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Just came from a meeting where leadership said “because I’m old” as a joke. Last meeting leadership said “for the old people in the back of the room”. Think for a minute if you removed the adjective “old” and replaced it with another adjective describing someone’s race, gender, or sexual orientation. People would be horrified at that statement. It amazes me that somehow stating “you’re old” or other statements indicating age is perfectly ok here at NNI. I’m sick and tired of age being viewed as negative here rather than a positive. The labeling and negative narrative around age and “old” here at NNI indicates tired, lazy, deficient, irrelevant and lacking energy rather than having experience and wisdom. Leadership wake up and take action.


Just came from a meeting where leadership said “because I’m old” as a joke. Last meeting leadership said “for the old people in the back of the room”. Think for a minute if you removed the adjective “old” and replaced it with another adjective describing someone’s race, gender, or sexual orientation. People would be horrified at that statement. It amazes me that somehow stating “you’re old” or other statements indicating age is perfectly ok here at NNI. I’m sick and tired of age being viewed as negative here rather than a positive. The labeling and negative narrative around age and “old” here at NNI indicates tired, lazy, deficient, irrelevant and lacking energy rather than having experience and wisdom. Leadership wake up and take action.
Have your stewed prunes and stfu.

Just came from a meeting where leadership said “because I’m old” as a joke. Last meeting leadership said “for the old people in the back of the room”. Think for a minute if you removed the adjective “old” and replaced it with another adjective describing someone’s race, gender, or sexual orientation. People would be horrified at that statement. It amazes me that somehow stating “you’re old” or other statements indicating age is perfectly ok here at NNI. I’m sick and tired of age being viewed as negative here rather than a positive. The labeling and negative narrative around age and “old” here at NNI indicates tired, lazy, deficient, irrelevant and lacking energy rather than having experience and wisdom. Leadership wake up and take action.

Who cares. I’m also considered old, yet I have a sense of humor.

Just came from a meeting where leadership said “because I’m old” as a joke. Last meeting leadership said “for the old people in the back of the room”. Think for a minute if you removed the adjective “old” and replaced it with another adjective describing someone’s race, gender, or sexual orientation. People would be horrified at that statement. It amazes me that somehow stating “you’re old” or other statements indicating age is perfectly ok here at NNI. I’m sick and tired of age being viewed as negative here rather than a positive. The labeling and negative narrative around age and “old” here at NNI indicates tired, lazy, deficient, irrelevant and lacking energy rather than having experience and wisdom. Leadership wake up and take action.
I agree. You may feel a little sensitive. However, there is so much double talk here it is joke. The inclusion part is corporate speak and a bunch of half-wits who are trying to be inclusive, the key word trying. I have witnessed it from a different perspective. A joke was made and everyone in the room knew it but the trainer (who was considerably younger), had this blank stare like Huh? It happens both ways, maybe more subtle .The issue is more how ridiculous we have become. Making you do stupid things for the sake of doing them to show engagement, like selfie posts/weird pictures (with signs recently is an example). As someone who has only been here a little over a year I have never seen such glamorized behavior.

....The issue is more how ridiculous we have become. Making you do stupid things for the sake of doing them to show engagement, like selfie posts/weird pictures (with signs recently is an example). As someone who has only been here a little over a year I have never seen such glamorized behavior.
Part of that is that we are creating a culture here in which you have to do these kinds of things to get 'noticed' for calibrations, promotions, etc. We had a recent regional call where our speaker was telling us all how we need to do things like this- 'helpful' text messages and emails to your team, leading various initiatives in your region, outside of the workplace activities, linkedin, etc. What results is that people are no longer trying to be truly helpful to others, but solely to impress their immediate manager and rbd and thus compete against their teammates. Lilly has developed this exact kind of toxic and competitive culture over the years which is why so many have left that place or are desperately trying.

My prescription for you: watch some Chopper Reid HTFU videos and stop being such a winy baby. Can't we make fun of ourselves anymore?

Thanks for reinforcing my point. If this would’ve been making fun of race or gender there would’ve been an outrage and this post would’ve been taken down. Ageism alive and well at NNI

Part of that is that we are creating a culture here in which you have to do these kinds of things to get 'noticed' for calibrations, promotions, etc. We had a recent regional call where our speaker was telling us all how we need to do things like this- 'helpful' text messages and emails to your team, leading various initiatives in your region, outside of the workplace activities, linkedin, etc. What results is that people are no longer trying to be truly helpful to others, but solely to impress their immediate manager and rbd and thus compete against their teammates. Lilly has developed this exact kind of toxic and competitive culture over the years which is why so many have left that place or are desperately trying.

Spot on! There are several people in the MW region who spend a ridiculous amount of time on Ergs, special projects, blasting out motivational quotes, everything and anything except doing their fucking job. And guess what? They get rewarded for it as a “leader” when they can’t even do the essentials of the job. People have figured this is the way to promotions and recognition and have become good at playing the game and working a whole hell of a lot less. Everyone wins. Managers look good because teams are “engaged”, their projects get done by some lackey and the rep gets recognition. Works perfect for all except for the people who actually work hard and do their job well.

Spot on! There are several people in the MW region who spend a ridiculous amount of time on Ergs, special projects, blasting out motivational quotes, everything and anything except doing their fucking job. And guess what? They get rewarded for it as a “leader” when they can’t even do the essentials of the job. People have figured this is the way to promotions and recognition and have become good at playing the game and working a whole hell of a lot less. Everyone wins. Managers look good because teams are “engaged”, their projects get done by some lackey and the rep gets recognition. Works perfect for all except for the people who actually work hard and do their job well.

This is my second Pharma company after a long career in healthcare, and I've rarely seen the level of self-aggrandizing as I see here. It's almost to the point of being hilarious.
But here is something I have seen many times in the past 30 years: when a company does well in spite of its employees' talent and skill, this type of behavior proliferates and numerous people get promoted two and three levels above their capabilities. And next thing you know, a top-level leader gets booted out, and all of his/her/their sycophants get canned alongside them.

Spot on! There are several people in the MW region who spend a ridiculous amount of time on Ergs, special projects, blasting out motivational quotes, everything and anything except doing their fucking job. And guess what? They get rewarded for it as a “leader” when they can’t even do the essentials of the job. People have figured this is the way to promotions and recognition and have become good at playing the game and working a whole hell of a lot less. Everyone wins. Managers look good because teams are “engaged”, their projects get done by some lackey and the rep gets recognition. Works perfect for all except for the people who actually work hard and do their job well.
omg are you on my team??:)
our district and region has also become a non-stop brown-noser fest, particularly with the reps who really aren't working hard. Lots of nauseating and long success stories about the one pharmacy call they have done all week or some other made-up interaction. Middle management here has created this dysfunction.

Part of that is that we are creating a culture here in which you have to do these kinds of things to get 'noticed' for calibrations, promotions, etc. We had a recent regional call where our speaker was telling us all how we need to do things like this- 'helpful' text messages and emails to your team, leading various initiatives in your region, outside of the workplace activities, linkedin, etc. What results is that people are no longer trying to be truly helpful to others, but solely to impress their immediate manager and rbd and thus compete against their teammates. Lilly has developed this exact kind of toxic and competitive culture over the years which is why so many have left that place or are desperately trying.

May explain why you have all of these Ergs and yet people are still unhappy. The intent of these groups is to help employees, however participation and especially leading these groups have turned into opportunities for people leading them or helping to lead to get recognized and result in entries into an IDP rather than the intent being to help and connect people. Everyone knows that. The benefit being mostly to the people delivering and chairing these groups rather than to the group they serve. As for myself, I am a highly successful, self driven and intelligent sales person who doesn’t need an empowerment talk or motivational message to cope with the daily stresses of life or motivate me. If I did need that support, I would seek out a more credentialed robust support such as a psychologist or therapy group or rely on confidants such as family and friends. NO WAY am I sharing my “struggles” on your an ill intentioned erg for all employees to hear and “swear not to gossip about”

May explain why you have all of these Ergs and yet people are still unhappy. The intent of these groups is to help employees, however participation and especially leading these groups have turned into opportunities for people leading them or helping to lead to get recognized and result in entries into an IDP rather than the intent being to help and connect people. Everyone knows that. The benefit being mostly to the people delivering and chairing these groups rather than to the group they serve. As for myself, I am a highly successful, self driven and intelligent sales person who doesn’t need an empowerment talk or motivational message to cope with the daily stresses of life or motivate me. If I did need that support, I would seek out a more credentialed robust support such as a psychologist or therapy group or rely on confidants such as family and friends. NO WAY am I sharing my “struggles” on your an ill intentioned erg for all employees to hear and “swear not to gossip about”
Well said. And may I also add, you are not my family. You are my employer. Period.

Spot on! There are several people in the MW region who spend a ridiculous amount of time on Ergs, special projects, blasting out motivational quotes, everything and anything except doing their fucking job. And guess what? They get rewarded for it as a “leader” when they can’t even do the essentials of the job. People have figured this is the way to promotions and recognition and have become good at playing the game and working a whole hell of a lot less. Everyone wins. Managers look good because teams are “engaged”, their projects get done by some lackey and the rep gets recognition. Works perfect for all except for the people who actually work hard and do their job well.

Sounds like TW

Spot on! There are several people in the MW region who spend a ridiculous amount of time on Ergs, special projects, blasting out motivational quotes, everything and anything except doing their fucking job. And guess what? They get rewarded for it as a “leader” when they can’t even do the essentials of the job. People have figured this is the way to promotions and recognition and have become good at playing the game and working a whole hell of a lot less. Everyone wins. Managers look good because teams are “engaged”, their projects get done by some lackey and the rep gets recognition. Works perfect for all except for the people who actually work hard and do their job well.

You from seattle too?

I have to say, maybe twice a year I hop on NN site to see what’s up and even though I’ve been gone for 3 years, I continue to thank my lucky stars I have left that shit show. I still have old colleagues that I get together with and those that are still at NN are freaking miserable and complain about all that is posted on this thread (plus their insane goals and no product). You can’t imagine the stress and weight this plays on your psyche on a daily basis until you finally get the hell out.

I have to say, maybe twice a year I hop on NN site to see what’s up and even though I’ve been gone for 3 years, I continue to thank my lucky stars I have left that shit show. I still have old colleagues that I get together with and those that are still at NN are freaking miserable and complain about all that is posted on this thread (plus their insane goals and no product). You can’t imagine the stress and weight this plays on your psyche on a daily basis until you finally get the hell out.
Stress? That's laughable. We "sell" drugs that pretty much sell themselves, we get paid a more-than-decent salary and have sweet perks. And what do we REALLY do, day in and day out? How much face time do those of us that have doctors part of integrated networks or hospital systems or group practices that insist that each NP, PA or doc sees 5 more patients a day than they did the previous year?
We need to get a grip and realize that in a year or two, those McKinsey and ZS-type consultants are going to recommend cutting field forces and replacing with contract reps making 66% of what we make.
Yes, I'm pissed that our salary package will never again reach what it did during the glory days. But as pissed as I am, I realize that this is an easy job and we get paid well to do (relatively) very little!

Stress? That's laughable. We "sell" drugs that pretty much sell themselves, we get paid a more-than-decent salary and have sweet perks. And what do we REALLY do, day in and day out? How much face time do those of us that have doctors part of integrated networks or hospital systems or group practices that insist that each NP, PA or doc sees 5 more patients a day than they did the previous year?
We need to get a grip and realize that in a year or two, those McKinsey and ZS-type consultants are going to recommend cutting field forces and replacing with contract reps making 66% of what we make.
Yes, I'm pissed that our salary package will never again reach what it did during the glory days. But as pissed as I am, I realize that this is an easy job and we get paid well to do (relatively) very little!
Yeah NN executive leadership knows this already and is making plans now to correct this. That means scooting you out to make room for newbies with less pay and contract arrangements.

Stress? That's laughable. We "sell" drugs that pretty much sell themselves, we get paid a more-than-decent salary and have sweet perks. And what do we REALLY do, day in and day out? How much face time do those of us that have doctors part of integrated networks or hospital systems or group practices that insist that each NP, PA or doc sees 5 more patients a day than they did the previous year?
We need to get a grip and realize that in a year or two, those McKinsey and ZS-type consultants are going to recommend cutting field forces and replacing with contract reps making 66% of what we make.
Yes, I'm pissed that our salary package will never again reach what it did during the glory days. But as pissed as I am, I realize that this is an easy job and we get paid well to do (relatively) very little!
Yeah NN executive leadership knows this already and is making plans now to correct this. That means scooting you out to make room for newbies with less pay and contract arrangements.

Stress? That's laughable. We "sell" drugs that pretty much sell themselves, we get paid a more-than-decent salary and have sweet perks. And what do we REALLY do, day in and day out? How much face time do those of us that have doctors part of integrated networks or hospital systems or group practices that insist that each NP, PA or doc sees 5 more patients a day than they did the previous year?
We need to get a grip and realize that in a year or two, those McKinsey and ZS-type consultants are going to recommend cutting field forces and replacing with contract reps making 66% of what we make.
Yes, I'm pissed that our salary package will never again reach what it did during the glory days. But as pissed as I am, I realize that this is an easy job and we get paid well to do (relatively) very little!
Yeah NN executive leadership knows this already and is making plans now to correct this. That means scooting you out to make room for newbies with less pay and contract arrangements.