#1 Reason you hate working for Indivior!


.. .only two rules before you post on this thread:

1) can only post one reason

2) can not post a previous posted reason (no repeats)

I will start-

Having to listen to the BS "Guiding Principles" that is constantly shoved down our throats but only seems to apply to the employees but not the corporation and the senior leadership team.

I want to write 500 more but will obey rule #1.

despite all the problems with this disease space and selling this product I am very thankful to have had a great job for so many years. There are many people who would give anything to make over 100k a year to “sell” a medication. Im frustrated daily but never ungrateful for what I have been blessed with thus far. We have had it very good for a long time and for that I am thankful. I have been somewhat successful with this launch, @125 injections LTD but it’s been a very big fight. Whatever happens I’m trying my best and I’m thankful for all the great people I have met along the way!! God bless everyone

Unbelievable leadership culture that only works at the reactive tactical level, triangulating and splintering any hope of effective organizational structure, because of their incompetence and arrogance —The co essentially was a one hit wonder now on a rapid decline.

Choosing to promote a 1 yr ABM to Director when they could have had KN in the East and DC in the West. Or KN in the West & Gary Owens (who they wouldn’t even let interview??!?!) in the East. Or KN & JB. Or just go the flip outside and hire someone with experience!
And no only did they choose to promote someone who wasn’t AT ALL developed for the role and is not adequately prepared for the demands of the role at this most crucial time in company history—- MJ failed to consider how her direct reports (her previous ABM colleagues), would respond to their new boss.
When you put someone in a role you have to consider all of the repercussions. This one was completely over looked. So now the majority of her ABMs are looking for another job instead of focusing on coaching their CLs & hitting the numbers needed to sustain us.
I’ve never seen or heard of such a poor decision when the stakes are this high.
I now have zero faith in MJ or GT. Did they put any thought into this decision AT ALL???? Did they put any feelers out to get a vibe as to what the reaction might be? Did they consider that this would dramatically add to the misery of larger territories for CLs and larger Areas for ABMs? Add to the disappointment at losing 1/2 their colleagues/teammates and their disgust at losing HCPs that they finally got going?? Add to their agony of busting their butts to barely make a 1x payout while being dogged by compliance??? Dagger in my gut.

Having to make x # of calls a day for launch. It was one of the stupidest requirements for a buy and bill I have ever experienced. Left no time to do a proper job with accounts wanting to get started

Calibration - it is a popularity contest. It was a large determinate in the layoff criteria because it effected PDR and competency criteria and was completely based on favoritism. I guess it depends on which side you fell on. Unfortunately, my BD and ABM like me and I was kept even though the CL that should have been kept was cut. They were not liked but geographically made more sense in the territory and had as many if not more injections. Now I have to drive over three hours each way to some accounts.

Thinking somehow that launching another product with fewer people in the field. When the Cade launch is such a failure in a market that is getting so much attention. Seems relevant so close to groundhogs day.

Holding everyone to the same quota. Should be based on territory. Some do have advantages, especially after the realignment. You took injectors along with all the patients away from me, gave them to someone else yet hold me to the same # of injections. #bullshit #moraleislow #zeromotivation

there are so many. For me I’ll add confidence. I have a big fat 0 confidence that anyone leading this company has a clue. ST and RS your not very impressive for taking your eye off the US market and allowing the entire ship to sink. Hope you made enough off investments bc if I was hiring you I’d have to question your poor business intelligence

Holding everyone to the same quota. Should be based on territory. Some do have advantages, especially after the realignment. You took injectors along with all the patients away from me, gave them to someone else yet hold me to the same # of injections. #bullshit #moraleislow #zeromotivation

This is the best one so far. Across the board quotas are not used in pharma because they deflate motivation. Has any of these “leaders” ever been in pharma before. Cookie cutter approach because you’re not smart enough to be creative and make each territory feel motivated. Well played

Inept management. I am all for internal promotions but freaking train them. It is a circus of ABMs with no management experience or training. The phone a friend system is ridiculous. Most don’t even know basic concepts of management.