$100 million class action suit

Holy shit, the amount of belly aching on this thread is comical. You are both a fucking disgrace. Just ass clowns trying to pretend they arent the bigger asshole. Go the fuck away, you are both LAST WORD freaks who need psychological help.

Two words: Too funny!

Sweetie, you do realize that the whistleblower case you're referring to has nothing to do with the $100 million discrimination suit, right? Why not educate yourself and come back when you can speak with knowledge on the facts of this case. Good try though! I give you a pat on the head! Now go back to kids table, the adults are talking here.

Thanks for proving my point. SMH.

You totally missed the point. But seriously, why do you care? ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bahaha

You totally missed the point. But seriously, why do you care? ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Bahaha

I dare you to explain "the point"

I know you can't. It's much like I ask how being asked to paid back money that was overpaid to you is some sort of discrimination. Everyone knows it's not, yet somehow it gets entered into a discrimination lawsuit by "ethical" people. Please explain that to me as well. If to prove your point, I will have to stop talking won't I?

Please, go ahead and justify your comments..........

She's got a gold tooth you know she's hardcore
She'll show you a good time then she'll show you the door
Break up with your girl it ended in tears
Vincent Van Gogh and mail that ear
I call her in the middle of the night when I'm drinking
The phone booth on the corner is damp and it's stinking
She said come on over it was me that she missed
I threw that trash can through her window cause you know I got dissed
Your old lady left you and you went girls[x3] insane
You blew yourself up in the back of the 6 train
Take my advice at any price a gorilla like your mother is mighty weak
Sucking down pints till I didn't know
Woke up in the morning at the Won Ton Ho
Cause I announce I like girls that bounce
With the weight that pays about a pound per ounce
Girls with curls and big long locks
And beatnik chicks just wearing their smocks
Walking high and mighty like she's #1 and
She thinks she's the passionate one


It's not a woman's fault that she's the one who has to get pregnant. Trust me--if we could make men give birth instead I'm sure there's not one woman who wouldn't prefer this. Being pregnant and giving birth totally destroys your body and depending on how you gave birth can be really painful to recover from. I'd like to see a man who gets ripped from his penis to his butthole go back to work immediately. Point being, women shouldn't get penalized for taking a maternity leave because in no way is it a vacation. It's weeks of sleep deprivation so the MAN can continue to work as well as time to recover physically. So all you sexist men out there, instead of criticizing women for having to be pregnant why not just be grateful you don't have to do it yourselves. And maybe if you made enough money to support your own families, those "lazy women" wouldn't have to go to work too only to be discriminated against and underpaid.

If you don't like getting pregnant and giving birth, don't. It's real easy. If you do get pregnant and give birth, it's your choice. Deal with it.