
Ding dong the witch is dead. Had nightmares I would be realligned on her team. New motto should be your allergic to holding a position for longer than a year. I hear Supercuts is hiring.

Does anyone else have a mgr on the RST side that spends very little time in the field and when they do, it is a one and done call, yet always records it as a full day and provides little to no coaching?

manager is by far the worst one in my seasoned tenure. Multiple full day ride alongs per month, providing nonsense useless coaching, and making shit up if he can’t find something to complain about. Goes overboard with Budgeting and questions his reps daily about every decision and move they make. Numbers and morale continue to decline because of this shitclown but he manages to push all the blame onto his reps. All of this goes unchecked because he’s an AZ veteran and knows how to work the show.