68% pay raise!!!


So I get 3 percent and this POS gets 68% to make him one of the highest paId CEO's in pharma. So when they tell us we are cutting cost and laying people off it's to pay this jackass that can't even deliver what he promises. Bottom line I am working less than I did before..


Pascal gets a 68% raise?!?! WTF and truly disgusting

The company had one of the worst financial year of all of Pharma and the worst year in the history of AZ and this fucking clown gets 68% pay increase. I hope he has the guts to show his face at our next national meeting. God I hate this fucking place.

they recognized how he cut costs? layoffs are a sign of a failing company not a prospering one. he better save all these pennies for when he finally gets thrown out for driving this company into the ground!

Real leaders lead by setting an example. Everyone can understand the Enterprise years concept, especially our CEO. I have no problem with CEO's making a fantastic salary. However a 68% raise when the company stock is not doing well and everyone else getting low low raises on top of a 700 person reduction in force is just disgusting. For years I suppose I believed in this company. I really believed in what management told us. Yeah I know I was naive. I was short sighted but I wanted to believe. I wanted to believe this was an honorable career and great company to work for. The past six months have killed all this in me. Some will say if I'm not happy get out. Well that is just what I'm doing. I have accepted another position outside this industry and will shortly give notice. I have a lot of friends here. Most are "hanging on" as they say. Many are over 50 and know they cannot duplicate their salary somewhere else. This is sad. I feel for them as they have to stay. My advice...get out if you can.

I was one who was downsized last year. I have nothing but great things to say about most of my field colleagues. We had a great district who looked out for one another.The so called leaders at AZ however have absolutely killed this company. The culture has changed so badly and so quickly, even before i was let go with many others. I hope for the best for those who were left working there. Fortunately I landed with another company. I will be looking out for my fellow AZ workers who are looking to get out of there, keeping them in mind whenver i see an opportunity come up. They deserve better. Good luck all.

this asshole gets 68%!! Really! Fuck I didn't even want to come over to this POS company. I blame BMS for my misery, but I haven't worked hard in the 2 years I been here so I guess we're even.

Real leaders lead by setting an example. Everyone can understand the Enterprise years concept, especially our CEO. I have no problem with CEO's making a fantastic salary. However a 68% raise when the company stock is not doing well and everyone else getting low low raises on top of a 700 person reduction in force is just disgusting. For years I suppose I believed in this company. I really believed in what management told us. Yeah I know I was naive. I was short sighted but I wanted to believe. I wanted to believe this was an honorable career and great company to work for. The past six months have killed all this in me. Some will say if I'm not happy get out. Well that is just what I'm doing. I have accepted another position outside this industry and will shortly give notice. I have a lot of friends here. Most are "hanging on" as they say. Many are over 50 and know they cannot duplicate their salary somewhere else. This is sad. I feel for them as they have to stay. My advice...get out if you can.

Couldn't agree with the you more. If can, get out. Hanging in there is no good. There is no rewind with your time. Before you know it, years pass and it will be difficult to progress at AZ or elsewhere. AZ leaders are the worst, all of them. Just want you to believe while smiling and lying directly to your face

Seriously what a cunt,.. have a soul and NOT take a raise in a year where you layed off hundreds. They say every CEO has a twinge of sociopathic tendencies well Pascal is proving that 10 fold. This is what is wrong with the world,people taking way to much than they deserve and not giving a shit for anybody or anything. He will justify this in his head but what turns out to be a 6 million dollar increase in pay is just plain disgusting. Go fuck yourself. I'm the farthest thing from a socialist but where's your soul.

68 percent is fucking unreal!! What a fucking asshole to even have the balls to take that when we are "trying" to hit the ole 50 billion mark. This company is an embarrassment.

I am ashamed to say I work for AZ, as it isn't known for anything any more, never makes any top ten list for pipeline or great companies to work for. So to think that our CEO (who no one here respects anyway) gets a 6 million dollar raise, is one of the highest paid CEOs in the industry is horrendous. It can only mean that he is lining his pockets for when the board realizes that increased profits by reducing headcount and admin cost is not actually a long term plan for revenue generation. I'll keep taking my own 6 figure salary for doing nothing because like so many us, I just don't give a shit any more.

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