2024 car options?

Amazing reps still ask this question, every year. Promise you the selection is available on the internal website of your company based on your position. Look it up!!

I remember when PFE, had a pilot program 15+ years ago offering a car allowance plus gas reimbursement. It was amazing, only limitation was Original MSRP had to be less than $40K. Total freedom of choice, except no convertibles. I got a two year old Top of the line Lexus, best car I ever had in 20+ year career and PFE covered the cost.

What surprised me was how many people didn't take advantage of it.

Professionals actually asked questions Like: I have to pay for insurance, where and who pays for the service, How to I pay for it (cash/auto loan), what if I leave the company. Who can drive it.

How did these people function outside of having a company car.


There still is a car reimbursement program. Pick whatever car you like as long as it’s under 70k and more than 30k. You get flat reimbursement plus mileage

The reimbursement will be based on the cost of the Altima. Under no circumstances should anyone do this. You’ll end up paying out of pocket for insurance, maintenance and gas plus the monthly difference between the cost of what you buy and the Altima based reimbursement. Drive the shitty fleet car, use your Wheels gas card and let them pay for maintenance and insurance.