$450mm settlement with DOJ?

this article goes to show just how complicit and corrupt Olympus, the company you work for, actually is.... It's still the same today. Defiant, Corrupt, and shitty!

Whistleblowing is is not an easy thing to do.

Corporate whistleblowers don’t just risk their livelihoods. They also risk their social connections — even, potentially, their lives.

Michael Woodford, former president and CEO of Olympus Corporation, was controversially fired after revealing widespread company fraud. Woodford recounts his experience and discusses the role and perception of whistleblowers today, in a Take 15 interview with Tony Tan, CFA.

“I believe in the capitalist system, but when you see so many boards of directors arguing, even resentful, that they have to ask for the shareholder approval of their remuneration, I think it shows how far we have to go,” Woodford says. “I think in the world of big business, people get confused about the company being their company, where it’s owned by shareholders and others … I think their moral compass and bearing gets lost somewhere in the process.” Watch the interview.

Furthermore, Woodford takes issue with prizing the acquisition of wealth above all else. “Until we learn that there are values which are greater than simply the amount of money you can accumulate, I think we have some problems with moral capitalism, ethical capitalism,” he says.

As for his own experience as a whistleblower, Woodford highlights the difficulty of having to stand alone. “The people I’d worked with in America, in the United Kingdom, in Germany, colleagues I’d known for a long time, who helped me expose the fraud,” he recalls, “the day I was fired, the way they moved away from me and I became persona non grata [is] something which still haunts me.”

As for his advice to those in similar positions, Woodford says that averting your eyes is not the solution. “The problem for you is if you just turn the other way, you become complicit, you become part of the problem,” he explains.

Woodford does think the popular perception of whistleblowers is changing for the better. “Whistleblowers used to have a reputation for being difficult, awkward, telltales, snitches, collaborators — whatever word you want to use. I think now they are seen to be truth tellers.”

Whistleblowing is is not an easy thing to do.

Corporate whistleblowers don’t just risk their livelihoods. They also risk their social connections — even, potentially, their lives.

Michael Woodford, former president and CEO of Olympus Corporation, was controversially fired after revealing widespread company fraud. Woodford recounts his experience and discusses the role and perception of whistleblowers today, in a Take 15 interview with Tony Tan, CFA.

“I believe in the capitalist system, but when you see so many boards of directors arguing, even resentful, that they have to ask for the shareholder approval of their remuneration, I think it shows how far we have to go,” Woodford says. “I think in the world of big business, people get confused about the company being their company, where it’s owned by shareholders and others … I think their moral compass and bearing gets lost somewhere in the process.” Watch the interview.

Furthermore, Woodford takes issue with prizing the acquisition of wealth above all else. “Until we learn that there are values which are greater than simply the amount of money you can accumulate, I think we have some problems with moral capitalism, ethical capitalism,” he says.

As for his own experience as a whistleblower, Woodford highlights the difficulty of having to stand alone. “The people I’d worked with in America, in the United Kingdom, in Germany, colleagues I’d known for a long time, who helped me expose the fraud,” he recalls, “the day I was fired, the way they moved away from me and I became persona non grata [is] something which still haunts me.”

As for his advice to those in similar positions, Woodford says that averting your eyes is not the solution. “The problem for you is if you just turn the other way, you become complicit, you become part of the problem,” he explains.

Woodford does think the popular perception of whistleblowers is changing for the better. “Whistleblowers used to have a reputation for being difficult, awkward, telltales, snitches, collaborators — whatever word you want to use. I think now they are seen to be truth tellers.”

Fire Sales Ops Dick in Southborough!

Fire Sales Ops Dick in Southborough!!!

Fire that piece of shit in Southborough!

What a fucking loser you are!
Hi, my job is to cut your salary, but raise my own. I will cut your salary to the bones and make your life a living hell, and come up with algorithms on how to further fuck you in the ass, so that the company can save $. All the while lying cheating, and stealing from reps...

My name is Weasel Sales Ops Dick. I look like a pre pubescent British fag!!!

You are going down my friend

Fire Sales Ops Dick in Southborough!

Fire Sales Ops Dick in Southborough!!!

Fire that piece of shit in Southborough!

What a fucking loser you are!
Hi, my job is to cut your salary, but raise my own. I will cut your salary to the bones and make your life a living hell, and come up with algorithms on how to further fuck you in the ass, so that the company can save $. All the while lying cheating, and stealing from reps...

My name is Weasel Sales Ops Dick. I look like a pre pubescent British fag!!!

You are going down my friend


Again with the delusions of grandeur SOD? You really have some mental issues? Maybe Hiro should fire your ass. Seeing that you have singlehandedly ruined the morale in Urology, and more than half the reps are poised to leave as soon as you cut comp again. Hiro! Fire his fucking ass!!!

Over $600mm fine with the DOJ. Wow this company is fucked. Between the shitty "me too" products, poor management, and scumbags, I can't wait to get my bonus and get out

Olympus isn't fucked, the reps and RVP's are. Olympus America is going to want to make up that lost money and it's going to come out of your paycheck.

Olympus isn't fucked, the reps and RVP's are. Olympus America is going to want to make up that lost money and it's going to come out of your paycheck.

So when the reps and RVPs leave because they aren't getting paid and Olympus has to hire more entry level applicants, who don't have great sales experience, they lose even more marketshare to Boston, how does that not translate to them being fucked?

Olympus has been planning on this fine for the past 6+ years and has put Money away accordingly. It isn't going to do much damage. However I think we can all count on more big changes to come in 149. Even being a guy who enjoys working for Olympus and don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon, I must admit the the constant big changes are really wearing on me. Good luck everyone...