Thanks for the Christmas card idiot, I quit like forever ago.
You Mad Bro?
Get a life.
Thanks for the Christmas card idiot, I quit like forever ago.
Thanks for the Christmas card idiot, I quit like forever ago.
I am so sick of hearing Dan play the Bible card. This dude has screwed over more people to elevate himself. When you promote the company policies of managing with fear and vengance, you are not a good person. The closest thing he is to a Christian is the snake in Genesis.
I am so sick of hearing Dan play the Bible card. This dude has screwed over more people to elevate himself. When you promote the company policies of managing with fear and vengance, you are not a good person. The closest thing he is to a Christian is the snake in Genesis.
You can b a bible thumper and shruweded buisiness mans. I think mr. wells isn't too bad.
Way to give Dan the finger MM. You deserve so much more than having to deal with that idiot. This should be the example of how to get the hell out here and away from that arrogant asshole. Thank you for inspiring everyone in the ATL region to finally realize enough is enough. God speed.
Where did MM go? Man I need to get out of here. Doubt he left on bad terms, not his style. But we all know the truth about working under DW.
Leave Dan alone. He is a great leader. He was a great trainer and a great rep. He always looks out for his people and puts them ahead of himself. Their are lots of RDs in are company that I can't say that for. He could sale and he can lead. Jealousy is a terrible trait to have.