Salvin President Trolling

I can’t wait to see who it is!!! PREZ GND will lose his mind!!!
I’ve seen a few amateur attempts to divert the attention away from the fact that the many stories on this thread are actually true – the reports about the manner in which the Salvin management treats and speaks to their employees. They don’t deny it! They even love the “Bad Boss” title, the sick assholes that they are. They spend much more time reading Cafepharma posts than they should, and really need to focus more on why people on this thread, and beyond, have no regard for them. And, as much as they want to try to convince anyone reading this forum that there is only ONE angry female (former rep) posting on this site, they couldn’t be farther from reality. And if I were a betting person, my bet would be that the writer of the post I’m responding to here, along with several other BS posts over these past two weeks, is one of those wacky Bobbleheads in the flesh. If not one of them, then you, dear poster, are a poor performing sales rep who’s being told what to write in order to keep your job. If that’s the case…. heed my advice: Start your job search NOW. As soon as they are done using you, they’ll fire your ass and laugh at you as you are walking out the door.

That being said, I truly think these morons have come to adore the Bobblehead nickname. Although it does have several meanings, you can think of a bobble-head as an idiot – someone who doesn’t have their head attached properly. There are other x-rated definitions for Bobbleheads as well. Use your imagination. As for the Crybaby – no explanation needed here. Has he been seen crying in the warehouse lately? KP Duty? Take a trip to NJ to learn more. Make sure you expense the trip. So, “Salvin Sales Vet”, whoever you are….you need to move along. There’s nothing for you to see here. There’s plenty for you to learn, but you are not capable. Why are you wasting your time here? Save your lies and BS for the workplace and at home with your spouse.

I’ve seen a few amateur attempts to divert the attention away from the fact that the many stories on this thread are actually true – the reports about the manner in which the Salvin management treats and speaks to their employees. They don’t deny it! They even love the “Bad Boss” title, the sick assholes that they are. They spend much more time reading Cafepharma posts than they should, and really need to focus more on why people on this thread, and beyond, have no regard for them. And, as much as they want to try to convince anyone reading this forum that there is only ONE angry female (former rep) posting on this site, they couldn’t be farther from reality. And if I were a betting person, my bet would be that the writer of the post I’m responding to here, along with several other BS posts over these past two weeks, is one of those wacky Bobbleheads in the flesh. If not one of them, then you, dear poster, are a poor performing sales rep who’s being told what to write in order to keep your job. If that’s the case…. heed my advice: Start your job search NOW. As soon as they are done using you, they’ll fire your ass and laugh at you as you are walking out the door.

That being said, I truly think these morons have come to adore the Bobblehead nickname. Although it does have several meanings, you can think of a bobble-head as an idiot – someone who doesn’t have their head attached properly. There are other x-rated definitions for Bobbleheads as well. Use your imagination. As for the Crybaby – no explanation needed here. Has he been seen crying in the warehouse lately? KP Duty? Take a trip to NJ to learn more. Make sure you expense the trip. So, “Salvin Sales Vet”, whoever you are….you need to move along. There’s nothing for you to see here. There’s plenty for you to learn, but you are not capable. Why are you wasting your time here? Save your lies and BS for the workplace and at home with your spouse.

Bravo!!!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!! I know who it is PREZ GND might have to explain all of his motives to his superiors at YI. Bobby the advisor won’t be able to step in.

Bravo!!!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!! I know who it is PREZ GND might have to explain all of his motives to his superiors at YI. Bobby the advisor won’t be able to step in.
There is something wrong with this person. They need mental help!!!! Perhaps he can’t sleep thinking about all the wrongdoings and deceptions especially to a spouse. The only person it can be is Max The Pumpkin Head/Dirty Cop. Imagine this idiot was allowed to carry a gun. My quest is to find out why he was kicked out of the police force.

There is something wrong with this person. They need mental help!!!! Perhaps he can’t sleep thinking about all the wrongdoings and deceptions especially to a spouse. The only person it can be is Max The Pumpkin Head/Dirty Cop. Imagine this idiot was allowed to carry a gun. My quest is to find out why he was kicked out of the police force.

Hopefully his superiors at Young Innovations recognize how inept he is as a manager and a human being.

Hopefully his superiors at Young Innovations recognize how inept he is as a manager and a human being.
I can't say that I'm unemployed, and I can't say that I spend my spare time in any dentist's office.
I will, however, buy tickets to watch that smug, moronic used-car salesman smile get wiped off your face when Karma finally comes knocking on your door. You know what they say - What goes around, comes around. You have dished out a lot of crap to some fine people who did not deserve it. It would be nice to see the tables turned on YOU, for a change.
By the way - One might think that YOU are unemployed by the amount of time you spend on Cafepharma

ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!! Bobblehead #1 you need to dispossess yourself of the Crybaby and the KP Duty he is doing. They are a liability to the future of your company. What once was a respectable company is now a POS!!!!!!!! YOU LET IT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!

Bobblehead #1 can't do a thing!!!! He no longer owns the company. Apparently someone is cutting and pasting from the Salvin Imploding thread or they want to divert attention from the Salvin President Trolling thread.

Bobblehead #1 can't do a thing!!!! He no longer owns the company. Apparently someone is cutting and pasting from the Salvin Imploding thread or they want to divert attention from the Salvin President Trolling thread.

Who's preaching? YOU?!?!? LOL!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
It's phony "Christians" like you who give REAL Christians a bad name. You are disgusting.

Here are a few verses for YOU. I think you forgot them.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery," Exodus 20:14
"Thou shalt not lie," Exodus 20:16

I find it beyond belief that someone holding the position that you have at Salvin, have the highest level of immaturity and lowest level of professionalism I've ever seen. How is it that you have so much time to post so much nonsensical BS on a forum that you would be totally ignoring.... if you had even just one single maturebone in your body?!?!?!?

But you can't ignore it, because you know that the posts that are on here (with the exception of YOURS) are all true, and you think your nonsense on here will mask the truth. Your ignorance will keep this post alive for another 33 pages, at least. You are a Buffoon.


Who's preaching? YOU?!?!? LOL!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
It's phony "Christians" like you who give REAL Christians a bad name. You are disgusting.

Here are a few verses for YOU. I think you forgot them.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery," Exodus 20:14
"Thou shalt not lie," Exodus 20:16

I find it beyond belief that someone holding the position that you have at Salvin, have the highest level of immaturity and lowest level of professionalism I've ever seen. How is it that you have so much time to post so much nonsensical BS on a forum that you would be totally ignoring.... if you had even just one single maturebone in your body?!?!?!?

But you can't ignore it, because you know that the posts that are on here (with the exception of YOURS) are all true, and you think your nonsense on here will mask the truth. Your ignorance will keep this post alive for another 33 pages, at least. You are a Buffoon.

Hey PREZ GND Name-calling is a fallacy of an Ad Hominem type of Red Herring logical fallacies. The synonym is mudslinging or character assassination. It’s a lowest possible type of argument where instead of addressing the issue in question, the opponent character or identity is abused without intent to discuss anything, instead of undermining his arguments.


Who's preaching? YOU?!?!? LOL!!! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
It's phony "Christians" like you who give REAL Christians a bad name. You are disgusting.

Here are a few verses for YOU. I think you forgot them.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery," Exodus 20:14
"Thou shalt not lie," Exodus 20:16

I find it beyond belief that someone holding the position that you have at Salvin, have the highest level of immaturity and lowest level of professionalism I've ever seen. How is it that you have so much time to post so much nonsensical BS on a forum that you would be totally ignoring.... if you had even just one single maturebone in your body?!?!?!?

But you can't ignore it, because you know that the posts that are on here (with the exception of YOURS) are all true, and you think your nonsense on here will mask the truth. Your ignorance will keep this post alive for another 33 pages, at least. You are a Buffoon.
