3 Week Delay of Reorganization?

Only 500 bottom feeders to be cut.

Reorganization and reality.

Only about 500 reps will be gone. Fantastic number! Meaningless, no big deal...hooray! Bottom feeder losers and PIP'd out hooligans. Somebody has to clean house and good rid dens.

Not so fast. There are about 10 reps per 1 manager. 500 reps are going to be gone. Well, with 500 reps gone there no longer have to be 50 managers managing reps that no longer exist.

Ask anyone who's been through one of these acquisitions and you know the number of reps gone will be higher than 500. Manager being an ass, relax it'll be over soon.

Re: Only 500 bottom feeders to be cut.

Reorganization and reality.

Only about 500 reps will be gone. Fantastic number! Meaningless, no big deal...hooray! Bottom feeder losers and PIP'd out hooligans. Somebody has to clean house and good rid dens.

Not so fast. There are about 10 reps per 1 manager. 500 reps are going to be gone. Well, with 500 reps gone there no longer have to be 50 managers managing reps that no longer exist.

Ask anyone who's been through one of these acquisitions and you know the number of reps gone will be higher than 500. Manager being an ass, relax it'll be over soon.

We have never been through this before. Forest has never had a layoff. Forest doesn't hire reps with pharma experience, so only trolls like you, from other pharma companies, posting on here and pretending to be a Forest rep know what you are talking about.

HR on lunch time: Again all changes formally announced in two weeks. Many reps who do not measure up, known to be faking calls, taking three hours for lunch and generally misbehaving will be let go.

Also All internet history has been archived for all iPads and laptops so HR will follow the threads and sites to see if they are work related. This will support "termination with cause". No lawsuits when a rep is hounding a porno or non work website on company hours. Could also be embarrassing for resume.

Corporate administrator: above post is accurate as of Friday today. Plans for massive layoff are being kept under wraps. Look at what happened at Microsoft this week. We are next I expect to get canned unless a miracle

Corporate administrator: above post is accurate as of Friday today. Plans for massive layoff are being kept under wraps. Look at what happened at Microsoft this week. We are next I expect to get canned unless a miracle

Ha ha ha. Good ridence you corporate hack ha ha ha. You're getting s classic BOHICA.