3 years after Merck....

Well, well, well! The LORD OF THE RINGS has been found- even though it's almost 5 years since Merck released you & 2000 more of us, you probably are STILL # 1, you son of a bitch, LOL....somebody on another chat board mentioned you were very happy & not in Pharma anymore...good for you....I got a job with Bayer selling WHC...so many problems with Yaz & Yasmin, JUST AS YOU PREDICTED...not to kiss ass too much, but I still use your 5 steps to successful calls every day & I've been # 1 in my district & # 2 in the Region the last 2 years now..as others have said, you would HATE Pharma more now with all the restrictions...I can remember launching Nuva Ring in San Francisco in August 2002 and you told 3 reps in my district that you'd be # 1 by X-Mas...I believe you were # 1 by NOVEMBER and stayed there for like a century it seemed - I admire confidence , and you are the ONLY rep I've ever known to boast & back it up...we could've really used you at Bayer...good luck My Lord, ha ha...

LOR & S.O.B. here, lol...Thanks for both the kind words and you probably did see I bumped into a Merck Rep that was one of the 3 ( out of 10 of us..) they kept from the Jan 2010 takeover of SP...it was at a concert- we talked and she said after 3 minutes of conversation that I sounded so much happier NOT being in Pharma..I am..I have a driving seniors around business that I'm doing..it's driving seniors who either can't drive anymore or won't drive anymore to doctor appts., or to the airport, or to someone's house, or even to the grocery store..I charge $25.00 an hour, and it's pretty easy, STRESS FREE, no ride alongs, no business plans, no conference calls, no role playing, just driving & listening to music and helping out nice people who need assistance ...I average about $1500 a month ( yes, I declare it), and since my wife makes $75-80,000 a year , and we have no mortgage ( I paid it off with the $100,000+ severance pay Merck gave me..) , it's actually mostly play/ vacation money....sure, I miss the $112,000 salary I was making at SP when I was let go, but I was getting sooooo fed up with Pharma by then..add the $1800 a month I can get for SS ( I'm now 62..) PLUS $1000 I draw form my IRA's and hey- that's $4000+ a month W/O my wife's $$..not bad, huh? BTW, when I asked this rep how things were going at Merck, she did, "same shit , different day"....BTW, a recruiter called me 10 days ago & offered me $44,000 to start in a Pharma co....$44,000 after 21 years & the numbers I put up???

A word of advice to those of you who are thinking of leaving Pharma AND you are 50+ years old- STAY AS LONG AS YOU CAN TOLERATE IT because NO ONE WILL HIRE YOU PAST 50 in this business..I was 57 when Merck took over, and the only thing I could get was a PT job with PDI selling Tamiflu ( contract sales- terrible!)...I get offers all the time, BUT at shitty salaries.. I love working PT & not being in Pharma...Good luck to all & stay healthy...


Honestly, you are a complete idiot if you haven't yet figured out what's happening here. God help you and may heaven forbid you procreate.

You have to accept that some people will never get it. I do, of course, and most others do as well. Some just aren't that bright. They mostly still work for Merck.

QUOTE: A word of advice to those of you who are thinking of leaving Pharma AND you are 50+ years old- STAY AS LONG AS YOU CAN TOLERATE IT because NO ONE WILL HIRE YOU PAST 50 in this business

How very true! I'm 56, but look early 40's (I hear this from people--friends and strangers alike--all the time), I have found it to be impossible to get hired back into pharma. Only had 3 interviews in the past 12 months, despite loads of submitted applications. As soon as interviewers find out what my last salary was, it's over. Even contract sales pass me over. I have no problem working for less money than what I was making. But it is always the younger candidate that is chosen. In what other profession do you have age discrimination to this extent?!

I feel very blessed, I have made it in this industry for over 30 years and I am 62, and with another major Pharma company. I am a legend in my territory, a legacy rep but a hateful new manager had put an end to my dynasty and that is very fine. I am tired of all of this work and the stupidity of making a great carrer a total nightmare for so many.

I feel very blessed, I have made it in this industry for over 30 years and I am 62, and with another major Pharma company. I am a legend in my territory, a legacy rep but a hateful new manager had put an end to my dynasty and that is very fine. I am tired of all of this work and the stupidity of making a great carrer a total nightmare for so many.

At 30 years you locked in a whopper sized nest egg and bennies to boot. Not the case for many who were short on years and a inches away on the bennies and pension 10...

Sure as tootin' those who got clipped, got an unwanted surprise of their life....bet some other hateful big wheels got their shady ways in a lot more cases than you know.

Yep, you've got some hefty blessings!

QUOTE: A word of advice to those of you who are thinking of leaving Pharma AND you are 50+ years old- STAY AS LONG AS YOU CAN TOLERATE IT because NO ONE WILL HIRE YOU PAST 50 in this business

How very true! I'm 56, but look early 40's (I hear this from people--friends and strangers alike--all the time), I have found it to be impossible to get hired back into pharma. Only had 3 interviews in the past 12 months, despite loads of submitted applications. As soon as interviewers find out what my last salary was, it's over. Even contract sales pass me over. I have no problem working for less money than what I was making. But it is always the younger candidate that is chosen. In what other profession do you have age discrimination to this extent?!

IF you get a contract gig it is lower than low in salary....expect to be needing a second job if you have bills to pay and want to put something, anything away. It's impossible with the contract route if you're a rep (managers are immune, and. as usual, do well anywhere).

of course, you reps could also find a rich spouse....

Legacy rep here: No, I will not be interested in a contract sales rep job and know the job story out there as I have many friends. Luckily I was a "saver" (that's what it is all about). I will find some interesting "part time" career without all of the regulation of pharma. And yes, I realize many people got the ax before retirement etc. and I hope whatever they choose works out for them.

OP & LOR here...this will probably be my final post in a while, maybe forever..Jan.7th, 2010 marked the 5 year anniversary of "Black Thursday", the day the reps died- 2000 of us were "released" by Merck in the SP takeover...many of those had their working careers ( like me) pretty much ended...like I have written before, NO ONE hires people 50-55+ who are making $$, no matter what your numbers are- and as you saw, I had KILLER numbers...BUT, I am very happy with my seniors driving business... I asked one guy, who was a manager & was also released, if he could imagine studying, being tested, doing conference calls, answering bullshit e-mails, writing business plans, ROLE PLAYING ( my fav,lol) etc, and basically just having to listen to such BS again..this guy WAS corporate, MR. Organon/SP, MR. do as I say, or else...and he said to me, "Fuck no,no way in the world would I go back"...never thought I would hear those words from a guy who would drive by your house to see IF you were working or IF you left late, etc...so you can make the title now, "5 Years after Merck" & all is good..Good luck to all & may you be healthy & NEVER be out of work before your time!!

OP & LOR here...this will probably be my final post in a while, maybe forever..Jan.7th, 2010 marked the 5 year anniversary of "Black Thursday", the day the reps died- 2000 of us were "released" by Merck in the SP takeover...many of those had their working careers ( like me) pretty much ended...like I have written before, NO ONE hires people 50-55+ who are making $$, no matter what your numbers are- and as you saw, I had KILLER numbers...BUT, I am very happy with my seniors driving business... I asked one guy, who was a manager & was also released, if he could imagine studying, being tested, doing conference calls, answering bullshit e-mails, writing business plans, ROLE PLAYING ( my fav,lol) etc, and basically just having to listen to such BS again..this guy WAS corporate, MR. Organon/SP, MR. do as I say, or else...and he said to me, "Fuck no,no way in the world would I go back"...never thought I would hear those words from a guy who would drive by your house to see IF you were working or IF you left late, etc...so you can make the title now, "5 Years after Merck" & all is good..Good luck to all & may you be healthy & NEVER be out of work before your time!!

What a world we live in these days.

Age discrimination. (it's VERY real)
American job's going overseas, never to return.
No opportunities for young adults to get a job with a large corporation so they can grow a career.
Never ending layoff's.
High rate of un and under-employement.
Jobless economic recovery.
Benefit take-backs.
Salary cuts.
Executive pay at record levels with their job performance bars being lowered.

I know there are more, but I cant think of them now as I'm too depressed to try to think of them. Your turn.

What a world we live in these days.

Age discrimination. (it's VERY real)
American job's going overseas, never to return.
No opportunities for young adults to get a job with a large corporation so they can grow a career.
Never ending layoff's.
High rate of un and under-employement.
Jobless economic recovery.
Benefit take-backs.
Salary cuts.
Executive pay at record levels with their job performance bars being lowered.

I know there are more, but I cant think of them now as I'm too depressed to try to think of them. Your turn.

it is called "Slash and Burn" Capitalism and has made being middle class just brutal, in our new, mean America.

What a world we live in these days.

Age discrimination. (it's VERY real)
American job's going overseas, never to return.
No opportunities for young adults to get a job with a large corporation so they can grow a career.
Never ending layoff's.
High rate of un and under-employement.
Jobless economic recovery.
Benefit take-backs.
Salary cuts.
Executive pay at record levels with their job performance bars being lowered.

I know there are more, but I cant think of them now as I'm too depressed to try to think of them. Your turn.

The world owes you absolutely nothing. I love it when sub par educated employees think its all the companies fault for a mismanaged economy.
Get your head out of the sand, grab yourself by the ass, quit complaining, get a real education and move on.

The world owes you absolutely nothing. I love it when sub par educated employees think its all the companies fault for a mismanaged economy.
Get your head out of the sand, grab yourself by the ass, quit complaining, get a real education and move on.

It's not the companies' collective fault for mismanaging an economy. It's their fault for mismanaging their individual businesses, just as we've seen here at Merck. Then, the thought of taking tens of millions of dollars per year for that gross negligence crosses over from inept management to unethical greed. Our managers are guilty of both, global economics completely aside.

I am 6 months post Merck, early 50's with 25 years in. Job market difficult as my slightly graying hair doesn't help.

Enjoyed reading the post above about the earlier days that were productive and much less complex. I saw the writing on the wall when the dine and dash, skybox programs were rampant. Of course the company over reacted to the point I was afraid to ask my next door neighbor ( a doctor who I graduated high school with ) to cross the fence and enjoy a hamburger.

If we could have found moderation and common sense after the late 90's no doubt we would still be a thriving company.

For now I am waiting for the company to cut more to get the stock price up so I can sell the rest of my options.

I am 6 months post Merck, early 50's with 25 years in. Job market difficult as my slightly graying hair doesn't help.

Enjoyed reading the post above about the earlier days that were productive and much less complex. I saw the writing on the wall when the dine and dash, skybox programs were rampant. Of course the company over reacted to the point I was afraid to ask my next door neighbor ( a doctor who I graduated high school with ) to cross the fence and enjoy a hamburger.

If we could have found moderation and common sense after the late 90's no doubt we would still be a thriving company.

For now I am waiting for the company to cut more to get the stock price up so I can sell the rest of my options.

I would exercise those options first thing Tuesday morning. This stock is headed for a crash.