
I was feeling a bit sheepish about hiding behind the anonymous nature of my post, but being lumped in to the "sales d bag" category by the classless author of this post reflects poorly on some decent management team members that are still hanging on or trying to salvage their jobs over the next few days. If, my classless friend, you have forgotten, when you point that sleazy index finger at us/me, you have four more pointing right back at the real "d-bag". May you find happiness when you finally realize that fear and management by intimidation aren't the path to true success and respect.

As a Go Forward team member I can see exactly why they got rid of all of you. You complain and blame others for your weak performance and attitude. Good riddance.

Hopkins? No talent? What about his gift for being so succinct that no questions were asked this morning? Was that silence as deafening as I thought it was? I for one am thrilled that our customer base will not only not see a drop off in their service component, but that they will also find it worthwhile to help the company increase revenues, because no drop off in customer service will be felt.

Let's see, and to all of those on the call this morning who will be starting your bounteous Christmas celebration early, thanks for your professionalism and living a "Credo-Worthy" life to improve lives for patients, deliver the highest quality technology and pad the GMB pockets on the way out. We all know that they have done all humanly possible to make the Acclarent exodus a pain-free experience.
First off he reads his bs script like a 4th grader. There was a question that they immediately muted because he didn't like the content, then didn't take another-this is a fact..I'm sure u will be part of the go backwards in sales team that promotes service? Figures u were kept...all sales is about relationship cha chi..those trump everything in this industry and this company just lost over half of its Doc because of this fact...let's talk in 3, 6, 12 months and c where u r in sales!

I was feeling a bit sheepish about hiding behind the anonymous nature of my post, but being lumped in to the "sales d bag" category by the classless author of this post reflects poorly on some decent management team members that are still hanging on or trying to salvage their jobs over the next few days. If, my classless friend, you have forgotten, when you point that sleazy index finger at us/me, you have four more pointing right back at the real "d-bag". May you find happiness when you finally realize that fear and management by intimidation aren't the path to true success and respect.

Hahaha. You said sheepish. Baaaa baaaa little lamb. You are nothing but a useless farm animal to Acclarent. One of the many. I'm not sales management, I'm on the inside. We will find you. One more sheep that is getting out of line will not be hard to find. should be your next google search.


Hahaha. You said sheepish. Baaaa baaaa little lamb. You are nothing but a useless farm animal to Acclarent. One of the many. I'm not sales management, I'm on the inside. We will find you. One more sheep that is getting out of line will not be hard to find. should be your next google search.

I am appalled by the inaccurate content on this blog. Acclarent is dying because it has an inferior product with no pipeline. That is it. period! its not the people, or the messaging, or the focus, its the dumb "safe" "flexible" wire and the lack of new creative products to enhance its customers lives. The sales team has been selling on fear and false accusations for years, and it has finally caught up with them. You can't sell dog shit just because you say "we are JNJ". Go back and read all 70+ pages of this thread. this has been the writing on the wall for many years now. It always reverts back to the product. always. that wire is a second class device for a weak surgeon who is sold on the acclarent magic tricks and the false dream of being part of what JNJ used to be. Your time is done Acclarent. time to sleep with the fishes.

Re: Gulch

I am appalled by the inaccurate content on this blog. Acclarent is dying because it has an inferior product with no pipeline. That is it. period! its not the people, or the messaging, or the focus, its the dumb "safe" "flexible" wire and the lack of new creative products to enhance its customers lives. The sales team has been selling on fear and false accusations for years, and it has finally caught up with them. You can't sell dog shit just because you say "we are JNJ". Go back and read all 70+ pages of this thread. this has been the writing on the wall for many years now. It always reverts back to the product. always. that wire is a second class device for a weak surgeon who is sold on the acclarent magic tricks and the false dream of being part of what JNJ used to be. Your time is done Acclarent. time to sleep with the fishes.

this is the most accurate thing said in years on Cafepharma. I think it is time to put this blog to rest too. Take this thing behind the wood shed. I am starting to actually feel bad for all the r*****s that hung around this place for so many years hopping for change and being over promised by a group of unethical clowns. wait, no I'm not. carry on.

First off he reads his bs script like a 4th grader. There was a question that they immediately muted because he didn't like the content, then didn't take another-this is a fact..I'm sure u will be part of the go backwards in sales team that promotes service? Figures u were kept...all sales is about relationship cha chi..those trump everything in this industry and this company just lost over half of its Doc because of this fact...let's talk in 3, 6, 12 months and c where u r in sales!

How is this a good plan? a "service model", really? Wont customers drop off as MDT and Entellus continue to drive customer service and product enhancements. I just don't get this. are we being honest with ourselves? will this really work? I am kind of afraid.

MAGIC the gathering

this is no longer the beginning of the end for Acclarent. its the end folks. this company is gone. I find comfort in thinking about all of the straws that will be saved without all those reps performing the "straw slight of hand" and all those egg yolks that will not be sacrificed for the "egg yolk trick."

its all about the straws and the egg yolks my friends.

** in loving memory of those straws and egg yolks that we lost over the years. for what? for the enjoyment of a desperate rep trying to put the fear of god into an ENT.

Long live magic,

yours truly,
Harry Houdini

How is this a good plan? a "service model", really? Wont customers drop off as MDT and Entellus continue to drive customer service and product enhancements. I just don't get this. are we being honest with ourselves? will this really work? I am kind of afraid.

Don't be afraid but wake up and start looking for another job this model isn't designed to create success it's designed to sell off the division.