2013 Predictions


Funny this would be posted. I was thinking along the same lines.
Really, what is going to happen to us this year?

Blow, schmo all the positive stuff. We're not going to have anything new from R&D for a long time. Certainly not in time to save 2013 &/or early 2014. Will we buy another company or products? Or will we just let the disaster happen and have to cut X% of our reps and merge or dissolve divisions? It's been announced that JL doesn't want to make a big purchase, right? The last small products added in have been no more than a lackluster PITA.

Our options are dwindling. Good luck to all, but hope is now a 4 letter word of the past. Reality s*cks.

If NS/MSK/Cardio will possibly be combining and FTE may be reallocated...why in the Hell are FDE from these divisions being placed in Diabetes openings? Complete slap in the face!!!

If NS/MSK/Cardio will possibly be combining and FTE may be reallocated...why in the Hell are FDE from these divisions being placed in Diabetes openings? Complete slap in the face!!!

Here's some insight- anyone can post for those open diabetes positions- managers need to start having honest conversations with ALL their people, especially top talent who they want to retain ( not in their current role) but for any stable job with the company. If they have a good idea that the current reps territory will not be a sustainable one( whether it's due the the geography/ access/ portfolio) they need to encourage them to look at other attractive positions- this includes open men's health, diabetes, oncology. The NS/ MSK/ Cardio are all at risk and those managers who have any leadership skills should be strong enough "coaches" to have those talks- go where the pipeline is healthy and read, read, read what the investors- not what you are hearing from LLY news!! Educate yourselves from many avenues while you sit in offices-

Why is it a slap in the face? Isn't the point that an FDE in those divisions is out of a job, period. To put them into diabetes is an option beyond see ya. Explain? Maybe except for having to redo training AGAIN --- GAG.

It would be nice if the Diabetes positions were held open until bio-med put the restructuring in place so anyone who is reallocated could post. Most don't want to jump from one division to another and go through training again. FDE were temps and now they are getting spots over FTE. Managers are not going to encourage their good reps to jump ship and have vacant territory for the next 4+ months.

It would be nice if the Diabetes positions were held open until bio-med put the restructuring in place so anyone who is reallocated could post. Most don't want to jump from one division to another and go through training again. FDE were temps and now they are getting spots over FTE. Managers are not going to encourage their good reps to jump ship and have vacant territory for the next 4+ months.

disagree. the managers who put people first do, and are having those tough conversations with their people. they would rather deal with a vacant territory( especially since we are on team goals), then see someone lose a job which we all know is coming. for those who have integrity- they know what the future looks like/ which territories are high risk( metro ones especially). if your DSM won't paint a truthful picture, grab a peer who you feel has a good feel of the climate and talk it they with them. remember what happened to the ABS-NS reps who stayed because they wanted to ride it out!? the smart ones went over to men's health or diabetes. the others were displaced and left very soon after.

Former mgr here, currently rep. Dont be naive. Very few managers are going to encourage/help one of their FTEs to leave their team for another division for what MIGHT hapen 6 mos down the road. In the short term, FDEs have an advantage.

FDE's should have a chance to apply. Many FDE's bust there ass while the FTE's walk around with a sense of entitlement. It should come down to best man for the job period. It's 2013 wake up, your just a global id number to this company. If you don't like it move to mexico and start a landscape company.

No, a FDE should finish their contract and leave. You weren't promised a job, you were brought on for a short term need. You spent the last few months interviewing outside and now think you are entitled to a position that a long term rep in good standing should be getting. Makes no sense.

It would be nice if the Diabetes positions were held open until bio-med put the restructuring in place so anyone who is reallocated could post. Most don't want to jump from one division to another and go through training again. FDE were temps and now they are getting spots over FTE. Managers are not going to encourage their good reps to jump ship and have vacant territory for the next 4+ months.

I TOTALLY agree with you! These FDE reps shouldn't have an advantage over FTEs! What you don't know is that BI is forcing Lilly to higher reps for these open diabetes positions due to the contract we have with them but apparently BI doesn't fill open positions they have!!!! They want Lilly to do all of the work!

I TOTALLY agree with you! These FDE reps shouldn't have an advantage over FTEs! What you don't know is that BI is forcing Lilly to higher reps for these open diabetes positions due to the contract we have with them but apparently BI doesn't fill open positions they have!!!! They want Lilly to do all of the work!

we already have way too many diabetes reps. isn't is funny who's in charge of BI that's working on this partnership? for all of you veterans remember G, Parkin? Well after he ruined multiple divisions including LLY diabetes he's now there. we NEVER learn. his mentality- flood the offices- quantity not quality. but- the FTE reps still should have the first opp to post for these positions( if you'd even want them!).

FTEs posting on here seem to have enough time to get on this website to complain. Perhaps their time would be better spent practicing their interviewing skills or actually working so an FDE doesn't take the job they feel "entitled" to.

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