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2015 Pfizer retiree medical plan


Just received a booklet describing the 2015 plan. As usual, it's 10 pages of small print saying how wonderful it will be for us now that we're all on the same plan. Any thoughts on this?

Yes, here is a thought....shut up and get a life. You better be damn happy that this plan is still being offered. Take your head out of your ass and ask people what they are paying for health insurance and how bad it is. Now go get some rest, the early bird special starts at 4PM.

Yes, here is a thought....shut up and get a life. You better be damn happy that this plan is still being offered. Take your head out of your ass and ask people what they are paying for health insurance and how bad it is. Now go get some rest, the early bird special starts at 4PM.

Wow, you are a tremendous shit head. Now, take that anger somewhere else.

Wow, you are a tremendous shit head. Now, take that anger somewhere else.

Seriously! I wasn't complaining at all. There are simple questions of logistics. Currently my primary is Medicare, secondary Pfizer BC.BS. They're now saying ALL will be administered under one card (UHP). Last year we each carried 2 cards (Medicare & BCBS secondary)' What I've learned in the past is that you need to know about changes. For example, one year the plan was changed to where we had to get prior auth for ER visits. That's kind of an oxymoron since one generally doesn't know an ER visit is coming until it is upon you. My daughter had one such visit. While the description was somewhere in the 10 pages of small print, who (when an emergency arises) reads and studies 10 pages and every detail and especially who would think of pre-authorizing an ER visit? So it might be good for us to know what differences lurk. Also curious about will my SS Medicare deduction still continue if the Medicare is handled thru PFE UHP? Or will my Medicare premium be paid entirely thru PFE UHP?

Seriously! I wasn't complaining at all. There are simple questions of logistics. Currently my primary is Medicare, secondary Pfizer BC.BS. They're now saying ALL will be administered under one card (UHP). Last year we each carried 2 cards (Medicare & BCBS secondary)' What I've learned in the past is that you need to know about changes. For example, one year the plan was changed to where we had to get prior auth for ER visits. That's kind of an oxymoron since one generally doesn't know an ER visit is coming until it is upon you. My daughter had one such visit. While the description was somewhere in the 10 pages of small print, who (when an emergency arises) reads and studies 10 pages and every detail and especially who would think of pre-authorizing an ER visit? So it might be good for us to know what differences lurk. Also curious about will my SS Medicare deduction still continue if the Medicare is handled thru PFE UHP? Or will my Medicare premium be paid entirely thru PFE UHP?

The shit head is poster #2, not the original poster.

You all will be 60, 65, one day. The ACO is driving up costs wildly. See what you pay, (employee) for medical benefits in the Fall when benefits are determined and then you wll not have as much to say.

You all will be 60, 65, one day. The ACO is driving up costs wildly. See what you pay, (employee) for medical benefits in the Fall when benefits are determined and then you wll not have as much to say.

Stop blaming the ACO when what's really happening is Pfizer is shifting more of the medical cost to retirees so the corporation can save money and increase profits. I swear some people are dumb as rocks.

Seriously! I wasn't complaining at all. There are simple questions of logistics. Currently my primary is Medicare, secondary Pfizer BC.BS. They're now saying ALL will be administered under one card (UHP). Last year we each carried 2 cards (Medicare & BCBS secondary)' What I've learned in the past is that you need to know about changes. For example, one year the plan was changed to where we had to get prior auth for ER visits. That's kind of an oxymoron since one generally doesn't know an ER visit is coming until it is upon you. My daughter had one such visit. While the description was somewhere in the 10 pages of small print, who (when an emergency arises) reads and studies 10 pages and every detail and especially who would think of pre-authorizing an ER visit? So it might be good for us to know what differences lurk. Also curious about will my SS Medicare deduction still continue if the Medicare is handled thru PFE UHP? Or will my Medicare premium be paid entirely thru PFE UHP?

PLEASE SEE THE JULY 2014 MAILING's section on FAQ (Freq. Asked Questions)
which starts on page 5 thru 12 of the mailing).
Your questions are covered on page 11's FAQ & A specifically in questions #25 and #26.
If you already have Medicare B cost deducted from your SS check, #26 states that "your Medicare premium will continue to be deducted from your Social Security check."

Yes, here is a thought....shut up and get a life. You better be damn happy that this plan is still being offered. Take your head out of your ass and ask people what they are paying for health insurance and how bad it is. Now go get some rest, the early bird special starts at 4PM.

Since you so sarcastically asked, I'll tell you what I pay for my Supplement in lieu of Pfizer's plan, I have Plan F, which is through United Health Care AARP, I pay $161.00 per month and will even lower when my wife turns 65 his fall. I have 0 dollars of out pocket for any expenses Medicare doesn't pay and I have no deductible to pay before they start paying. This is lower than what Pfizer charges and honestly, their plan sucks. I would urge anyone to check around when the time comes for your enrollment this fall. You will be pleasantly surprised. The only good thing is our prescription plan, which is outstanding.

Since you so sarcastically asked, I'll tell you what I pay for my Supplement in lieu of Pfizer's plan, I have Plan F, which is through United Health Care AARP, I pay $161.00 per month and will even lower when my wife turns 65 his fall. I have 0 dollars of out pocket for any expenses Medicare doesn't pay and I have no deductible to pay before they start paying. This is lower than what Pfizer charges and honestly, their plan sucks. I would urge anyone to check around when the time comes for your enrollment this fall. You will be pleasantly surprised. The only good thing is our prescription plan, which is outstanding.

True - the Pfizer plan sucks but the prescription plan is very good.

True - the Pfizer plan sucks but the prescription plan is very good.

You are allowed to buy just the prescription plan and not the insurance portion. I am amazed at how Pfizer can charge the rates they do and have high deductibles. It definitely pays to look around and see what you can buy on the open market. Cigna is another insurance carrier that is very competitive with their rates. So is Metropolitan. These are all top rates insurance companies.

You are allowed to buy just the prescription plan and not the insurance portion. I am amazed at how Pfizer can charge the rates they do and have high deductibles. It definitely pays to look around and see what you can buy on the open market. Cigna is another insurance carrier that is very competitive with their rates. So is Metropolitan. These are all top rates insurance companies.

I retired recently and have not yet signed up for their plan since I have coverage through my spouse. It would be nice if they let me take money from the pool they have set aside for me (once it's gone-it's gone), to buy insurance on my own. I believe I am locked into whatever they provide. Not complaining since it's better than nothing, but it wouldn't cost them anything to let me buy on my own. I'm hoping not to touch the money until I'm 65 so whatever I need to buy will be a lot less (20% rule). Before then it is definitely cheaper staying with their plan. The Wyeth retirement plan I hear is a much better deal from what I heard from my Wyeth retiree friends.

For more recent retirees, please exercise caution before abandoning the PFE plan. Most of us have a retiree medical subsidy, sometimes amounting to several hundred thousand dollars. I believe you would lose this benefit by going outside. It anyone can confirm, please do.

For more recent retirees, please exercise caution before abandoning the PFE plan. Most of us have a retiree medical subsidy, sometimes amounting to several hundred thousand dollars. I believe you would lose this benefit by going outside. It anyone can confirm, please do.

Several hundred thousands dollars? You must be dreaming. You can drop out of the retiree medical plan and go back in whenever the enrollment is. You simply show you had insurance coverage. I can assure you that you can get better coverage for a lower price by going on the open market. When enrollment comes around, look around, it doesn't cost you one cent to check out your options. Pfizer's plan really isn't a medicare advantage plan since you still have to pay your medicare premiums. If you have a true medicare advantage plan, you would pay none to medicare coverage for your Plan B coverage. So, combine the medicare premium and the Pfizer plan together and see what you are really paying.

Several hundred thousands dollars? You must be dreaming. You can drop out of the retiree medical plan and go back in whenever the enrollment is. You simply show you had insurance coverage. I can assure you that you can get better coverage for a lower price by going on the open market. When enrollment comes around, look around, it doesn't cost you one cent to check out your options. Pfizer's plan really isn't a medicare advantage plan since you still have to pay your medicare premiums. If you have a true medicare advantage plan, you would pay none to medicare coverage for your Plan B coverage. So, combine the medicare premium and the Pfizer plan together and see what you are really paying.

Thanks for the info. Interesting that paying out of your own pocket is cheaper than going with Pfizer (and probably have better options). Typical Pfizer BS-probably want people to not sign up. Things may change with the ACA-I can see Pfizer dumping everyone there and paying the subsidy. Probably cheaper for them.

Post #7 is correct: the ACO is driving costs up and we will all pay for those benefits. True, the company is shifting the cost to the employee but it is because the ACO is driving up costs so much the companies must do this; you will all see in a few months.

Post #7 is correct: the ACO is driving costs up and we will all pay for those benefits. True, the company is shifting the cost to the employee but it is because the ACO is driving up costs so much the companies must do this; you will all see in a few months.

The ACA is actually reducing medical costs but every Conservative is going to ignore the facts and keep spewing out their lies and deception. Give it up!!!! Nobody wants to hear your BS anymore.

For once, could we keep politics out of a discussion about healthcare coverages? The ACA (aka Obamacare) is causing everyone to pay more for less coverage, regardless of political leanings.