3 Week Delay of Reorganization?


-On the townhall webcast GS said it would be August 1st, things would be revealed and swing into motion.

-On the conference call BM and JL said it would be August 1st, things would be revealed and swing into motion.

-In the email sent yesterday by JL it was said that it would be August 1st, things would be revealed and swing into motion. We would also get info updated via email leading up to August 1st.

So why are people saying all of this was delayed 3 weeks? Wouldn't that mean it would be August 22nd that things would be revealed and plans set in motion? I didn't see any mention of August 22nd in the above 3 communications and I listened very hard.

Anyone have any guesses? Was there a super secret email that only some Cafepharma posters saw? Did some one suck off JL to get him to reveal the goods? Anyone know a Sr DM? A good hubby?

Serious answers only, please.

Rd's were supposed to know what's up this week, dm's the following week, then reps which would place us at august 1st. Now rd's won't know until august 1st, then dms, then reps, which will place us around the beginning of September.

THERE WAS NO EMAIL. There never was any dely. Just people on here trying to stir the pot. We should find things out in 2 weeks or so and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Every week there is someone on here posting something different that seems to have some truth to it, but there is no truth to this site, never. Go by what your email says

The RD's do know. I will not argue but they do know.

This will run it's course as originally expected. Reps will know on August 1 or a few days before. Training for new products begin Monday Aug. 4th.

That's the facts and anyone who thinks different can continue to do that until you are blue in the face.

I wish everyone the best regardless of your outcome. This is always a tough thing to experience but the best advice I can give you is to keep your wits and be a professional. If you are spared, then please reach out to the less fortunate and help them (ex: letters of recommendation, etc...).

The RD's do know. I will not argue but they do know.

This will run it's course as originally expected. Reps will know on August 1 or a few days before. Training for new products begin Monday Aug. 4th.

That's the facts and anyone who thinks different can continue to do that until you are blue in the face.

I wish everyone the best regardless of your outcome. This is always a tough thing to experience but the best advice I can give you is to keep your wits and be a professional. If you are spared, then please reach out to the less fortunate and help them (ex: letters of recommendation, etc...).

We will let go less than 200 reps, don't pull the fire alarm for the few that are on PIP's

THERE WAS NO EMAIL. There never was any dely. Just people on here trying to stir the pot. We should find things out in 2 weeks or so and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Every week there is someone on here posting something different that seems to have some truth to it, but there is no truth to this site, never. Go by what your email says

You clearly don't work here. There IS a three week delay. Announcements were supposed to be made all throughout July with full completion by Aug. 1st. NOW no announcements will begin until August 1st. Why are you having such a hard time with this?

It really doesn't matter because all will be settled within the next 2 to 6 weeks. But please shut up on all the boards saying there's no delay. It's irritating, and yea, you finally got me to crack and post on this dumb ass site.

You clearly don't work here. There IS a three week delay. Announcements were supposed to be made all throughout July with full completion by Aug. 1st. NOW no announcements will begin until August 1st. Why are you having such a hard time with this?

It really doesn't matter because all will be settled within the next 2 to 6 weeks. But please shut up on all the boards saying there's no delay. It's irritating, and yea, you finally got me to crack and post on this dumb ass site.

I don't think you read the whole email. It said it will be ALL laid out on August 1st with details being given out over the weeks leading up.


You clearly don't work here. There IS a three week delay announcements were supposed to be made all throughout July with full completion by Aug. 1st. NOW no announcements will begin until August 1st. Why are you having such a hard time with this?

It really doesn't matter because all will be settled within the next 2 to 6 weeks. But please shut up on all the boards saying there's no delay. It's irritating, and yea, you finally got me to crack and post on this dumb ass site.

This guy is so dumb. He clearly thinks people are actually going to believe him. "Announcements were supposed to be made throughout July..." Says the "insdier" on Cafepharma. Nothing to see here folks, no dely or email, keep moving on...

This is very confusing. The email said August 1with details being released leading up to that speciric date.

How is that a delay? Maybe there was a super secret email?

HR here: Let us set you reps straight:::: The 'action' will occur on August 1st. All the misinformation being spread here only obfuscates the important point: AUGUST 1 is the day of reorganization taking effect.

HR here: Let us set you reps straight:::: The 'action' will occur on August 1st. All the misinformation being spread here only obfuscates the important point: AUGUST 1 is the day of reorganization taking effect.

HR on lunch time: Again all changes formally announced in two weeks. Many reps who do not measure up, known to be faking calls, taking three hours for lunch and generally misbehaving will be let go.

Also All internet history has been archived for all iPads and laptops so HR will follow the threads and sites to see if they are work related. This will support "termination with cause". No lawsuits when a rep is hounding a porno or non work website on company hours. Could also be embarrassing for resume.