Bob g is ruining the SE Region


This evangelistic under qualified ego-maniac has no business being a regional director of Zoll Lifevest.
Hiring S. Evans who will lose every rep she has and was 50k behind her number is a joke!
Everyone can see her performance Bob and everyone knows why you protect her!
Watch Jamie's Beloved all go bye-bye and then you go bye bye.

With kind regards,
Her team!

yes a trainer with no management experience. I'm thinking that she is soon going to find that training and leadership are two very different things. But then again who is this company going to hire? It's getting much more difficult to hire from the outside as more and more people are finding out what Zoll is about and will not come to work here.

yes a trainer with no management experience. I'm thinking that she is soon going to find that training and leadership are two very different things. But then again who is this company going to hire? It's getting much more difficult to hire from the outside as more and more people are finding out what Zoll is about and will not come to work here.

Post sounds like it came from a loser with an ax to grind. Quit typing and go out and sell something.

Try selling something to help your region out you free loader...stop whining and get something done please!

That's all you got S.Evans? Pathetic! U have no business being a manager. The truth is
Bonnie wanted you gone so she pushed bob g into hiring you!
You will always be at the bottom of the list because your team will not fight for you.
Everyone is looking for a new job.
You will NEVER hit your number and that's a fact!
They will have to replace you and that's a fact!

That's all you got S.Evans? Pathetic! U have no business being a manager. The truth is
Bonnie wanted you gone so she pushed bob g into hiring you!
You will always be at the bottom of the list because your team will not fight for you.
Everyone is looking for a new job.
You will NEVER hit your number and that's a fact!
They will have to replace you and that's a fact!

I'm thinking they will not replace her, as she is exactly the type of manager that Zoll like.

That's all you got S.Evans? Pathetic! U have no business being a manager. The truth is
Bonnie wanted you gone so she pushed bob g into hiring you!
You will always be at the bottom of the list because your team will not fight for you.
Everyone is looking for a new job.
You will NEVER hit your number and that's a fact!
They will have to replace you and that's a fact!

I understand where you are coming from as I worked with her as a trainer and she was pretty out of touch with reality as to what its really like in the field and what is realistic. However if she isn't making her quota and missing it by that much means a lot of the reps are not meeting their quota. You may not like her but why wouldn't you still work hard to meet your goal as it's your compensation. You may not like your manager or want to work with her but ultimately don't you want to make the most amount of money that you can? I understand wanting to leave, trust me I get that as the company dynamics are not set up for people to stay long term and the bait and switch game is ridiculous. Leave because of that, but to leave because you don't like your manager is somewhat childish.

I understand where you are coming from as I worked with her as a trainer and she was pretty out of touch with reality as to what its really like in the field and what is realistic. However if she isn't making her quota and missing it by that much means a lot of the reps are not meeting their quota. You may not like her but why wouldn't you still work hard to meet your goal as it's your compensation. You may not like your manager or want to work with her but ultimately don't you want to make the most amount of money that you can? I understand wanting to leave, trust me I get that as the company dynamics are not set up for people to stay long term and the bait and switch game is ridiculous. Leave because of that, but to leave because you don't like your manager is somewhat childish.

Childish??- no it's not at all childish. Speaking of out of touch? Look the damn thing is oversold and at some point you hit a point of diminishing returns. Working harder doesn't pay off in this company and often creates more problems for you with the immature management. Present value, solutions to problems, vocalize/document anything (threat-SWOT) and you are "negative". As for no one making quota- your incorrect. Role ups are not consistent at the territory or regional level. I take this job at this point to be what it is...18 months and strike at opportunity while maintaining damage control. I am building something to transition into "hopefully" in 9-12 months. Just minimizing my pain, my teams pain, my customers pain, my patients pain and maximizing my working capital. To me that's pretty adult and considerate.

Up at 4 am cause I can't sleep
Predictions Bob on how much S. Evans will miss by?
The over and under is 50k
Can't make any money here in bonus so maybe I can take some bets!!!
Let the fun begin
Can't wait for end of segment sat to post another segs failure.
Now go get your shine box bob