$450mm settlement with DOJ?

We all love when RVP's who are nervous about their future at this rat hole, trying to install damage control, by making statements like, " they prepared for this, and this won't hurt that much..." Won't hurt you, or won't hurt the reps?
Oh yeah, you are useless management who could give a shit less about the sales reps.
This whole OCA system, is corrupt and evil to no end!
Collect year end loot and resign. I give it 24 months and this place is a ghost town...

Trust me when I say this.
Everyone is interviewing, even management. Joke.

Shitty "me too" products that turn into a bonus eh? Must be rough!
It's not the products that turn into a bonus. It's the relationships I have with the doctors that are willing to push any product I ask them to into the hospital. Olympus can come out with a string and call it their new guide wire and my doctors would buy it because they want to see me succeed and do well.
So yes, I stand by my comment of olymous makes shitty "me too" products.

It's not the products that turn into a bonus. It's the relationships I have with the doctors that are willing to push any product I ask them to into the hospital. Olympus can come out with a string and call it their new guide wire and my doctors would buy it because they want to see me succeed and do well.
So yes, I stand by my comment of olymous makes shitty "me too" products.
You're a real gem! You don't even realize that you are exactly like those corrupt pieces of shit you work for, you arrogant fuck.

It's truly a sad and sick phenomenon, when management zeros fight back so hard, when something so disgusting is growing and proliferating inside Olympus.
This place is awful to work for.
Truly awful! If you are a perspective interviewee, or need that last push to leave, stay away! Or get out now. Total comp will get much worse, much worse! Management has become disgustingly micromanaged, due to management corruption and massive financial deficits regarding DOJ & Anti Kickback!
If you were a buyer, would you buy your products from Olympus?

John Slowik was named the company's compliance officer in 2009, but he soon started registering complaints about doctors and hospital administrators receiving grants, costly trips, and other entertainment—which NPR says included spa treatments and hot air balloon rides—to woo them to buy Olympus' medical equipment.

He was harassed by the company CEO to the point that he was physically ill...

Go out online and read the rest!
The management at OCA & Japan are fucking snakes....

if you don't resign on April1, you are a fucking r*****. This company is DONE! All of my docs are reading the articles on CNN and FOX News... They have already mentioned that they aren't interested in doing business with Olympus because of this. Watch sales plummet in the next year.
Time to get that job offer and move on down the road.
What a terrible company.

if you don't resign on April1, you are a fucking r*****. This company is DONE! All of my docs are reading the articles on CNN and FOX News... They have already mentioned that they aren't interested in doing business with Olympus because of this. Watch sales plummet in the next year.
Time to get that job offer and move on down the road.
What a terrible company.
It's only going to get worse! I can't wait until they release all the names.
Read the first 30-40 pages of this and tell me if you're proud to say you work for this corruption factory:
http://www.quitam-lawyer.com/sites/...2.04 Second Amended Complaint (Operative).pdf

What a joke...
Last poster obviously an RVP who is trying to stop the bleeding, but doesn't know how.

Olympus is in big trouble. Our customers read about these highly illegal tactics in Japan, and it will, and already does, influence their buying decisions. We are all embarrassed about who we work for. OCA Management has zero respect for the sales reps, in addition to the very hard job that sales does for them. No appreciation whatsoever, followed by more comp cuts. Collect $200 and get the fuck out of this chicken coup.

It's over. Olympus is done!
Time to get out of here...
Can Japan please fire sales ops Dick & Nils before I resign?

For the love of Christ, when leaders fail, 99% of the time they get fired. Not at Olympus.
Here they are allowed to pitch their tent for life and suck the blood out of anything and everyone....