
Let me ask youare you any better off than you were a year ago? You all complained about KW, RM, BR and CB saying they had no idea and were terrible leaders. Now you have the pharma culture of being non committal, non performance, give everyone a dum dum lollipop with KM, LK and CA who just knee jerk react to everything and haven't solved one issue.
The hub is a bigger diasaster than a year ago with HCP's wanting less engagment with them, they are not helpful and create more discontent. Any one listening to the field on the HCP problems with getting paid, getting help, Getting general answers from the hub? Is anyone paying attention?
HR sucks, they foster an environment of bullying and hostile work situations and just say people need to just get along. They allow the hostile work environments to continue with no consequences.
Non performance is okay and rewarded across the organization with just moving the problem around, again no consquences. I guess no one was a fly on the wall in Ghent and either has no clue or doesn't care that there are a whole group of people that are waiting for stock vests in July to hit the pavement, some already have gigs lined up.
So argenx you wanted to be big pharma, did you get what you wanted? Are you better off? Do you just want a dum dum lollipop from the leadership peeps who have no idea? Good luck all.

Let me ask youare you any better off than you were a year ago? You all complained about KW, RM, BR and CB saying they had no idea and were terrible leaders. Now you have the pharma culture of being non committal, non performance, give everyone a dum dum lollipop with KM, LK and CA who just knee jerk react to everything and haven't solved one issue.
The hub is a bigger diasaster than a year ago with HCP's wanting less engagment with them, they are not helpful and create more discontent. Any one listening to the field on the HCP problems with getting paid, getting help, Getting general answers from the hub? Is anyone paying attention?
HR sucks, they foster an environment of bullying and hostile work situations and just say people need to just get along. They allow the hostile work environments to continue with no consequences.
Non performance is okay and rewarded across the organization with just moving the problem around, again no consquences. I guess no one was a fly on the wall in Ghent and either has no clue or doesn't care that there are a whole group of people that are waiting for stock vests in July to hit the pavement, some already have gigs lined up.
So argenx you wanted to be big pharma, did you get what you wanted? Are you better off? Do you just want a dum dum lollipop from the leadership peeps who have no idea? Good luck all.

Such an amazing post and so incredibly true. argenx has so much going for it but has lost its way. Too much focus on community and everyone getting along, not making waves, not speaking up, not staying true to patients. HR used to be great (before SM was fired)- it was the place that you could go to talk to someone, get advice, and they were committed not only to the people but to the organization. So much has changed. So much being swept under the rug- if we ignore it, maybe it will go away. Where are the leaders? Who are they? What are they doing?

Such an amazing post and so incredibly true. argenx has so much going for it but has lost its way. Too much focus on community and everyone getting along, not making waves, not speaking up, not staying true to patients. HR used to be great (before SM was fired)- it was the place that you could go to talk to someone, get advice, and they were committed not only to the people but to the organization. So much has changed. So much being swept under the rug- if we ignore it, maybe it will go away. Where are the leaders? Who are they? What are they doing?

Well anything is better than DD. The expansion is ridiculous and we are definitely not playing the specialty rep role any more. Way too many cooks in the kitchen, but it’s a great product and there are plenty of good people here. It’s wild to think of how awful it was with DD here - could be a loooot worse.

Let me ask youare you any better off than you were a year ago? You all complained about KW, RM, BR and CB saying they had no idea and were terrible leaders. Now you have the pharma culture of being non committal, non performance, give everyone a dum dum lollipop with KM, LK and CA who just knee jerk react to everything and haven't solved one issue.
The hub is a bigger diasaster than a year ago with HCP's wanting less engagment with them, they are not helpful and create more discontent. Any one listening to the field on the HCP problems with getting paid, getting help, Getting general answers from the hub? Is anyone paying attention?
HR sucks, they foster an environment of bullying and hostile work situations and just say people need to just get along. They allow the hostile work environments to continue with no consequences.
Non performance is okay and rewarded across the organization with just moving the problem around, again no consquences. I guess no one was a fly on the wall in Ghent and either has no clue or doesn't care that there are a whole group of people that are waiting for stock vests in July to hit the pavement, some already have gigs lined up.
So argenx you wanted to be big pharma, did you get what you wanted? Are you better off? Do you just want a dum dum lollipop from the leadership peeps who have no idea? Good luck all.

Well anything is better than DD. The expansion is ridiculous and we are definitely not playing the specialty rep role any more. Way too many cooks in the kitchen, but it’s a great product and there are plenty of good people here. It’s wild to think of how awful it was with DD here - could be a loooot worse.
Agree 1000%. With DD it was sheer misery. So so so much better. The expansion was a stupid move though. Especially all those new managers from outside who are bringing in their old approaches. If you think it’s worse now you definitely have forgotten how incredibly bad DD was.