Brooklyn Park Site

Are those worthless jokes Tom, Joe, Dana, Alycia still there. No need to wonder why Takeda is laying off over 30% of the company when you make toxic waste dumps like that your “leadership” team. Entyvio isn’t saving that site. You’re screwed.

Everyone but Alycia. And they torched the guy that called BS on her. Dump this disaster or sink to the bottom. Writing is on the wall and if you can’t see it that’s on you.

Maggie topped out as an associate so it makes sense to give her the director spot. Going just like you’d think. Even her kids are embarrassed at her selling out.

Hey othniel, how’s it going with no lube from the idiots gifted their jobs. Tom, your wife will be jealous;). You really, really deserved that promotion. WOW! We’ve never seen someone suck off so hard and even invent an engagement for sympathy to get so far ahead in a company. Keep at it! You’ll get far with little joey. Super impressive. Your morals have no bottom.

At least othniel gets monthly payments from a certain new manager for pushing a certain idiot into her new position that she’s a joke in. He just got sore wrists from having to stroke tom and little joey. Totally worth it loser.

Takeda is ignoring fiduciary responsibilities and is about to contract entyvio production at another CMO. All this because of an unrelated abbvie lawsuit where takeda lost big. BP will slow down production and layoffs will follow. We can save our jobs. The UFCW represents our team at other pharma sites and they are offering to support us! Our pay hasnt kept up with peers or inflation and it's going to get worse. Talk to the trades. They make more than us. They love their union. go to the UFCW website