It's really sad to see how angry and nasty some of you all have been in regards to the layoff...people with families to feed, and bills to pay, were let go...have some compassion, it could happen to anybody at any time!
As far as this whole ridiculous notion that we were all Primary Care reps...most of the new hires in January came from surgical/medical device sales...myself included...most of us had 10-15 years of surgical experience...some were on call for years as orthopedic reps...and even if we were primary care reps, I'm not sure how that makes anyone less of a person, and less deserving of respect? I don't understand how that makes anyone deserving of all of the nastiness that we had to deal with in person from some of you, or online in the form of nasty remarks on this website since the day we were hired?
No one came on board to take your jobs...we saw an opportunity to work for what we thought was going to be a growing company, that had a great product...a lot of us have landed on our feet, and some are still looking...and I can't tell you how much a lot of us have tried our best to help each other find jobs...that's called being a decent person. Some of you all have completely lost sight of being a human being that respects other human beings somewhere along the way...and that makes me severely disappointed.
I come on here occasionally to see how things are going, or what the sometimes accurate rumor mill is talking about...believe it or not, I actually made some friends while at MNK, and I care whether or not they still have a job.
Despite the venom that many of you spit out daily about people that never did anything to you (myself included), I wish you all the best, and can only hope you don't have to experience what we went through...and if you do, I hope you find more compassion and respect from your coworkers and colleagues that keep their jobs, then what you showed to all of us!
As far as this whole ridiculous notion that we were all Primary Care reps...most of the new hires in January came from surgical/medical device sales...myself included...most of us had 10-15 years of surgical experience...some were on call for years as orthopedic reps...and even if we were primary care reps, I'm not sure how that makes anyone less of a person, and less deserving of respect? I don't understand how that makes anyone deserving of all of the nastiness that we had to deal with in person from some of you, or online in the form of nasty remarks on this website since the day we were hired?
No one came on board to take your jobs...we saw an opportunity to work for what we thought was going to be a growing company, that had a great product...a lot of us have landed on our feet, and some are still looking...and I can't tell you how much a lot of us have tried our best to help each other find jobs...that's called being a decent person. Some of you all have completely lost sight of being a human being that respects other human beings somewhere along the way...and that makes me severely disappointed.
I come on here occasionally to see how things are going, or what the sometimes accurate rumor mill is talking about...believe it or not, I actually made some friends while at MNK, and I care whether or not they still have a job.
Despite the venom that many of you spit out daily about people that never did anything to you (myself included), I wish you all the best, and can only hope you don't have to experience what we went through...and if you do, I hope you find more compassion and respect from your coworkers and colleagues that keep their jobs, then what you showed to all of us!