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3Q earnings - Gio & Leadership do it yet again!

It is hard to believe them. believe them. Even now they may be misleading. The real question is: WHEN did these executives determine that the new product sales will take an extra year to get to the low end of the estimate? If they sold their personal stocks after they determined, and before they made it public just today, they deserve to be prosecuted. All internal meeting documents should be reviewed by the DOJ.[/QUOT

exactly! Something smells

What do you think anyone not named Lerch, Boner, Meg, Margaret, Jon or Lanciotti would hear if they decided to tell their bosses to trust them and WAIT ANOTHER YEAR for sales results to turn around?!!!!!! These people are complete frauds in every sense of the word. Zero strategic thinking, Zero leadership, Zero accountability and Zero talent. These clowns are so laughably bad and humanly flawed in the way they have treated people and blamed everyone else around them for their own performance.

What do you think anyone not named Lerch, Boner, Meg, Margaret, Jon or Lanciotti would hear if they decided to tell their bosses to trust them and WAIT ANOTHER YEAR for sales results to turn around?!!!!!! These people are complete frauds in every sense of the word. Zero strategic thinking, Zero leadership, Zero accountability and Zero talent. These clowns are so laughably bad and humanly flawed in the way they have treated people and blamed everyone else around them for their own performance.

The wafting of cigarette smoke smell, the jingling of keys in a bowl, the Marge Simpson’s Sister voice and the over done tanning machine makes for a great Halloween costume and the top of the fall forward list. She’s more of a do nothing than Rowinski and talks about herself non-stop

The wafting of cigarette smoke smell, the jingling of keys in a bowl, the Marge Simpson’s Sister voice and the over done tanning machine makes for a great Halloween costume and the top of the fall forward list. She’s more of a do nothing than Rowinski and talks about herself non-stop

Getting rid of Braun and his stupid race analogies was a decent enough start. A great second step would be to show Meg and her cartons of cigs to the curb. If I have to hear about her cross-fit any more I am going to find a pair of train tracks to lie down on. Everything about her is so self serving and underwhelming.

Underwhelming? I take it she has never walked past you at a POA. No doubt you’d have been overwhelmed by the rush and lingering aroma of unfiltered tar cigarettes and expletives

Put Lanciotti on a short bus (he's right-sized for it) out of here along with Leather face, Boner and Lerch

"Lancimini" is the poster boy for a coddled & empowered blow hard who couldn't possibly survive outside outside of this dysfunction. He'd be flopping like a carp on dry land without the BMS club of cronies network to hold him up. Same goes with Magda, Black Lung, Marge Simpson's Sister, Mel, Leather Face or whatever you want to call her. Its just embarrassing that she leads this group. Awful on so many levels.