Labcorp buying PathGroup?

I hope Lab Corp does buy us out. Maybe then we will get some half way decent health insurance benefits. Our benefits suck and we are the only lab that doesn't offer employee blood work as a courtesyc. That's how much PathGroup cares about their employees.

I hope Lab Corp does buy us out. Maybe then we will get some half way decent health insurance benefits. Our benefits suck and we are the only lab that doesn't offer employee blood work as a courtesyc. That's how much PathGroup cares about their employees.
Funny that we look at LabCrap as being an upgrade.

Funny that we look at LabCrap as being an upgrade.
They're easily an upgrage. They have management in place, profitable business and are growing. No one really knows who is in charge here, management is a joke, the sales team is jsut brining in client bill cases with really low billing (not profitable) and our employee benefits really do suck! Anything is an upgrade.

Terrible training dept. here. Senior Mgt sucks and cant be trusted.
Whose the loser working with SY? Two idiots more concerned about football than employees. They will screw over anyone at anytime. I guess they were picked on a lot as children......

Maybe Quest won't buy GenPath, then they can get into the bidding for us.
Why would anyone look to get in a bidding war for us? This place is horrible. Management is backstabbing and plays favorites at the lab. Who knows if sales is actually working, we seem to lose more clients then we gain. Just promise a phleb to that 1 doctor group, I'm sure it will be worth it.

Why would anyone look to get in a bidding war for us? This place is horrible. Management is backstabbing and plays favorites at the lab. Who knows if sales is actually working, we seem to lose more clients then we gain. Just promise a phleb to that 1 doctor group, I'm sure it will be worth it.
That strategy doesn't work, I'm having to remove phlebs from some offices.

I see specimens being brought in reguarly to pathgroup. From reading other threads and from what i have seen this lab is a mess. Alot of information is not shared at all with employees or they find out after events happen. Understaffed and no real solutions or looking at problems to find a way to deal with them. Management/supervisors are SHADY and tend have their preferences of who they like and dont some to a extreme degree. Dont blink if you see a new employee ( the clock is ticking) till they find something else rather than deal with mess of a company.

I see specimens being brought in reguarly to pathgroup. From reading other threads and from what i have seen this lab is a mess. Alot of information is not shared at all with employees or they find out after events happen. Understaffed and no real solutions or looking at problems to find a way to deal with them. Management/supervisors are SHADY and tend have their preferences of who they like and dont some to a extreme degree. Dont blink if you see a new employee ( the clock is ticking) till they find something else rather than deal with mess of a company.
Completely agree. Sometimes management will purposely leave positions open for a month or so, then start interviewing. This is used to cut costs. It takes about 2-3 weeks to find a candidate and then another week or 2 to hire. They just cut that positions cost by a month.

Completely agree. Sometimes management will purposely leave positions open for a month or so, then start interviewing. This is used to cut costs. It takes about 2-3 weeks to find a candidate and then another week or 2 to hire. They just cut that positions cost by a month.

Also, i guess it doesnt take much to become a supervisor/management with this company. Seen a supervisor that is straight up showing signs they they have no clue what they are doing ( even though this person supposedly has a medical background). Supervisor also leaves people in the dark at to whats going on, random snap decisions on things, no way earning any type of trust with her department. I have used this word SHADY, this company is just that.

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