2013 Predictions

We still have "leaders"? That's what they call themselves? Funny....

Their ePM 360 compass Melvin profiles revealed outstanding characteristics, so they were developed into world class leadership. You got a problem with that?

Stock price is stunning, considering a lackluster (or worse) future. Not easy to pull off.

Dream on! The only thing that's going to wither & die are the tomato plants we are going to be growing for food after the cut backs while we are searching for another job. You're a fool if you don't want to believe this.

Well, what we did hear last year from our VP's is that the FDE reps won't be "recontracted". With that being said, a realignment of our territories might be another thing that would change as well.

Dream on! The only thing that's going to wither & die are the tomato plants we are going to be growing for food after the cut backs while we are searching for another job. You're a fool if you don't want to believe this.

If you are going to be living on tomatoes, please, please , please get the low-acid varieties. Not sure if Walmart has em. Dey did last year.

Senior leadership will go to any length to deceive us from the real reasons they will do what they do. Come on, recycling is why they too away our trash cans? They either think we are so dumb or so enthralled by their greatness that we will believe anything.

Senior leadership will go to any length to deceive us from the real reasons they will do what they do. Come on, recycling is why they too away our trash cans? They either think we are so dumb or so enthralled by their greatness that we will believe anything.

No, they want all written communication electronic, so that it is easily monitored and controlled

Senior leadership will go to any length to deceive us from the real reasons they will do what they do. Come on, recycling is why they too away our trash cans? They either think we are so dumb or so enthralled by their greatness that we will believe anything.

You can believe one thing and shouldn't ever forget, that no matter what change happens to your job, it has nothing to do with you, or how many sales you made or what your customers think about you, it only matters what the company thinks is the right structure and quantity of reps to deliver on the bottom line. If you don't end up where you want, and assuming your manager survives, I would say make sure you have support to make it to the top of the wish lists of anybody who decides who gets what jobs are open afterwards.

IT will move Lilly to the 1990's; 7-7000 will provide the answers 100% of the time; Lilly will have all sales reps use Apple Maps to find new customers; 1.2 bonus multiplier and non-sales emps will see raises averaging around 1.8%; The new field will be green all year when all employees are required to stand and sweat on it.

All new hired help will be required to be:

....of contractors
.....of contractors
......of contractors
.......of contractors

That should keep the two floors of LCC lawyers busy.

Fire away!

I feel very sad looking back at these predictions. Diabetes had numerous openings in 2012 and couldn't get any FTEs from biomeds to post. We took FDEs because we could not recruit full time talent from your business unit. Whether you were misinformed or hopeful for the future, the DBU had a business to run and in the absence of interest from you hired those who posted

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