Fallen Friends

Harry Kraus

For Clay on his departure from Acumed

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece
of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by
the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as
well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's
death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and
therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

John Donne

Thank heavens there is someone who acknowledges good people! Thank you, Harry.

Today two extremely strong distributors were fired: Clay was up 20% YTD after being up 30% in 2013; Dolphin Medical in Oklahoma was up 30% YTD.

Marshall Capps was terminated at the end of 2012 when he was up 38%; his replacement, hired by JR and SC, had a greater than 20% DECREASE in 2013.

What is the logic of firing teams that are producing? How can we afford to lose top performers when the company is struggling in sales? Robilltard and CJ are in Oklahoma at this moment; our previous experiences with the changes in sales teams by JR and SC have been disastrous.

Whine whine. Bet u go home to miserable place each day. Maybe u should try a counselor. Your story is boring.

No, I am not miserable. I am compassionate, unlike you and all your nearly identical posts on the various threads.
Please remember your callous statements when Karma finally catches up to you and your attitude.....and others express the same nastiness and haughtiness to you.

No, I am not miserable. I am compassionate, unlike you and all your nearly identical posts on the various threads.
Please remember your callous statements when Karma finally catches up to you and your attitude.....and others express the same nastiness and haughtiness to you.

That is hilarious. Your entire thread is based on being an asshole. Your problem is you couldn't continue too fool everyone what a joke of an employee you are. Good luck in your McDonalds interview.

Thank heavens there is someone who acknowledges good people! Thank you, Harry.

Today two extremely strong distributors were fired: Clay was up 20% YTD after being up 30% in 2013; Dolphin Medical in Oklahoma was up 30% YTD.

Marshall Capps was terminated at the end of 2012 when he was up 38%; his replacement, hired by JR and SC, had a greater than 20% DECREASE in 2013.

What is the logic of firing teams that are producing? How can we afford to lose top performers when the company is struggling in sales? Robilltard and CJ are in Oklahoma at this moment; our previous experiences with the changes in sales teams by JR and SC have been disastrous.

Not quite sure who this person is that is posting these sales figures. I can tell you that it brings into question their overall validity.
Dolphin was not performing to that level.
Clay was a different story. Actually having a good year.

I've worked with Clay and know him to be a solid performer. It's hard to believe they found a better candidate to replace him. I hope the person who made the decision to change is held accountable by the change in the numbers.

They weren't held accountable in Tennessee or Kentucky, why would they in Ark? The Tennessee replacements haven't performed they are too busy trying to keep Exactech happy, Acumed is an afterthough for them.

The new people they plugged into Ky got so tired of JD they packed all their shit up and sent it back to the Acumed loading dock. (wish I could have seen the look on JD's face when they told him)

They held a gun to head of the Nashville Exactech guy to take on Kentucky. I hope he got a good commission for that dead territory, (not)

What a bunch of losers. I come here for the entertainment only

I understand why most of these threads are anonymous. May I ask, however that if you choose to post on this thread-which I started to bid farewell to a colleague of all of us that you use your actual name? Let's honor our Fallen Friends with the courage to speak our minds in the light of day.
Thank you.

Harry if you want my honest opinion maybe you should send more time focusing on your numbers and less time time on this thread supporting a seriously disturbed individual. I say we start finding your replacement because from what I've heard you are way past your time old man.

Harry if you want my honest opinion maybe you should send more time focusing on your numbers and less time time on this thread supporting a seriously disturbed individual. I say we start finding your replacement because from what I've heard you are way past your time old man.

Definitely not cool. You dreg, you dimwit! You have personally attacked one of the kindest people in the organization; if you needed something, Harry would be the first to offer assistance and not expect anything in return.

Obviously you are unaware of Acumed's origin....He is one of the original core of "founding fathers" to get the company started many years ago. Without the efforts of Harry and Randy many of you would not have a job.

An apology to Harry would be in order.

Definitely not cool. You dreg, you dimwit! You have personally attacked one of the kindest people in the organization; if you needed something, Harry would be the first to offer assistance and not expect anything in return.

Obviously you are unaware of Acumed's origin....He is one of the original core of "founding fathers" to get the company started many years ago. Without the efforts of Harry and Randy many of you would not have a job.

An apology to Harry would be in order.

Unfortunately this is the "new Acumed". Belittle or demean anyone that has a different opinion and name call the founders or any person that was with the company "back in the day". It's petty and sad. Say what you will about "old Acumed", but at least people were kind, and didn't result in name calling. So sorry Harry, your an asset to the organization, and sorry that the new regime doesn't appreciate it.

The whole entire premise of this Acumed bitch session is mean spirited and nasty. Bunch of miserable whiners here. Sorry I don't believe in you moral glass house. Try Mc Donalds.