VB wont make pts fat and record a call. That way you have a sig and you have an A target call.

You are very tenured and don't know how to do this? When you get a sig for a B target, save it , then when it asks if you would like to record a call, simply say No. Then go to an A target that won't sign, say VB wont make pts fat and record a call. That way you have a sig and you have an A target call.

Awesome! Thanks for the tip. And no, I never knew that. So will I get credit for 2 calls or just the A target but it counts as an A target with a sig? If this works it will shut my rookie manager up.

Awesome! Thanks for the tip. And no, I never knew that. So will I get credit for 2 calls or just the A target but it counts as an A target with a sig? If this works it will shut my rookie manager up.

You get credit for one 'A' call and one sig because you only record one call. If you record both calls then you are in the same spot you are now, too many B calls and not enough sigs. The beauty is, you in essence just got an 'A' target call and sig. The system keeps track of your 'A' calls but not your 'A' sigs.

I don't know about you but I can get my 'B' targets to mindlessly sign all day long but not so much my 'A' drs. I can go into no sample offices and make an 'A' call but no sig so the sig I just got from a 'B' target with no recorded call will make up for that.

Look through call and sampling history, I bet you will see some easy to sign drs will have sample drops but no corresponding calls from other teammates. Keep in mind, we all have different A and B targets so that is why we all have to alter how we play this big game.

Sorry, the tenured comment of mine was kind of rude but I guess we just mindlessly do the same thing over and over (I have become guilty of this too). It is just crazy how quickly we all click record new call after getting a sig but if you read that pop up, it will ask if you want to record one or not.

Reps Go thru all your cassias. Find some A target sigs that are easy to forge. They don't trace them anymore, they just copy the ones that are very basic. I was just told this by a rep who said that's how he stays ahead of the system

Rookie question. When I see a call in the history w no call notes from a partner could that be a sig only call? I see them all the time, calls w no call notes

I don't know about your territory but we rarely write call notes. If you want to see if it was sig only, click on disbursement and you will see the history and then you can match to calls.

I simply tell all my Drs that they can only sign for one drug or dose at a time. This way if I have a lunch and im leaving a VB starter Kit, A couple 40mgs, maybe a couple bystolic 5mgs too... I'm getting THREE SIGS BABY!!!! all from one Dr. It doesnt show to your counterparts in the computer as separate signatures either.... just check the sample log after it looks the same whether they signed for three separate products all at once or all at separate times. So here's my day....

Drop off Breakfast at an office with 2 Drs... 2/3 sample sigs right off the bat!!!!
Make about 3 or 4 stops from the hours of 9am to 11am to hunt for those other sigggys
Head to lunch and by sheer force get AT LEAST another two signatures... some docs know the deal and will sign all afternoon. If lunch is taking too long I'll grab a fat cow nurse and tell her my schedule is booked and got to get to another appt so can she simply get the DR to sign so I can leave. This way we both get what we want, she gets a cheesesteak, a liter of diet soda and a cupcake.... and i get that sweet sweet signature.
After lunch determine whether I need to blow out more of this insanely large budget or if I need some groceries for home that can fit into a cupcake or coffee drop at another office.
Worst case scenario home by 130/2pm with about 9 siggyys.... Fake the other calls and close that fucking laptop for the rest of the day.


Above post is sheer brilliance. I will implement today as a primary method of hoarding sigs. Might I add the following when you absolutely just can't leave the house or you make a full day out of the pool or mall: I keep a file on my smartphone for pics of signatures. After you get the oh so valuable signature don't hit any button. Even put the laptop on stand by for safety. When you get to the car whip out your smart phone of choice and snap a pic of the precious sig. Assign the name of the doc, notes about docs days off, etc and put into he file labeled 'I love my job'. You can use this to forge as many sigs as your little forest heart desires. Copying cassras is sooooo 2009.

Sometimes on days when I'm getting a decent amount of sigs, ill whip out a Couple cassras get em signed with no date and leave them for a rainy day. Literally I don't work on rainy days.