Further light being shed.

August 4 - new product training, new geographies, possible new counterparts or no counterparta at all. New structure. Training is web based and local live training. Completed by last week of August.

Jan 1 - ICP and salary adjustments.

10-13% cuts outright.

Budgets - slashed. Maybe more for new products but cash will definitelt be prioritized.

Moving fast. Doesn't sound too bad.

Further light being shed.

August 4 - new product training, new geographies, possible new counterparts or no counterparta at all. New structure. Training is web based and local live training. Completed by last week of August.

Jan 1 - ICP and salary adjustments.

10-13% cuts outright.

Budgets - slashed. Maybe more for new products but cash will definitelt be prioritized.

Moving fast. Doesn't sound too bad.

300 vacancies + 180 reps on PIPs
Complex algorithm based on objective and subjective performance

great we have to wait another entire month to see if we have our jobs or not. Well...hopefully it'll happen in the next week or two but things will be completed by the 1st of Aug.

For crying out loud can you idiots grow up and have an adult conversation? If you are a low performer or have a PIP, you will probably be part of the 10 -13% of the salesforce that is laid off.

For crying out loud can you idiots grow up and have an adult conversation? If you are a low performer or have a PIP, you will probably be part of the 10 -13% of the salesforce that is laid off.

Hey there, Mr. Adult, what you're saying isn't groundbreaking as it was said on the conference call with Jerry and Bill.

Get fucked.


A performance improvement plan is the all encompassing, letter of warning - 3 months, letter of concern - 3 months, and letter of probation - 3 months. I was on a PIP, and Forest gave me 9 months to find a new job all while collecting a salary and a bonus, it worked out great for me, I found a better company and got a $20k bump. Best thing that ever happened to me.

If you are on a PIP, etc and have any tenure at all, take a "medical leave" starting about the third week in July and get paid while you look for a new job & let the dust settle!

PIP'ers will be the FIRST to go and openings will not be back filled. However, in about 9 months, this thing is going to look like that 85 Honda Civic that was stolen and found under the bridge stripped down and up on cinderblocks. All that will be left is the frame. You have until March.

If you are on a PIP, etc and have any tenure at all, take a "medical leave" starting about the third week in July and get paid while you look for a new job & let the dust settle!

Don't take this advice. This is the worst advice I have ever heard on this site. I can't begin to tell you how dumb this comment is.

AUGUST 1st is a few days away!

ABD's have already found out, RD's up and then the DM/Rep lambs.

RD's probably get sliced and moved and relocated and shifed

DM's probably get cut up, let go, pushed down to reps pr all of the above.

Sales force........who knows. Take 6 drugs, get trained on them in a few short weeks, some live role playing and then release us like a plague of locusts to shut down the remaining offices.

AUGUST 1st is a few days away!

ABD's have already found out, RD's up and then the DM/Rep lambs.

RD's probably get sliced and moved and relocated and shifed

DM's probably get cut up, let go, pushed down to reps pr all of the above.

Sales force........who knows. Take 6 drugs, get trained on them in a few short weeks, some live role playing and then release us like a plague of locusts to shut down the remaining offices.

There was a delay. Why don't you people understand that.