211th largest Lab

i read this thread and can't help but shake my head....... ok....if you read any posting or thread on any particular company...its easy to sit back and shake your head....here's the deal....the company had/has a great product and at one time a strong product offering and a viable place in the market. At the same time, regardless of who was "running the company" at the end of the day, turnover and distrust at the company has been a constant! and if you look at the company, only a few players remained on board until "the end". Lets call last week, "the end". no matter how incredible your product and offering are, if there are a few bad seeds than you are going to end up having lazy reps play golf bc the good ones were run off. Hopefully this has been a learning lesson for upper managment of present and past. They cant blame themselves without accepting accountability for the folks they kept onboard that easily ran out 35% plus of the sales force.....Atherotech was an incredible company with an initial brilliant marketing plan. The one area the never fully understood was the true benefit of a solid sales force. Not to say it would have saved the company but.... its safe to say that there were mistakes that were made that i hope "people have learned from". Note to reps out there with Atch or joining any other company, make sure you are valuded. if not, its not the right place to work for a hard working strong rep. Don't laugh..... But thats why I went back to realestate. You eat what you kill, but little to no back stabbing!!!
i read this thread and can't help but shake my head....... ok....if you read any posting or thread on any particular company...its easy to sit back and shake your head....here's the deal....the company had/has a great product and at one time a strong product offering and a viable place in the market. At the same time, regardless of who was "running the company" at the end of the day, turnover and distrust at the company has been a constant! and if you look at the company, only a few players remained on board until "the end". Lets call last week, "the end". no matter how incredible your product and offering are, if there are a few bad seeds than you are going to end up having lazy reps play golf bc the good ones were run off. Hopefully this has been a learning lesson for upper managment of present and past. They cant blame themselves without accepting accountability for the folks they kept onboard that easily ran out 35% plus of the sales force.....Atherotech was an incredible company with an initial brilliant marketing plan. The one area the never fully understood was the true benefit of a solid sales force. Not to say it would have saved the company but.... its safe to say that there were mistakes that were made that i hope "people have learned from". Note to reps out there with Atch or joining any other company, make sure you are valuded. if not, its not the right place to work for a hard working strong rep. Don't laugh..... But thats why I went back to realestate. You eat what you kill, but little to no back stabbing!!!

The distrust and backstabbing was overwhelming when we hired Thermo Fisher and placed them in the RD position. What a pile of crap these folks are. Uneducated on product and no clue to work in a clinic. But really really good and artful at kissing ass and demotivating top reps.
just 3 years ago this product was presented on "the doctors" with an interview from Dr MC. Johns Hopkins and well known thought leaders studied and published good data on the product. This company HAD a brilliant marketing strategy. The doctors got the need and we had the answer. Things went bad when the CEO sold the company to private equity. They wouldn't let the legal process play out with HDL. They forced a faster and larger sales force expansion. And this is the result. And the current leadership is absolutely incapable of turning this around. In one year. One year.
i read this thread and can't help but shake my head....... ok....if you read any posting or thread on any particular company...its easy to sit back and shake your head....here's the deal....the company had/has a great product and at one time a strong product offering and a viable place in the market. At the same time, regardless of who was "running the company" at the end of the day, turnover and distrust at the company has been a constant! and if you look at the company, only a few players remained on board until "the end". Lets call last week, "the end". no matter how incredible your product and offering are, if there are a few bad seeds than you are going to end up having lazy reps play golf bc the good ones were run off. Hopefully this has been a learning lesson for upper managment of present and past. They cant blame themselves without accepting accountability for the folks they kept onboard that easily ran out 35% plus of the sales force.....Atherotech was an incredible company with an initial brilliant marketing plan. The one area the never fully understood was the true benefit of a solid sales force. Not to say it would have saved the company but.... its safe to say that there were mistakes that were made that i hope "people have learned from". Note to reps out there with Atch or joining any other company, make sure you are valuded. if not, its not the right place to work for a hard working strong rep. Don't laugh..... But thats why I went back to realestate. You eat what you kill, but little to no back stabbing!!!

Nice post. You're gonna fail when you can't trust. Atherotech is failing.
We did not clean house. We kept some top management that needed their ass booted but moved to operations. Got rid of many but then added several morons with no lab market experience. And I agree the addition of TF was a huge mistake. Everyone is paying the price now. Well done JM.
We did not clean house. We kept some top management that needed their ass booted but moved to operations. Got rid of many but then added several morons with no lab market experience. And I agree the addition of TF was a huge mistake. Everyone is paying the price now. Well done JM.
. JM hasn't added anyone or anything. Only gone backwards
. JM hasn't added anyone or anything. Only gone backwards
. Tell me one thing he's accomplished? Messaging? Lol. We didn't want it....didn't need it. We aren't pharma. We are lab. United pull through quota. Yea whatever. I've taken 4 strokes off my game and getting paid.... Now that's an accomplishment!!!
The distrust and backstabbing was overwhelming when we hired Thermo Fisher and placed them in the RD position. What a pile of crap these folks are. Uneducated on product and no clue to work in a clinic. But really really good and artful at kissing ass and demotivating top reps.
How did anyone think that hiring TF managers and reps was going to be anything other than a total disaster? Did anyone actually LOOK into the culture there?
9 reps laid off today... Unbelievable

Wow. 28 people let go on Monday and 9 more on Friday? They must be in panic mode. Why not let all of them go on Monday? Makes it even worse. Anyone employable will be leaving instead of expecting to be laid off at any moment. They will only be left with the worst of the worst.
So who is next. The managers. If there is less rep headcount, then we are too fat on RDs. let's sit back and watch the ass kissing reach and unprecedantive level.

How about HR? Have they let anyone go yet? They staffed up for a bigger head count, maybe they should let some HR folks go too? Or maybe they need to hire extra HR temps just to process all the lay offs. haha.
Wow. 28 people let go on Monday and 9 more on Friday? They must be in panic mode. Why not let all of them go on Monday? Makes it even worse. Anyone employable will be leaving instead of expecting to be laid off at any moment. They will only be left with the worst of the worst.
. I agree. You'd think these "experienced" execs would know better. Time to replace JM.
Wow. 28 people let go on Monday and 9 more on Friday? They must be in panic mode. Why not let all of them go on Monday? Makes it even worse. Anyone employable will be leaving instead of expecting to be laid off at any moment. They will only be left with the worst of the worst.
Getting let go is what we all want and are all expecting. They treat people like garbage if they resign so am waiting for them to tell me I am done. They don't pay WARN pay and I have heard that reps who have quit have been kicked out of the system so they can't even do a last expense report. I have another job lined up and can't wait till my phone call. In the mean time, I am not going to do a whole he'll of a lot. You reap what you sow.
Never heard of this Warn pay so I looked it up. Maybe you should to because there isn't any Warn "pay". It's all about notice and Athrotech isn't effected since they fired less than 50 people. And whoever you're talking to is as big a moron as you are because I quit and I was treated far from garbage. Everything was handled very professional and I had no problem with my final expenses. What a leech. People at corporate are losing their job because of slugs like you. Have some compassion and self dignity and leave if you have a job. What are you going to do if they don't fire anyone else? Pass up a sure thing just for spite? Yeah, you'll reap alright.
Atherotech is losing money monthly. All the Senior Management decisions have imploded our company. So they start to lay off, they cut the matching 401k. How many of us Reps are left. How many managers and execs. The ratio is not there. When are they going to see that we are also Top Heavy. Wake up and start making the right decisions.

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