2 Weeks Post Launch Oxtellar XR

Go get a job. If you have insurance it will be $45 for three months. So you will actually save money! Ha. If there weren't any problems with you being on the generic your physician wouldn't have suggested you switch.

Ultimately the trolls know the wave that is inevitably coming. The truth of the matter is what Shire lacks is 3 critical points:

1) They do not have a pipeline PERIOD/with the lazy, low driven sales force that works lunch hours only, its probably in their best interest to not pump revenue into the pipeline with this work ethic.

2) They have an extremely low % of employees that understand the art of selling. However are vastly skilled in remembering condiments.

3) Current employees are 3rd generation wealth, they can't comprehend the idea of building something from nothing, but are use to being spoon fed. Which has led to their inability to sizeably strangle a new market. Again probably why they do not have a pipeline PERIOD.

Now any logical thinker can make the distinct connection with the points covered above and see the correlation between a trolls postings and their overwhelming feelings of inferiority. Therefore these 3rd generation employees are obviously expressing their inadequacies by sucker punching this board.

As I am sure you are curious I apologize for not introducing myself, I am a current rep at Supernus. I have fantastic news for you, I am hearing on a daily basis within my territory groundbreaking improvements from my Doctors regarding OXR. Supernus's foundation is set 3rd generation, you probably cannot comprehend that terminology, let me simplify. The wave you hear approaching doesn't stop. So continue sucker punching while privately licking your wounds and hopefully the logic within you will begin to surface, bringing with it the reality that you only know how to milk an established market. Not a real reassuring realization with your pipes dry and patents nearing an end.

I hope that you guys have a soft landing because you really have DEVELOPED fantastic products that transformed the CNS sector. The assessment you have originated in the past few minutes is accurate, this is my first job in Pharma. Got bad news for you though, I have exceeded bigger obstacles in my career in sales and I'm not a 3rd generation employee that lacks the fortitude to overcome adversity.

So let this digest, I have said my 2 cents. The remainder of you on here daily have fun with this one. I have no need to recheck this thread as I will be busy pushing the wave. As an ending point reps at Supernus don't let these clowns carry validity with you, they are 3rd generation employees/our pipeline/current products/sales force/vision are superior and their emotional outbreaks is the fear in knowing that.

This is about the funniest thing I have ever came across. 3 generation=supernus didn't have enough cash to pay for experienced reps. Reps that already have relations with office. Yeah a lot of reps at Shire can't sell but I can tell you memorizing a sales presentation isn't the correct way. Victor is soooooo behind the time with his sales tactics its sad! Go back to cintas or your rental car company because you don't have a fighting chance in this industry.

I have never posted on this site, however I check it from to time simply because its entertaining reading shire employees bashing my company! Grow up! It's sad to see adults talking with so much ill will to others in their industry. It is honestly disappointing to see this kind of immaturity in a profession I am in. Stay positive in all thoughts and actions and that's what will come back around. I seriously feel bad for you when I read your post and hope your making enough money to keep your miserable spouse around. Because I'm sure you only care about money and what others think of you.

I am an employee with Supernus and we are hearing great success stories. This is what makes me proud to do what I do.

Oh and also to the person who's telling us to go back to Cintas or car rental companies. Why wouldn't you welcome us in to the profession? We were a little slow out the gate, which should have been expected with a new company and sales force but don't you worry, Shire, we are coming right along.

Anyone from Shire that has been there longer than 5 years has no right to bash the old model...you were brought in as part of it. You were an enterprise rep or a cintas rep or some other b to b rep too. Now you have delivered donuts for the last 4 years and think its cool to slam the process that got you into this industry. It wasn't until 08 when they started hiring people with pharma experience. Lotta good its done too.
The one question none of you Shire stone casters has been able to answer on here is "why do you care so much?"
Why do you spend so much time and energy worrying about how Supernus is doing? Why in the world would it make anyone feel better to wish another fails? Seems like a lonely and bitter road...

Go get a job. If you have insurance it will be $45 for three months. So you will actually save money! Ha. If there weren't any problems with you being on the generic your physician wouldn't have suggested you switch.
Just finished up the 10 days of samples. The doctor said that it didn't justify the price. Back to Trileptal it is. There goes your one script for this region...

My manager is the best, he rides around with me all the time to show me how to deliver lunch. So helpful to have my manager ride around with me like this... ALL THE TIME!