Worst company ever

Not angry. Just incredulous that you ingrates would want even more. You're barely worth your salary but yet you want more options, more bonuses, more of everything. You're really a worthless POS sales team starting with the RBDs all the way to each TBM. Singularly lackluster. Worst sales team in history. Rest in peace, brotha.

Just curious, have you sold a vial of orbactiv yet?

Not angry. Just incredulous that you ingrates would want even more. You're barely worth your salary but yet you want more options, more bonuses, more of everything. You're really a worthless POS sales team starting with the RBDs all the way to each TBM. Singularly lackluster. Worst sales team in history. Rest in peace, brotha.


Not angry. Just incredulous that you ingrates would want even more. You're barely worth your salary but yet you want more options, more bonuses, more of everything. You're really a worthless POS sales team starting with the RBDs all the way to each TBM. Singularly lackluster. Worst sales team in history. Rest in peace, brotha.

This is obviously the guy in the NE that was dumb enough to get himself fired, now he's not eligible for a severance or a job at Actavis. He just sits at home angry writing angry posts on Cafepharma like a real winner would do. Douche.

Too bad none of the facts have been presented to us. This is the craziest buyout I have ever seen. They are making us all feel as though we will have jobs, and maybe we will, but it's like we are being held hostage until the final moment.

From Actavis here. We were told you definitely have jobs here. We have 16 to 18 openings, plus they are adding about 52 territories. That's 230 in all. There will be smaller geographies with more reps.

It's a little overkill on the territories, but they are doing it to keep you.

How about the silence on that call today? Speaks volumes. We all have so many questions but no one wants to even ask anymore. They will keep us hanging on until Dec. 12 now with no clarity.

Ok angry guy it's your turn. Tell my why I'm so entitled and whinny and should just be happy to have a job and blah, blah, blah.

How about the silence on that call today? Speaks volumes. We all have so many questions but no one wants to even ask anymore. They will keep us hanging on until Dec. 12 now with no clarity.

Ok angry guy it's your turn. Tell my why I'm so entitled and whinny and should just be happy to have a job and blah, blah, blah.

Okaaay, well you should be happy because you woke up this morning, because your relative wasn't beheaded by ISIS, because you live in the best country on earth, because you have good healthcare benefits, because you can whine without being censored and, well, because you have a job when millions don't at a time when food, money and housing is so scarce.

You're welcome.

Okaaay, well you should be happy because you woke up this morning, because your relative wasn't beheaded by ISIS, because you live in the best country on earth, because you have good healthcare benefits, because you can whine without being censored and, well, because you have a job when millions don't at a time when food, money and housing is so scarce.

You're welcome.

Angry guy wins! Gotta keep perspective throughout all this. I'm not gonna stick around for long but so far so good.

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