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Speed just go puke your sales piece on your doctor's shoes, bring him a donut, have a dinner program for his nurses, and do a lunch a day.......just be a legend in your own a superstar. Then go home and let your neighbors who have real jobs, laugh about the Dufuss next door who works for the company with most moronic, sophmorish marketing programs ever witnessed by mankind.

I have already seen way too much of the farxiga ad. Totally hate the stupid singing and dancing. If these lazy type 2s had any motivation to exercise and get up off their butts to begin with, overall expenditures to treat the disease would be far less.

As a rep who sold multiple diabetes products for other companies, I cannot imagine how anyone can sell Farxiga, with all its issues (UTI's, bladder cancer). There are so many other, better options out there. I'm currently out of work, but would never apply for a job involving Farxiga. I'll take on janitorial work before stooping so low as to sell this piece of crap.

Speed just go puke your sales piece on your doctor's shoes, bring him a donut, have a dinner program for his nurses, and do a lunch a day.......just be a legend in your own a superstar. Then go home and let your neighbors who have real jobs, laugh about the Dufuss next door who works for the company with most moronic, sophmorish marketing programs ever witnessed by mankind.

I feel your pain. I understand about the neighbors. There is no good in living a lie, but they pay well. It is humiliating. AZ loves it. AZ understands that all salespeople are their minion slaves, and the sickos love it.

As a rep who sold multiple diabetes products for other companies, I cannot imagine how anyone can sell Farxiga, with all its issues (UTI's, bladder cancer). There are so many other, better options out there. I'm currently out of work, but would never apply for a job involving Farxiga. I'll take on janitorial work before stooping so low as to sell this piece of crap.

Hey, Novo rep you can come over and scrub my toilets for me . I am very busy selling that shit for a drug you are crying about.

I feel your pain. I understand about the neighbors. There is no good in living a lie, but they pay well. It is humiliating. AZ loves it. AZ understands that all salespeople are their minion slaves, and the sickos love it.
So true. How many times has someone asked you how you know if you sold anything? Then you try to explain to them how Rxs are tracked and reported but if you go into the actual details about how DDD is reported they get this glazed over stare similar to ours when management tries to explain how managed care is factored in and how non reporting pharmacies are sampled in. And heaven help us if we tried to explain how anything we do can be tracked back to us since 5 or more fucking PSSs sell the same drug to the same customers. So I usually just laugh and say, I am a drug pusher. Which explains why I can live in a $600 K house, have a membership to the most exclusive country club in town, and am home by 2 P.M. every day and rarely leave the house except to play golf on Mondays and Fridays.

Laughing at the truth in most of these replies. I feel like a douche when I complain about the absurdity of this job to friends who actually work for a living. I make more than my friends. So when I complain about being a caterer, catching shit from office cows and docs who are so entitled that they criticize what food I bring, managers that work with you a half day once a moth, etc they look at me like I am from outer space. It does pay incredibly well for what we actually do. If there was something else that paid the same and was not embarrassing to honestly disclose at cocktail parties, I would jump at it. But, then again, any other job would require a 40 hour plus work week and have accountability. So as I type this I realize that my friends are right. I shouldn't be bitching. I should laugh my way to the bank and maybe find a second gig that gives me the self respect I lose going in with donuts early enough to beat the Lilly reps and bite my lip when the office says, "what, no onion bagels."

As you say, the job pays incredibly well for what we actually do, which is... well, not a whole heckuva lot, unless you count the myriad of, IDP's, compliance, expense reports, targeting, Smith driver training, role play, meeting prep to make the district shine, etc...

Laughing at the truth in most of these replies. I feel like a douche when I complain about the absurdity of this job to friends who actually work for a living. I make more than my friends. So when I complain about being a caterer, catching shit from office cows and docs who are so entitled that they criticize what food I bring, managers that work with you a half day once a moth, etc they look at me like I am from outer space. It does pay incredibly well for what we actually do. If there was something else that paid the same and was not embarrassing to honestly disclose at cocktail parties, I would jump at it. But, then again, any other job would require a 40 hour plus work week and have accountability. So as I type this I realize that my friends are right. I shouldn't be bitching. I should laugh my way to the bank and maybe find a second gig that gives me the self respect I lose going in with donuts early enough to beat the Lilly reps and bite my lip when the office says, "what, no onion bagels."

You really cannot explain what it is you do during an average day to others, and especially not to your spouse. I.E, only a couple of minutes per day actual face time at best in front of physicians with the rest of the time driving, lunches, busy work, meetings, goofing off, and timing when to get a signature.

In truth, we spend so much time trying to give the 'appearance of being busy' and 'leaving footprints' that one barely thinks of the actual sales call at all. When reps call one another, as we frequently do, it's more often to talk about the miserable state of affairs than to discuss business.

As a rep who sold multiple diabetes products for other companies, I cannot imagine how anyone can sell Farxiga, with all its issues (UTI's, bladder cancer). There are so many other, better options out there. I'm currently out of work, but would never apply for a job involving Farxiga. I'll take on janitorial work before stooping so low as to sell this piece of crap.

There are plenty of doctors who have authority to Rx and who do not keep up with the news. They will testify that their representative showed them everything they needed to know and so they Rxed. AZ's lawyers are stronger than 99.99% of the patients.

So we'll see, this is a business decision. Maybe someone will get cancer. Maybe not. The solons at the top will get their bucks though.

You really cannot explain what it is you do during an average day to others, and especially not to your spouse. I.E, only a couple of minutes per day actual face time at best in front of physicians with the rest of the time driving, lunches, busy work, meetings, goofing off, and timing when to get a signature.

In truth, we spend so much time trying to give the 'appearance of being busy' and 'leaving footprints' that one barely thinks of the actual sales call at all. When reps call one another, as we frequently do, it's more often to talk about the miserable state of affairs than to discuss business.

I did it for 17 years and got out. I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to ACTUALLY WORK! Yes, I am busy all day. . . working!!!! Hard to believe. I do not have even one moment to visit or feel sorry for myself or feel my brain go numb or my heart sink or freak out from that appointment request from my dipshit manager for a ride day. . . . Oh, and half the money and I love it. You could not pay me to come back to this shit job.

What's the name of that dance they do in the farcexiga ads?? ?the butt jiggle shuffle?

That, right there. My empathy for most type IIs is almost non-existent now, after hearing day after day stories about friggin fat lazy diabetics. I still acknowledge the genetic component, but beyond that, most of them just want a pill to fix everything so they can continue their lifestyle however they want to. If they get cancer, they may have gotten cancer anyway, irregardless of the medicine they're taking. Just from their choice of habits. Much less if they also smoke. The majority could get along with just Metformin if they tried, or "would have tried" before they burned up their pancreas.

Something will take all of us in the end. Stop blaming the medicine for cancer and get to the actual problem ---- personal choices, genetics, and the diabetes itself. No patient is forced to take the medicine. They can just die from their own genetics, laziness, out of control weight and eating habits, and plain stupidity, for that matter.