Janssen CNS

Oh ok. So the legacy CNS reps have really crushed it with a whopping 5% market share for IS and less than 1% for IT with those superior selling skills? But hey, the docs are not pissed off though.

LOL.....so true! They have this dead look in their eyes while they say "that won't work, I already tried it." There needs to be more youth here. Instead we have fat, old and lazy reps trying to boss us around.

It also doesn't help when the main thing that doctors want to talk about are daily lawsuits and screw ups with JNJ products.

LOL.....so true! They have this dead look in their eyes while they say "that won't work, I already tried it." There needs to be more youth here. Instead we have fat, old and lazy reps trying to boss us around.

It also doesn't help when the main thing that doctors want to talk about are daily lawsuits and screw ups with JNJ products.

Clearly you are in the East where negativity is the number one job requirement.

The CNS division is tough right now. New leadership that doesn’t know CNS. New primary care and IQVIA reps as our partners calling on our top docs. Crappy launch. Metrics. Metrics. Metrics. But the culture is so much better. People are so much happier. The West Region is thriving without the hammer of MB and JD. Good riddance, this is the dawn of a new era for Janssen Neuroscience.

The CNS division is tough right now. New leadership that doesn’t know CNS. New primary care and IQVIA reps as our partners calling on our top docs. Crappy launch. Metrics. Metrics. Metrics. But the culture is so much better. People are so much happier. The West Region is thriving without the hammer of MB and JD. Good riddance, this is the dawn of a new era for Janssen Neuroscience.
You must be insane! Have you had a conversation with our new RBD? The only people happy are the people that were part of getting them fired. Getting rid of them will not protect you for long. Soon enough the new leadership will also see you don’t work, or you cheat, or whatever it is you were doing. The hammer will be much worse this time around.

This launch has been both hysterical and depressing at the same time. The amounts by which the marketing and ibg teams have gone to lie, exaggerate and cover up the major oversights and mistakes have been unbelievable, even by Janssen standards. It is literally the land of make-believe. o_O

This launch has been both hysterical and depressing at the same time. The amounts by which the marketing and ibg teams have gone to lie, exaggerate and cover up the major oversights and mistakes have been unbelievable, even by Janssen standards. It is literally the land of make-believe. o_O

That’s what happens when people are put in charge, and they shouldn’t be

For all of you neuroscience old timers who have been here for 25+ years, how have you survived for so long? Seriously, this has to be the WORST business environment that I have ever worked in and struggle every day not to leave.

For all of you neuroscience old timers who have been here for 25+ years, how have you survived for so long? Seriously, this has to be the WORST business environment that I have ever worked in and struggle every day not to leave.
It wasn’t always like this. This used to be a wonderful environment to work in. The new leadership has ruined it and made it a hostile place to work.

I like the new changes actually. The senior leadership team is atleast transparent in what they want. The old RBD and DMs were so fake and stabbed people in the back. The old environment was what was toxic. Not anymore.

For all of you neuroscience old timers who have been here for 25+ years, how have you survived for so long? Seriously, this has to be the WORST business environment that I have ever worked in and struggle every day not to leave.

I guess I am qualified to answer this: I don't feel like looking for another job at this stage in my career. Keep my head down, play the game, and hope I can last another 10 years until retirement. The business environment has gotten worse over the years.