Janssen CNS

They can’t it truly is a shame! When do you think layoffs or restructuring is coming? I can’t imagine the company keeps this up for much longer.

How is the west without Bergie and his sidekick? Any better? Is DK in washington and and WP and CHet A and gold chain RobertoR still around? Is that female big smile teeth manager still employed in Colorado? The one where 5 people left her team in a year? How are her doggies?

How is the west without Bergie and his sidekick? Any better? Is DK in washington and and WP and CHet A and gold chain RobertoR still around? Is that female big smile teeth manager still employed in Colorado? The one where 5 people left her team in a year? How are her doggies?

Q: Still butt hurt after being fired?
A: Let’s go with yes.

What a joke! It’s impossible to understand how C.A. is still employed, he just moved to get out of the hot seat. He is a cheater along with most of the LA team. They have been sharing customers, taking high volume docs from other districts and adding them to their call plan for years. Not to mention allowing S.O. in San Diego to keep his job, after it was reported directly to CA that he is harassing not only the women he works with, but nurses. Or C.S. who threatens his peers, and consistently has group one violations. Anyone ever stoped to ask why that guy never has field rides with the home office? Well “ it’s too much of a risk, he will do something non-compliant.” That’s a direct quote from CA. All have been reported over and over to the credo hotline. And nothing has been done. Anyone who supports these guys on this post are cheaters! Only one reason they are still around. Whistle blower protection! JD and MB were great, these cheating dirt bags took them down to save themselves. And guess what.... they go down, all faith in incentive comp for the last 5 years goes into question. Clearly it was much easier to toss JD and MB. And BTW is anyone aware FT was also on brand for baby powder and opioids? Should we talk about +|- 7 day dosing of IS? A dosing structure that was taught at sales training, with no emphasis on missed dose? Nope, let’s just fire anyone who says anything ethical and stands up for the Credo. Can’t fire FT tho, that would look bad, can’t fire the one non-African American. LA Team how do you sleep at night? Ethicality, that would eat at me. I have never been so happy to leave this company and the toxic environment in the West. But make no mistakes, leaving was not about JD and MB, it was about not supporting the ethical values. For those of you(cheaters) who put this post down, be well aware that there is a long documented trail of email evidence you stole from someone else. Question is why no follow up?