50% of Eye Care Sales Force Gone


While it's unfortunate that this happened, there were too many reps to begin with.
Yeah, I knew a few weeks after I was hired in 2016 that my time here was going to be brief. 4 reps calling on the same doctors spewing the same message they have heard for 15 years is not a sustainable business model, or career..

people with a poor work ethic are attracted to these jobs, hang out and hide as long as they can, then try to go out and find another job where they work 2 hours a day and do little. You are going to be shocked in the big bad world out there of grown ups and hard work expectations, cupcakes.

people with a poor work ethic are attracted to these jobs, hang out and hide as long as they can, then try to go out and find another job where they work 2 hours a day and do little. You are going to be shocked in the big bad world out there of grown ups and hard work expectations, cupcakes.

You can trivialize any job you jerk. These are real people with real families to support losing their job. Unless you are digging wells for the poor in Eritrea I’m sure you are in a BS profession

You can trivialize any job you jerk. These are real people with real families to support losing their job. Unless you are digging wells for the poor in Eritrea I’m sure you are in a BS profession

I was with legacy Allergan in Irvine and lost my job. You know who cares about it? Nobody! I packed up my family and relocated to the east coast. Sold our dream house, had to pull my kid away from friends he loved and had great memories with and had to depart a place we loved to be at. Why did this happen??? Greed! Corporate fucking greed. It would be one thing if the payout far surpassed the job but as we know it only pads the pockets of the executives. As hard and painful it was to do and to still have emotion over some assclown destroying AGN, you got to move on. I dont know what Forest was like but Allergan was amazing. Great company with great people and soon it will be nothing left of what it was. I suspect Irvine will shut down. R&D is reduced to about 30 people. That's not a research group. It's a joke. Saunders is a joke and this new experiment is a joke. For us shareholders its a fucking nightmare!

people with a poor work ethic are attracted to these jobs, hang out and hide as long as they can, then try to go out and find another job where they work 2 hours a day and do little. You are going to be shocked in the big bad world out there of grown ups and hard work expectations, cupcakes.

It's funny listening to people say "once you are gone you will never get another job." I know many dozens of people who have left - some voluntarily and others via layoffs. Some were glad they were laid off and others wish they had been retained. But almost every one has landed another job - and many times it's a better job (culture, pay, etc) then the one they left. I know people who have chosen to not look for another job who receive opportunities to interview every week. So don't tell me nobody will look at you because of a pharmacy,a background - that's just alarmist BS. Look, this place isn't great, and sure, some employers have a bias against pharma reps but most do not, and even those that do realize there are some good people with pharma backgrounds. The sky isn't falling. If you can interview well you will absolutely land another job. BTW - none of this excuses the destruction of good corporate cultures, which unfortunately has been the MO here the past 4-5 years.

people with a poor work ethic are attracted to these jobs, hang out and hide as long as they can, then try to go out and find another job where they work 2 hours a day and do little. You are going to be shocked in the big bad world out there of grown ups and hard work expectations, cupcakes.
Guess what, douchebag, Only people with great resumes, degrees from reputable universities, and can speak intelligently with great confidence, and able to gain the respect of doctors get to have these jobs...Truth is, you're nothing more than a jealous, inbred, uneducated troglodyte who wishes to God you qualified for one of these high paying jobs, but your junior high education, and toothless grin -combined with your inability to construct a simple, grammatically correct sentence- preclude you from being able to obtain one...Now, go back to eating Elmers glue, or huffing the fumes from gas cans, you braindead dullard..

It's funny listening to people say "once you are gone you will never get another job." I know many dozens of people who have left - some voluntarily and others via layoffs. Some were glad they were laid off and others wish they had been retained. But almost every one has landed another job - and many times it's a better job (culture, pay, etc) then the one they left. I know people who have chosen to not look for another job who receive opportunities to interview every week. So don't tell me nobody will look at you because of a pharmacy,a background - that's just alarmist BS. Look, this place isn't great, and sure, some employers have a bias against pharma reps but most do not, and even those that do realize there are some good people with pharma backgrounds. The sky isn't falling. If you can interview well you will absolutely land another job. BTW - none of this excuses the destruction of good corporate cultures, which unfortunately has been the MO here the past 4-5 years.

True. Nine years in pharma here and a Forest layoff victim. Got a better job in device. It certainly happens.

Guess what, douchebag, Only people with great resumes, degrees from reputable universities, and can speak intelligently with great confidence, and able to gain the respect of doctors get to have these jobs...Truth is, you're nothing more than a jealous, inbred, uneducated troglodyte who wishes to God you qualified for one of these high paying jobs, but your junior high education, and toothless grin -combined with your inability to construct a simple, grammatically correct sentence- preclude you from being able to obtain one...Now, go back to eating Elmers glue, or huffing the fumes from gas cans, you braindead dullard..

Whoa, whoa wait a minute. High paying job? This is 2018 not 1988. If you call a rep salary ANY rep salary at Allergan a high salary you are the one that is probably the first or second generation in your family to get a four year degree and at a state school I suspect. You sir, are probably one generation removed from poor white trash.

American Workers unit. At bear fucking executives a ruining good hardworking people. Itbey should rot in hell for their greed.
So how are things in India this time of year? You write even worse than you sound when we call the help desk. At least the employees that Allergan let go will not be subjected to you butchering our native tongue anymore. The English language is still at a standing 8 count from the battering it took the last time my password didn't work

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