211th largest Lab

Atherotech is losing money monthly. All the Senior Management decisions have imploded our company. So they start to lay off, they cut the matching 401k. How many of us Reps are left. How many managers and execs. The ratio is not there. When are they going to see that we are also Top Heavy. Wake up and start making the right decisions.

Who posted this? What a dumb ass
It's over Johnny. The VAP is a great test but it doesn't pay for shit and a physician doesn't need 10-20 additional cardiovascular tests to let you know that the patient has additional cardiovascular risk.

While you could convince an office easier to set up a large panel prior to 2015, when it didn't cost more than $39, you get the truth out a physician's mouth currently when he tells you that all he needs is VAP to expose a patient's cardiovascular risk and all he needs is a statin. His patient's really don't need all of our our additional cardiovascular testing. Why? Because once a VAP exposes additional high risk the patient is either going to get put on a statin or have their statin increased. That's it. 20 cardiovascular tests that all lead to a statin. Our cardiovascular testing after VAP becomes redundant and unnecessary. We spend all of this training on VAP and we sell it, yet VAP alone isn't going to pay the bills. It was priced and contracted poorly. Pushing the rest of our cardiovascular tests is a major challenge if the physician knows what the hell he is doing in treating cardiovascular disease. Focus on whatever non-cardiovascular tests we have have because these other tests are a waste of damn time and when sales are sinking like we are dealing with, time is precious.
It wouldn't surprise me if the original Atherotech sales and marketing model is back in play. You could easily contract this test out to a major lab that also has the full capabilities to run everything without drawing additional tubes and creating additional work for offices.
Atherotech has no niche, no executive vision and nothing innovative to sell the physicians after VAP. After the billing policy changes we are just another lab and we are learning our role in the lab rankings.
Good luck to everyone that still has faith in this company but I would be looking to go elsewhere STAT. What are they going to take away next? The bloodbath is nowhere near over. The reps that were here before 2015 know the best days of Atherotech are behind them and the reps that started in late 2014 or early 2015 never had a chance. Upper management will continue to make poor decisions that will try to counteract their initial poor decisions and will continue to eliminate jobs wherever they can. All but their own.
It's over Johnny. The VAP is a great test but it doesn't pay for shit and a physician doesn't need 10-20 additional cardiovascular tests to let you know that the patient has additional cardiovascular risk.

While you could convince an office easier to set up a large panel prior to 2015, when it didn't cost more than $39, you get the truth out a physician's mouth currently when he tells you that all he needs is VAP to expose a patient's cardiovascular risk and all he needs is a statin. His patient's really don't need all of our our additional cardiovascular testing. Why? Because once a VAP exposes additional high risk the patient is either going to get put on a statin or have their statin increased. That's it. 20 cardiovascular tests that all lead to a statin. Our cardiovascular testing after VAP becomes redundant and unnecessary. We spend all of this training on VAP and we sell it, yet VAP alone isn't going to pay the bills. It was priced and contracted poorly. Pushing the rest of our cardiovascular tests is a major challenge if the physician knows what the hell he is doing in treating cardiovascular disease. Focus on whatever non-cardiovascular tests we have have because these other tests are a waste of damn time and when sales are sinking like we are dealing with, time is precious.
It wouldn't surprise me if the original Atherotech sales and marketing model is back in play. You could easily contract this test out to a major lab that also has the full capabilities to run everything without drawing additional tubes and creating additional work for offices.
Atherotech has no niche, no executive vision and nothing innovative to sell the physicians after VAP. After the billing policy changes we are just another lab and we are learning our role in the lab rankings.
Good luck to everyone that still has faith in this company but I would be looking to go elsewhere STAT. What are they going to take away next? The bloodbath is nowhere near over. The reps that were here before 2015 know the best days of Atherotech are behind them and the reps that started in late 2014 or early 2015 never had a chance. Upper management will continue to make poor decisions that will try to counteract their initial poor decisions and will continue to eliminate jobs wherever they can. All but their own.

Sad, but very true.
It's over Johnny. The VAP is a great test but it doesn't pay for shit and a physician doesn't need 10-20 additional cardiovascular tests to let you know that the patient has additional cardiovascular risk.

While you could convince an office easier to set up a large panel prior to 2015, when it didn't cost more than $39, you get the truth out a physician's mouth currently when he tells you that all he needs is VAP to expose a patient's cardiovascular risk and all he needs is a statin. His patient's really don't need all of our our additional cardiovascular testing. Why? Because once a VAP exposes additional high risk the patient is either going to get put on a statin or have their statin increased. That's it. 20 cardiovascular tests that all lead to a statin. Our cardiovascular testing after VAP becomes redundant and unnecessary. We spend all of this training on VAP and we sell it, yet VAP alone isn't going to pay the bills. It was priced and contracted poorly. Pushing the rest of our cardiovascular tests is a major challenge if the physician knows what the hell he is doing in treating cardiovascular disease. Focus on whatever non-cardiovascular tests we have have because these other tests are a waste of damn time and when sales are sinking like we are dealing with, time is precious.
It wouldn't surprise me if the original Atherotech sales and marketing model is back in play. You could easily contract this test out to a major lab that also has the full capabilities to run everything without drawing additional tubes and creating additional work for offices.
Atherotech has no niche, no executive vision and nothing innovative to sell the physicians after VAP. After the billing policy changes we are just another lab and we are learning our role in the lab rankings.
Good luck to everyone that still has faith in this company but I would be looking to go elsewhere STAT. What are they going to take away next? The bloodbath is nowhere near over. The reps that were here before 2015 know the best days of Atherotech are behind them and the reps that started in late 2014 or early 2015 never had a chance. Upper management will continue to make poor decisions that will try to counteract their initial poor decisions and will continue to eliminate jobs wherever they can. All but their own.

It's a scam and always has been a scam. It's the vap is okay but nothing I want to pay for out of network and the market agrees. Once you get in network which is the right thing to do and once you take away the $39 bill scam then you have a test that is on par as clinicians and insurance carriers deem it. Sorry but outcome studies on the vap do not have enough to sell it to the market. Sure it was easy to sell w a shitty sales force that was pampered by $39 and no collection. Let's see you no boys and girls. Haven't been able to sell have you. Haha
It's a scam and always has been a scam. It's the vap is okay but nothing I want to pay for out of network and the market agrees. Once you get in network which is the right thing to do and once you take away the $39 bill scam then you have a test that is on par as clinicians and insurance carriers deem it. Sorry but outcome studies on the vap do not have enough to sell it to the market. Sure it was easy to sell w a shitty sales force that was pampered by $39 and no collection. Let's see you no boys and girls. Haven't been able to sell have you. Haha

Absolutely on spot. I'm tired of the reps whining. They can't sell anything but the 39 and no collections. Those days are long gone in fact were illegal to have 39 for a panel of testing. So the posters correct the ass wipes whining sub par sales force cannot sell in network. The numbers speak for themselves since going in network. Not to mention MM and all those stupid ass Nham business journal accomplishments. Really ? It's Alabama the crap hole of America. Now they throw another r***** from Louisiana on top of this shit hole. Good god Charlie Browns of the Atherotech.
Absolutely on spot. I'm tired of the reps whining. They can't sell anything but the 39 and no collections. Those days are long gone in fact were illegal to have 39 for a panel of testing. So the posters correct the ass wipes whining sub par sales force cannot sell in network. The numbers speak for themselves since going in network. Not to mention MM and all those stupid ass Nham business journal accomplishments. Really ? It's Alabama the crap hole of America. Now they throw another r***** from Louisiana on top of this shit hole. Good god Charlie Browns of the Atherotech.

Losers like to blame. Wonder which Sr Mgr posted this? Company is dying due to no leadership or real strategy. There ya go.
hey Bigot. Get your facts straight. Talk your poison the day something comes down on Atherotech for "illegal" activity. Until then do your job or quit. Got it?

No I don't got it. Get it that you are a cry baby and can't sell unless you have a pacifier. So stick the pacifier back in your pie hole and change your diaper because you stink.

The truth is if this leadership was in the northeast instead of Alabama where nothing exist but incest then the company would already have been acquired and well on its way.

Got it moron. Get back to eating your fried chicken and fried everything you backwoods hill billy
I just wish people who want to sell this product and work for Atherotech would just get off of this board sell it. If you are not happy - leave. Life is too short to be so negative and to spew it in your attempt to infect others. I love our product and I know it saves lives and that is why I am here. There have been many ups and downs, and yes doubt...but if I want to stay here I have to have faith that we will come through in the end. I have many friends that could not hang in there and I understand. Uncertainty and change is very hard for most and for some it was too much. But I want to see this company succeed and I plan on doing my part in ensuring it does. Peace out
These are all lies. We are not "just maintaining" over the next 12 months. We will grow and we will exceed. Nearly every single publicly traded lab reported lowering expectations in 2016. We launched a new marketing campaign which is amazing. We are knowledgeable about the future of the industry and have plans in place to mitigate those exposures.

I don't think you have a clue.
These are all lies. We are not "just maintaining" over the next 12 months. We will grow and we will exceed. Nearly every single publicly traded lab reported lowering expectations in 2016. We launched a new marketing campaign which is amazing. We are knowledgeable about the future of the industry and have plans in place to mitigate those exposures.

I don't think you have a clue.
These are all lies. We are not "just maintaining" over the next 12 months. We will grow and we will exceed. Nearly every single publicly traded lab reported lowering expectations in 2016. We launched a new marketing campaign which is amazing. We are knowledgeable about the future of the industry and have plans in place to mitigate those exposures.

I don't think you have a clue.

Take the emotion out of the equation. We missed our window. The payers have shut us out and down. Without the payers backing us we cannot survive. That's why the lay offs. Unless someone aquires us and takes the technology we will continue to have lay offs. We cannot make it with this model of a direct sales force. We need to sale to one of the bigs and let them pump in the volume with their managed care contracts, track record of compliance which we have a bad record of panels. For the company the bigs have to buy the technology and take in house and shit down bham and get rid of this pitiful sales force and so called leadership.
These are all lies. We are not "just maintaining" over the next 12 months. We will grow and we will exceed. Nearly every single publicly traded lab reported lowering expectations in 2016. We launched a new marketing campaign which is amazing. We are knowledgeable about the future of the industry and have plans in place to mitigate those exposures.

I don't think you have a clue.

Well we know Atherotech grossed over 110 million last year, and they are on track to hit 80 million this year. Let me help you with your math, you are not maintaining, you are losing share. Hope that helps.
These are all lies. We are not "just maintaining" over the next 12 months. We will grow and we will exceed. Nearly every single publicly traded lab reported lowering expectations in 2016. We launched a new marketing campaign which is amazing. We are knowledgeable about the future of the industry and have plans in place to mitigate those exposures.

I don't think you have a clue.

Good luck with that. A great marketing campaign for ONE test is not going to bring Atherotech back. They are bleeding money, and the VAP, as great a test as it is, can't stop that. Head of IT - gone. Lab Manager - gone. OHH - gone. Supplies to draw for us - next to nothing. New contracts - ???? Transparency? Ha! Look around. What has gotten better?? The infrastructure is bare bones, and without that, and a solid plan, the best thing that can happen is for somebody to buy the company. Atherotech could be great again, but not without help.
Good luck with that. A great marketing campaign for ONE test is not going to bring Atherotech back. They are bleeding money, and the VAP, as great a test as it is, can't stop that. Head of IT - gone. Lab Manager - gone. OHH - gone. Supplies to draw for us - next to nothing. New contracts - ???? Transparency? Ha! Look around. What has gotten better?? The infrastructure is bare bones, and without that, and a solid plan, the best thing that can happen is for somebody to buy the company. Atherotech could be great again, but not without help.

An average test. It's not that compelling. Any idiot that has a clue about the industry knows a gimmick test. Best we can salvage is sell to the labs with the contracts and infrastructure and let them perform the test in their labs across the county. That way you shut the bham lab and get rid of the whining sales force that hasn't done much since their security blanket was taken away. Sales, check your self and be honest. We have you pay raises and didn't earn them. Recall all you bitching and moaning for more money. The top TMs earned their increases while the bottom feeders and yappers cried their way to a increase.